Crypto – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogFri, 26 Jan 2024 03:53:31 +0000en-UShourly1 – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 CPU Mining: A Beginner’s Guide, 26 Jan 2024 03:53:31 +0000 on the journey of CPU mining is akin to unlocking the latent potential within the processor that powers your computer experience. At its core, this method leverages the central processing unit – the brain of your computer – to solve complex algorithms that contribute to the operation of blockchain networks. For many enthusiasts, it’s […]

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Embarking on the journey of CPU mining is akin to unlocking the latent potential within the processor that powers your computer experience. At its core, this method leverages the central processing unit – the brain of your computer – to solve complex algorithms that contribute to the operation of blockchain networks. For many enthusiasts, it’s a first foray into the world of cryptocurrency, transforming idle processing time into a chance to earn digital coins.

This endeavor isn’t just about turning on your computer and watching the magic happen; it is a thoughtful process that marries technology with tenacity. It requires a fine balance of technical knowledge and strategic patience, serving as a hands-on introduction to the intricate ballet of blockchain mechanics and the rewarding potential of mining. As we peel back the layers of this digital voyage, understanding the nuances becomes key to harnessing your CPU’s true mining capabilities.

Understanding Blockchain and How Mining Works

At the heart of every cryptocurrency lies a decentralized ledger known as blockchain, a formidable chain of blocks where each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous one, forging a virtually incorruptible link. In this digital arena, mining serves as the foundation that allows the currency to thrive. Through the process of mining, participants employ their computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles, which validate and add transactions to the blockchain. This act not only maintains the network’s integrity and trustworthiness but also generates new units of the cryptocurrency, rewarding the miners for their crucial contribution to the system’s stability and security.

Hardware Essentials: Choosing the Right Cpu

Embarking on your journey with CPU mining: a beginner’s guide necessitates a savvy investment in the heart of your hardware—the processor. Opting for a CPU with a high number of cores, robust cache memory, and swift clock speeds can significantly boost your mining efficiency. It’s essential to strike a balance between cost, power consumption, and hashing performance to ensure a sustainable and potentially profitable mining venture. This careful selection can mean the difference between merely dabbling and truly maximizing your machine’s potential in the digital gold rush.

Setting up Your Mining Software: Step by Step

Embarking on your mining journey begins with the critical step of software installation—a process as exciting as it is intricate. First, ensure you have downloaded the mining software compatible with your CPU and operating system. Then, as you navigate through the setup wizard, you’ll fine-tune settings to match your hardware capabilities. Keep an eye open for advanced configurations that can optimize your CPU’s performance, making your mining endeavor a more fruitful one.

With the software installed, your CPU’s voyage into the digital mining terrain commences. A careful review of the mining pool settings is crucial, allowing you to join forces with other miners and boost your chances of earning mining rewards. Selecting the right cryptocurrency and corresponding algorithm is a decision not to be taken lightly, as it dictates the efficiency and potential profitability of your mining operations. Stay vigilant during these initial stages to lay down a robust foundation for your mining pursuits.

The Pros and Cons of Cpu Mining

Venturing into CPU mining carries its unique set of advantages and drawbacks. On one hand, it invites a low barrier to entry, welcoming enthusiasts with existing hardware to partake without hefty investments. Additionally, it exemplifies decentralization, allowing for a more even distribution of mining power compared to the ASIC-dominated landscape. However, on the flip side, CPU miners face stiff competition from more powerful rigs and often see modest profits, if any. Moreover, the energy inefficiency of CPU mining poses sustainability concerns, a critical consideration in our energy-conscious world. These factors necessitate a careful evaluation before committing to the CPU mining journey.

Exploring Cloud Mining: Outsourcing Computational Power

Venturing into the realm of cloud mining offers a gateway to accessing high-caliber computational resources without the hefty upfront investment in hardware. This digital alchemy channels the might of distant data centers to virtually mine cryptocurrencies, liberating individuals from the constraints of physical equipment maintenance and energy consumption concerns. It’s an intriguing synergy where one can lease processing power on demand, effectively subscribing to the fruits of mining while the intricate operational details remain behind the scenes—managed by seasoned professionals. This model not only democratizes mining for novices but also presents a flexible scale of operation for seasoned enthusiasts, embodying an evolution of mining accessibility.

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Exploring the Process of Swapping BNB to XRP: Best Practices and Platforms, 16 Nov 2023 22:14:50 +0000 The cryptocurrency market is ever-expanding. There are new tokens and coins being created every day, which means there are more opportunities than ever to invest in them. But with all of these options, it can be hard to know where to start—and even harder to determine which ones will be worth your money. Binance […]

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The cryptocurrency market is ever-expanding. There are new tokens and coins being created every day, which means there are more opportunities than ever to invest in them. But with all of these options, it can be hard to know where to start—and even harder to determine which ones will be worth your money. Binance Coin (BNB) and Ripple (XRP) are two major cryptocurrencies that have been around since the earliest days of blockchain technology, but they still have significant differences between them when it comes to their function and usability. In this article we’ll explore how these two currencies differ from one another so you can decide which is best for your needs!

The purpose of this article is to help you understand how to swap BNB for XRP. It will explain how to do so in a safe, secure way that minimizes the risk of losing your tokens or coins.

The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the best practices when it comes to swap BNB to XRP, including which platforms are best suited for your needs and why they should be used over others. You’ll also learn about some common pitfalls associated with swapping cryptocurrencies so that you can avoid them when making trades online or through other means (such as face-to-face trades).

This guide will give readers everything they need in order to find out more about what makes each platform unique while also providing tips on how best to utilize its functionality along with recommendations regarding where users should store their funds prior to engaging in any type of exchange activity involving either currency pairings listed above:

  • How much experience do I have using cryptocurrency exchanges? – If none at all then stick with one site until comfortable enough before trying another option out! It’s better safe than sorry when dealing with these types of money matters because there’s no guarantee someone won’t scam someone else outta some cash just because they got lucky once before.

Understanding Binance Coin (BNB) and Ripple (XRP)

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to mine XRP and swap BNB to Ripple, it’s important to understand what they are.

Binance Coin (BNB) is a cryptocurrency that was created by Binance, which is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. The coin has been around since 2017 and has been gaining popularity over time as more people learn about its use cases and benefits. While there are plenty of reasons why you might want to buy or trade this token, one big reason for its rising popularity is that it can be used as an exchange fee when trading on Binance the token itself acts like an incentive for users who hold onto their coins instead of immediately selling them after purchasing them from exchanges like Coinbase or Kraken.

Learn about the differences between Binance Coin, the most widely used token on the Binance exchange, and Ripple, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world, in this article.

Binance Coin (BNB) is the native token of Binance exchange, one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It’s also one of the most widely used tokens on its platform.

Ripple (XRP) is another popular cryptocurrency that has soared in value over recent months, with some investors believing it could become more valuable than Bitcoin and Ethereum at some point in 2019 or 2020.

The main difference between BNB and XRP is that while both were created as utility tokens for specific purposes BNB was created to give traders discounts on trading fees while XRP was designed specifically for cross-border payments the latter has taken off as an investment asset while demand for its counterpart remains relatively small outside of Asia where it first launched back in 2014 before being listed on Coinbase Pro earlier this year

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Coin Mixer Insights: Mastering the Art of Coin Mix for Enhanced Anonymity, 14 Nov 2023 16:08:37 +0000 coin mixer first appeared a few years after Bitcoin was launched. Technically savvy users realized that this first cryptocurrency was not entirely anonymous. After all, the blockchain displays the information of the address that sent the transaction and how many bitcoins were left by that time. Why Do You Need a Coin Mixer? The […]

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The coin mixer first appeared a few years after Bitcoin was launched. Technically savvy users realized that this first cryptocurrency was not entirely anonymous. After all, the blockchain displays the information of the address that sent the transaction and how many bitcoins were left by that time.

Why Do You Need a Coin Mixer?

The key goal of the coin mixer is to increase the level of anonymity and ensure confidentiality during the transaction in the Bitcoin blockchain. With traditional money, banks and other financial systems carry out processing and registration, providing a high level of accountability.

However, Bitcoin does not have a single processing body. The network is completely decentralized, as a result of which transactions pass through tens, hundreds and thousands of nodes around the world. This technology comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

Despite a certain confidentiality, since users do not give any open personal information to the network, the transactions themselves are easily tracked, thanks to the records in the blockchain register. Using certain tools and services, one can compare the public address of the wallet from which bitcoins were sent to the digital traces left by the participant in the transaction, both in the blockchain and on the internet.

Coin mixer is aimed at solving this problem. It performs a coin mix, blending the coins of all users who use the service. This creates a pool in which it is impossible to determine the original ownership of the coins. The original transaction is obfuscated, and a new one is formed. Thanks to this, it is not possible to connect the old transaction with the new one.

This provides not only a high level of confidentiality but also prevents attackers from discovering the final address of the transaction and identifying the sender.

Why is Anonymity on the Network Important

Numerous scientific and advisory articles have already addressed this subject. However, many users still fail to realize that even the regular internet is not safe, let alone the darknet.

Hackers and attackers are happy to collect user data, form them in the databases, and either sell them or use them for intrusive purposes. Utilizing Bitcoin mixers, such as, helps to ensure transaction anonymity and protect user privacy against such threats. By interfering with tracking processes and creating additional layers of security, bitcoin mixer helps ensure that your data and finances remain safe. Moreover, cases of theft of funds are frequent, both directly in blockchains and in traditional banking systems.

With blockchain, everything is more complicated than with ordinary bank cards. The main issue lies in the output of unused transactions, also known as UTXO. Thanks to them, the address of the sender shows the amount of bitcoins, which remained in the account. This becomes a close interest of attackers, as they can find out the address, the amount and start hunting for bitcoins.

How the Bitcoin Mixer Works

Most coin-mixers operate based on the same principles. However, the specific details of a given service might vary to provide enhanced security, as seen with, for example. Specifically, the service provided by bitcoin mixer includes unique features and anonymity-enhancing mechanisms that go beyond the standard coin-mixing practices. This ensures an additional layer of protection and privacy for users who choose our services.

In general, it looks as follows:

  1. The initiation of the transaction by the user. He sends the transaction to the address of the coin mixer.
  2. The mixing process. Upon receipt of bitcoins, a btc mix is initiated, adding them to a common pool. As a rule, for this, bitcoins are crushed on Satoshi and all coins are mixed up.
  3. The use of tangling methods. Coin mixer involves a variety of tools, such as delaying time operations, crushing at several addresses, and sending with different amounts.
  4. The distribution of coins. After mixing and using methods of confusion, the system begins to send new coins to the indicated addresses.
  5. Confirmation of the transaction. After the top, how the distribution occurred, the operation is confirmed in the blockchain.

Many people think that a coin mixer is used exclusively by scammers who have stolen funds and are trying to hide them. However, back in 2019, Chainalysis (an analytical service for studying blockchains) published a report. It says that less than 4% of all coins are obtained by criminal means. All other funds came from ordinary users. Moreover, about 40% of them were sent from cryptocurrency exchanges.

Interestingly, in 2020 and in 2021 similar studies were conducted. It turned out that the amount of criminal use of coin mixers fell to 0.62% in 2020 and to 0.15% in 2021.

Such measures are explained simply: attackers can track wallets belonging to the cryptocurrency and users tear transactions to hide their main wallets, where most bitcoins are stored.

Coin Mix: Methods of Confusion in Mixers

Estimation methods may differ in the number of options in coin mixers. However, we will give the most common:

  • Generation of crypto address. The service creates many unique addresses to which users are sending bitcoins. They are used to get and distribute mixed coins.
  • Separation of bitcoins. Upon receipt of coins, a coin mix occurs, resulting in a division into small amounts. This complicates the possibility of tracking the original source.
  • Delay by time. The user can indicate any postponement of sending in the framework given by the service. Thus, it becomes easier to adjust the transaction for others for concealment.
  • Using several crypto addresses for receiving. The service can send several addresses, as a rule, up to 5. The total amount can be divided in proportion to or in the manner prescribed by the user.
  • The variability of the commission. The service takes a small commission. However, the user is given the opportunity to install it independently in a given range.

The final point offers protection to not just the users, but also to the coin mixers themselves. Analysts cannot accurately determine whether the shot bitcoins in the form of a commission are ordinary or were payment for the service.

Utilizing Bitcoin mixers like is essential for maintaining transaction anonymity and safeguarding your assets in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. This particular Bitcoin mixer stands out by offering unique features and enhanced security, ensuring your financial activities remain confidential. Take control of your privacy today by choosing for your Bitcoin transactions and secure your digital future. TOR MIRROR:

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Overview of the Best Crypto News Portals, 02 Jun 2023 00:36:20 +0000 has become an increasingly popular asset class in recent years, with more and more investors looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the potential of digital currencies. As a result, there has been an influx of crypto news portals, which provide investors with the latest news and analyses from the world of digital […]

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Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular asset class in recent years, with more and more investors looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the potential of digital currencies. As a result, there has been an influx of crypto news portals, which provide investors with the latest news and analyses from the world of digital currency. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best crypto news portals currently available.

Overview of the Best Crypto News Portals

  1. is a comprehensive crypto news portal that provides up-to-date coverage of the cryptocurrency market. The platform offers a wide range of features, including news and analysis from the most reliable sources, an easy-to-understand overview of the cryptocurrency market, and detailed information about each cryptocurrency. Additionally, offers a helpful guide to cryptocurrency trading, as well as a curated list of the best crypto portfolios.
  2. CoinDeskCoinDesk is one of the most popular crypto news portals, offering its readers the latest news and analysis from the world of digital currencies. The platform provides comprehensive coverage of the cryptocurrency markets, with in-depth analysis of the latest news and trends. Additionally, CoinDesk offers a range of helpful tools and resources, such as a comprehensive price index, educational content, and market data.
  3. CointelegraphCointelegraph is another top crypto news portal that provides its readers with the latest news and analysis from the world of digital currencies. The platform offers a wide range of features, including news and analysis from trusted sources, an easy-to-understand overview of the cryptocurrency market, and detailed information about each cryptocurrency. Additionally, Cointelegraph offers a range of helpful resources, such as a comprehensive price index, educational content, and market data.
  4. CryptoSlateCryptoSlate is a comprehensive crypto news portal that provides its readers with the latest news and analysis from the world of digital currencies. The platform offers a wide range of features, including news and analysis from the most reliable sources, an easy-to-understand overview of the cryptocurrency market, and detailed information about each cryptocurrency. Additionally, CryptoSlate offers a range of helpful resources, such as a comprehensive price index, educational content, and market data.


The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving and there is no shortage of news portals offering investors the latest news and analysis. With that said the above-mentioned crypto news portals are some of the best currently available, providing investors with comprehensive coverage of the cryptocurrency markets, along with helpful tools and resources.”

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How to Choose The Right Cryptocurrency Wallet?, 08 Mar 2023 11:24:32 +0000 is gaining popularity with each passing day. Investors are always looking for new ways to make money, and cryptocurrency is one of the most promising investments. As a result, people are now paying attention to different cryptocurrency wallets and the way they can be used to store and manage their digital assets. To create […]

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Cryptocurrency is gaining popularity with each passing day. Investors are always looking for new ways to make money, and cryptocurrency is one of the most promising investments. As a result, people are now paying attention to different cryptocurrency wallets and the way they can be used to store and manage their digital assets.

To create a cryptocurrency wallet, investors need to hire blockchain developers. Hiring blockchain developers are as necessary for building a crypto wallet as WordPress coders for hire are for creating a website. However, building a cryptocurrency wallet is a time taking and costly process. You need to consider various aspects before you decide to develop a wallet. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to choose the right cryptocurrency wallet. So, let’s get into it.

Check The Quality of Services

Before you choose a cryptocurrency wallet, check the quality of services the wallet provides. It is essential that your wallet offers the best security, encryption, and user-friendly interface for its users. You should also check the reputation of the wallet provider before you decide to use it.

To understand the quality of services the wallet provides, you should read customer reviews and check if the wallet provider can provide an efficient transaction process. You can also ask your friends or experts who have already used the wallet for their opinion.

Check The Security Features

Security and privacy are the most crucial aspects when choosing a cryptocurrency wallet. Ensure your wallet has all the necessary security features, such as two-factor authentication, encryption, authentication codes, and other security protocols. It should also have a secure storage facility for your digital assets.

Before making any decision, check the security features offered by the wallet. Moreover, you should regularly update the wallet to keep it secure. Without proper security measures, your digital assets risk being stolen or lost.

Examine Transaction Fees

Transaction fees are an important aspect to consider when selecting a cryptocurrency wallet. High transaction fees can quickly add up and reduce your profits. Therefore, you should look for a wallet offering low transaction fees to maximize profits. You should also check the wallet’s withdrawal limits. Some wallets restrict how much you can withdraw in a day or week.

Make sure you are aware of the limits to plan your transactions accordingly. If you choose a crypto wallet without withdrawal limits, you will have more flexibility in managing your funds. On the other hand, if you need to make frequent transactions, choose a wallet with low transaction fees.

Global Trading Accessibility

Global trading access is one of the crucial factors to consider when selecting a cryptocurrency wallet. Make sure that the wallet supports the global trading of crypto assets. It will allow you to trade your digital assets on different global exchanges. A global trading wallet is essential to make money from the international market.

Moreover, it is important to select a wallet with multiple payment options. It will enable you to make payments and withdrawals in local currencies or cryptocurrencies at your convenience. Without global trading access, your cryptocurrency would be limited to certain exchanges and markets.

Easy-to-Use Wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets are becoming increasingly popular, but some users need help to use them. Therefore, you should select a wallet that is easy to use and understand. Make sure the wallet offers a user-friendly interface with clear instructions. The wallet should also have an intuitive navigation process so that users can easily find the features and services offered.

Make sure the wallet is mobile-friendly, as most people prefer using their smartphones for digital transactions. With a mobile-friendly wallet, you can easily access your funds and make payments and withdrawals with just a few clicks. Many companies are looking for Swift developers for hire to make sure that the wallets are up-to-date and user-friendly.

Attractive Interface of Platform

The wallet’s interface should be attractive, as it will improve the user experience. It should have a modern design and easy-to-understand features. If you are looking for a visually appealing wallet, check its features before selecting it. You should also take into account the customer support offered by the provider.

A good customer support team will ensure that you have no trouble using the wallet and answer your queries promptly. Select a provider offering 24/7 customer service so you can get help anytime.

Multiple Payment Options

When selecting a wallet, check the payment options offered by the provider. You should select a wallet offering convenient payment options, such as bank transfer, debit, credit cards, PayPal, UPI, etc.

Moreover, you should also check if the wallet supports multiple cryptocurrencies. By selecting a wallet with multiple crypto support features, you can store different types of coins in one place. If a cryptocurrency platform offers only a few payment options, you should look for another one.

Check The Cryptocurrency Wallet’s Reviews

Before selecting a cryptocurrency wallet, read its reviews from various sources. Reviews can give you an idea of the wallet’s performance and features. It is also important to check if there were any security issues with the wallet in the past. You can also gather information about the wallet from social media and online forums. This research will provide insight into how people perceive the wallet and its services.

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What You Can Do With Ethereum [Use Case], 03 Nov 2022 20:46:11 +0000 it comes to investing in crypto, there are a lot of options out there. But if you’re looking for something with a little more stability, then Ethereum may be the right choice for you. Here’s a guide to some of the most common uses for ETH. What can you do with Ethereum? There are […]

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When it comes to investing in crypto, there are a lot of options out there. But if you’re looking for something with a little more stability, then Ethereum may be the right choice for you. Here’s a guide to some of the most common uses for ETH.

What can you do with Ethereum?

There are several things you can do with your Ethereum investment. These include:

  1. Stake ETH to secure the network
  2. Buy NFTs
  3. Participate in DeFi
  4. Trade cryptos on-chain
  5. Use ETH to pay for goods and services

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these options

1. Stake ETH to secure the network

One of the most popular uses for ETH is staking. When you stake ETH, you’re essentially locking up your funds to help secure the Ethereum network. In return for your help, you’ll earn rewards in the form of ETH. To stake ETH, you can use a variety of different platforms. Some of the different options for ETH staking:

  • Kraken – one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, which also offers an ETH staking platform
  • Coinbase – another major crypto exchange with an easy-to-use staking platform
  • Binance – one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, which offers a variety of staking options

2. Buy NFTs

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replaced. They’re often used to represent items like art, collectibles, and in-game items. Ethereum is one of the most popular platforms for buying and selling NFTs. Some of the most popular NFT marketplaces include:

  • OpenSea – the world’s largest NFT marketplace with over 2 million users
  • Rarible – a user-friendly platform where anyone can create, buy or sell NFTs
  • Enjin – a gaming-focused NFT platform that’s home to some of the most popular NFTs in the world

3. Participate in DeFi

DeFi (decentralized finance) is a growing industry that’s built on Ethereum. It’s designed to offer financial services that are typically provided by centralized institutions like banks and governments. Some of the most popular DeFi applications include:

  • Maker – a platform that allows you to earn interest on your ETH by lending it out to others
  • Compound – another lending platform that lets you earn interest on your crypto
  • Uniswap – a decentralized exchange where you can trade a variety of different assets

4. Trade cryptos on-chain

Ethereum is also home to a number of different on-chain exchanges, which allow you to trade cryptocurrency directly from your wallet. This is a great option if you’re looking for a more secure way to trade crypto. Some of the most popular on-chain exchanges include:

  • IDEX – a decentralized exchange with a wide range of trading pairs
  • Kyber Network – an on-chain exchange that’s integrated with a number of different wallets
  • Airswap – a peer-to-peer exchange that offers a simple and user-friendly experience

5. Use ETH to pay for goods and services

One of the most practical uses for ETH is paying for goods and services. There are a growing number of businesses that accept ETH as payment, including:

  • Overstock – a major online retailer that accepts ETH as payment for a wide range of products
  • NewEgg – an online retailer that specializes in computer hardware and electronics, which also accepts ETH as payment

Final thoughts

When it comes to buying and using Ethereum, there are a lot of different options available to you. Whether you’re interested in staking ETH to earn rewards, buying NFTs, participating in DeFi, or simply using ETH to pay for goods and services, there’s an option that’s right for you. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring all that Ethereum has in store for you.

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What is Staking Crypto and How Does it Work in 2022?, 30 Aug 2022 13:58:16 +0000 to know what is staking crypto? Like many other things in the crypto ecosystem, staking isn’t a familiar term to the majority of the world. Before crypto enthusiasts and companies overwhelm you with this term, let’s quickly understand what is staking crypto. What is Staking Crypto? In layman’s terms, staking is similar to a […]

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Want to know what is staking crypto? Like many other things in the crypto ecosystem, staking isn’t a familiar term to the majority of the world.

Before crypto enthusiasts and companies overwhelm you with this term, let’s quickly understand what is staking crypto.

What is Staking Crypto?

In layman’s terms, staking is similar to a savings account in which you lock up your crypto holdings to earn rewards.

Does this mean that the rewards you earn function like bank interest?

Not at all. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes.

The reason you earn rewards on staking crypto is that your blockchain platform puts the crypto you lock in to work.

Cryptocurrencies that allow staking usually work on a Proof of Stake “consensus mechanism,” which is a process of authenticating blockchain transactions. The crypto you stake becomes part of this process. 

The key to understanding what is staking crypto is to know more about Proof of Stake.

What is a Proof of Stake?

Before you understand Proof of Stake, you need to get familiar with a legacy blockchain consensus mechanism called Proof of Work. 

With Proof of Work, a blockchain network uses a considerable amount of processing power to validate transactions between crypto owners and make sure that nobody can spend the same crypto coins twice.

This process involves ‘miners’ from across the world that compete on an infrastructure basis to solve cryptographic puzzles. The winner gets the right to add the verified block to the chain and receives crypto rewards in return.

The Proof of Work concept is excellent for simple blockchains like Bitcoin. But for complex blockchains that facilitate a huge variety of applications, Proof of Work can be an expensive trait.

This is where the latest consensus mechanism, Proof of Stake, comes in.

With Proof of Stake, the transactions are verified by the people who have invested in the blockchain via staking. 

Staking is to Proof of Stake as mining is to Proof of Work. Where in mining, the right to add a block is awarded to the one who solves the puzzle first, in staking, the right is usually given to those who have staked more crypto for a longer period of time.

The staked crypto acts as a guarantee of the legitimacy of the blocks the users add to the chain.

Pros of Staking Crypto

Staking brings a plethora of benefits for crypto owners. Following are the pros of staking crypto:

  • Staking is the most straightforward way to earn rewards on cryptocurrency
  • Unlike mining, staking doesn’t require expensive infrastructure
  • When you stake, you help contribute to keeping your cryptocurrency network safe and secure
  • Staking is greener than mining

The earnings from staking depend on the type of cryptocurrency you’re dealing with. Generally, less-popular and new cryptocurrencies offer a high return on staking, whereas popular and reliable cryptocurrencies offer fewer returns.

Following are the general annual average yield (AAY) for some renowned cryptocurrencies:

  • Ethereum – 4.33%
  • Solana – 5.17%
  • Cardano – 4.99%
  • Avalanche – 8.95%
  • Polkadot – 14%
  • BNB Chain – 7.05%

The reward percentages keep changing. You can check for the latest numbers here – Staking Rewards 

Cons of Staking Crypto

There are a few risks associated with staking crypto:

  • As cryptocurrency prices are volatile and can go down instantly, your staked coins will also suffer losses; they are prone to price fluctuations.
  • Generally, crypto platforms require investors to stake their assets for a specific period. Unfortunately, this means that you lose the liquidity of your crypto assets.
  • As staked crypto are prone to price fluctuations, you cannot withdraw and sell them at the time when prices start to fall.

Get Started with Crypto Staking

Staking crypto is a green practice to validate transactions. Long-term investors should definitely consider staking their crypto to earn additional rewards and benefits.

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Top Six Reasons to Learn About Cryptocurrency, 23 Aug 2022 13:56:35 +0000 people have heard of cryptocurrency today, but many still don’t fully understand what it is. It takes some research, but it is not hard to learn. Cryptocurrency is a new technology, and the original was Bitcoin. It is decentralized and works on the blockchain, and you can buy Bitcoin as an investment or spend […]

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Most people have heard of cryptocurrency today, but many still don’t fully understand what it is. It takes some research, but it is not hard to learn. Cryptocurrency is a new technology, and the original was Bitcoin. It is decentralized and works on the blockchain, and you can buy Bitcoin as an investment or spend it. It isn’t owned by anyone because it is open source. Take a look at the top six reasons to learn about cryptocurrency. To gain more information and the latest cryptocurrency news, you can also check out Coinwire.

The Transactions Are Transparent

One of the best reasons to learn about cryptocurrency is that the transactions are transparent. If you buy Litecoin, Ethereum, or Bitcoin, you will receive a unique transaction ID. Your transaction is recorded on the public ledger, and it is not possible to change it. There is nobody in the middle of the transaction, so you know exactly where your money went when you bought it. It is easy to find out the value of the different cryptocurrencies by looking at any exchange. 

It Is Free From Government Interference

Governments often manipulate currencies in different ways. They might increase the circulation of currency by reducing interest rates, or they can decrease the supply by raising interest rates. However, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are free from any government interference. Bitcoin is independent and it can’t be manipulated. It is based on supply and demand, and it doesn’t go through a bank. You can store it in your digital wallet, and you can send it to any Bitcoin address in the world. The government can’t regulate it or interfere with it in any way. 

You Have the Potential to Grow Your Money

It is important to learn about cryptocurrency so that you can make decisions about how to invest. Cryptocurrency is one of the few investments with the potential for a huge upside. For example, people who want to buy Bitcoin may have seen people double their money in a short period of time. This happens with other cryptocurrencies as well, and some are new with a large potential upside. People enjoy the idea that they might be able to strike it rich if they pick the right crypto at the right time. When you learn about cryptocurrency, you will improve your ability to invest and watch your money grow. 

Cryptocurrency Is Global

Cryptocurrency is global, and it doesn’t exist in one country. Its value is the same no matter where you live. You can send someone halfway across the world some Bitcoin, and it will have the same value no matter where they live. This works really well for people with family living in other countries because it is so easy to send it back and forth. All you need is a digital wallet address and an Internet connection, and you can send Bitcoin or another crypto in minutes. The fees are transparent, and the crypto comes right to the recipient without any clearing house or middle man. 

It Has Staying Power

When people first heard about cryptocurrency, they thought it was a fad or a bubble that was going to burst. Although it did go through a sell-off back in 2018, in 2020, it rose up again. In the past year, it has been shown that all kinds of cryptocurrencies are here to stay. They handle the highs and the lows, and the technology is continuing to develop. Cryptocurrencies are currencies that go with different applications, and many of them are being integrated into regular life. Everything suggests that cryptocurrencies have staying power, and they are only growing in popularity. 

It Is Easy to Invest in Cryptocurrency

If you want to diversify your portfolio, it is very easy to invest in cryptocurrency. You just need to find an exchange like Bitbuy, and there are plenty to choose from online. You can also buy into cryptocurrency funds, and you can choose how much you want to invest. You can open an account online and study different cryptocurrencies to find the ones that interest you the most. The more you learn about them, you will be better able to predict how useful they can be in everyday life. Learning about cryptocurrency opens the door for you to invest in any of the nearly 1,000 cryptocurrencies that are available. 

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Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mining AEON, 29 May 2022 00:50:09 +0000 the last decade, everyone is talking about cryptocurrencies and the opportunities for making a profit that come with them. And while it’s true that they can be a great investment, cryptocurrencies are also highly volatile. Because of this many see mining as a less risky option than buying and trading.  However, when it comes […]

The post Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mining AEON appeared first on Technoroll.

In the last decade, everyone is talking about cryptocurrencies and the opportunities for making a profit that come with them. And while it’s true that they can be a great investment, cryptocurrencies are also highly volatile. Because of this many see mining as a less risky option than buying and trading. 

However, when it comes to big mineable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the profitability can be questionable, considering how much the mining equipment and the energy it needs costs. This is why, if you want to start mining, your best bet is to go with something less costly, like AEON.

AEON is a cryptocurrency created as a hard fork of Monero’s algorithm. The idea of its creation was to develop a lighter and more mobile-friendly version of Monero. Or in other words, it will require fewer resources to mine it, store it, and it. It uses a lightweight PoW (Proof-of-Work) algorithm based on CryptoNote protocol, named CryptoNight-Lite. This solution is far less tough on your computer’s CPU and GPU (both Nvidia and AMD-based)

Prepare for Mining AEON

Since AEON mining doesn’t require expensive hardware, unlike mining other cryptocurrencies, it has a higher earning potential. Your own computer, laptop, or your smartphone will be the only equipment you will need to start earning AEON tokens. This is probably the biggest reason why you may want to start mining this cryptocurrency. 

Nevertheless, there are things you can do to ensure a more efficient mining operation, such as whitelisting the software you use for mining in your antivirus program, if necessary, and updating the GPU driver to the latest version. Apart from the equipment, to start mining you will need mining software, a reliable internet connection, and an AEON wallet.

AEON crypto coins can also be an interesting investment for traders. If you are interested in trading with it you can find an easy-to-use reliable exchange that supports it. You can buy it with fiat currency, such as US dollars, or the platform may allow you to buy it with another crypto.

Join an AEON Mining Pool

Even though joining a mining pool is optional for mining AEON tokens, it’s recommendable, simply because mining AEON tokens on your own isn’t as efficient. Using a mining pool, on the other hand, will bring you frequent payments several times a day. 

There are many different AEON tokens mining pools, and to join them you will have to pay a fee. Before choosing one though, you should do your research, and choose one that has a good reputation. And keep in mind that some smaller pools can also be a great option, so you don’t necessarily have to choose the biggest one.

Get the Necessary Software

As we mentioned several times, to mine AEON tokens, you don’t need expensive dedicated mining hardware. What you will need is the software necessary to start mining. There are several options for mining AEON, both for GPUs and CPUs which can be used on Windows and Linux operating systems.

Depending on whether you want to mine AEON on CPU or GPU, there are several options you can choose from, including XMR-Stak, XMRig, SRB miner, and so on. XMR-Stak is compatible with both Windows and Linux OS, and it’s overall the best option for both CPU and GPU mining. 

When you start XMR-Stak for the first time, you will have to configure it, choose the type of crypto coin you want to mine (in this case AEON) and provide the address and port of the Aeon mining pool of your choice. 

Get an AEON Wallet

Once you are ready to start mining AEON, you will need a place to store the tokens you have earned. Crypto wallets are essentially passwords, or private keys that will give you access to your coins – in this case, your AEON coins. There are different AEON wallets you can choose from, mainly depending on the operating system you use. So, there are wallets for Windows, Linux, and Mac. 

There are also paper wallets, which, as the name suggests, are essentially printed pieces of paper, which contain keys and QR codes for your coins. They are also used to facilitate transactions, and they are considered to provide higher levels of security – simply because they only exist on paper and can’t be hacked. Nevertheless, if you are a beginner you might want to stick with a conventional crypto wallet to store your AEON tokens.


If you want to start earning cryptocurrencies, mining AEON may be a great opportunity for you. AEON is a cryptocurrency that can be mined using CPUs and GPUs, which means that to start you won’t have to buy expensive dedicated hardware, and you won’t have to pay huge bills. 

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The post Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mining AEON appeared first on Technoroll.

What Are The Best Strategies For Making Money On Crypto Trading?, 21 May 2022 22:58:38 +0000 is the process of buying and selling stocks. The main activity of making money on a wide range of financial transactions using currencies, shares in big businesses, futures, and more. The Forex market is another connection to trading. Online trading might be an excellent place to begin if you want to generate income in […]

The post What Are The Best Strategies For Making Money On Crypto Trading? appeared first on Technoroll.

Trading is the process of buying and selling stocks. The main activity of making money on a wide range of financial transactions using currencies, shares in big businesses, futures, and more. The Forex market is another connection to trading. Online trading might be an excellent place to begin if you want to generate income in the stock market. The broker’s primary method of generating revenue is through brokerage firms and independent brokers – they function as intermediaries who connect the trader to the stock exchange. Naturally, there are fees associated with every trade.

Trading and what you need to know

Trading on the stock market isn’t only for professional investors. You may join in trading on the stock market, but you’ll have to put in a lot of time and money. After all, in order to be accepted into trading, a novice trader must obtain his own license as well as study the workings of the market. An average individual has nothing to do unless he receives training in this area of trade. Furthermore, you will be required to pay a hefty registration fee if you want to take part in the auction.

For example, one of the important trend assistants can be a trading bot. Starting from the definition of a trading bot-the algorithm that transforms market conditions into transaction decisions is called a decision-making process. There’s nothing remarkable about it.

There are a huge number of trading bots, for example, Bitsgap trading bots this unique automated cryptocurrency trading advisor is designed for aggressive profit-taking in both uptrends and downtrends. All bots are different in their functionality and algorithms. But the question is- Is it true that cryptocurrency trading bots are a great way to generate money? Is this technology capable of generating real profits for you? The answer is simple-Yes of course. That’s why many hedge funds, banking structures, and large financial companies hire specialists in machine learning and algorithms. These people are responsible for the introduction of automated trading bots for trading in large markets with big money.

The study of market trends is an important element of the whole.

There are 2 types of financial market analysis.

Fundamental analysis is often known as economic evaluation. It’s used by market players to invest in long- and medium-term assets. Macroeconomic indicators are part of fundamental analysis.

Technical analysis. You may use indicators and charts to predict the market shift using technical analysis. It’s used for medium-term investments, as well as closing contracts on the same day.

Risk management or money management.

Money Management Rules:

-Trade only with your own funds. No credits.

-Do not invest all your investment capital in one asset or one broker.

-Do not increase the transaction volume by an amount that exceeds the initial volume by 10 times.

-Get away from big losses.

-The optimal amount of losses for one trading day should not exceed 2% – 5% of the deposit amount. These figures should be guided during the use of stop losses.

-Try to make the amount of profit 3 times the number of losses.

-Do not open a large number of deals at the initial stage.

Is it possible to profit from crypto trading with a modest start-up investment?

Today, there are almost no restrictions on the threshold of entry to the market. It is allowed to start even with minimal amounts. Some brokers offer to start with a small deposit like $50.

In principle, the amount of start-up money does not matter when it comes to earnings and success. The major goal is to meet the minimal lot price and pay a broker’s fee. Of course, not all market operators provide such modest conditions, but there are now more options available than ever.

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The post What Are The Best Strategies For Making Money On Crypto Trading? appeared first on Technoroll.
