Michael Tabunov, CPO at Yepp – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogWed, 08 Nov 2023 21:48:07 +0000en-UShourly1https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.14https://technoroll.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-FAV-1-32x32.pngMichael Tabunov, CPO at Yepp – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 How to Set Yourself Up for Success in the New Yearhttps://technoroll.org/set-yourself-up-for-success-in-the-new-year/https://technoroll.org/set-yourself-up-for-success-in-the-new-year/#respondMon, 12 Dec 2022 22:21:35 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=6615Depending on your region, the snowfall has started, the days are much shorter, and there’s a constant nip in the air. Once again, we find ourselves in the middle of Winter and near the end of the year. With only a few short weeks of December left before the New Year is upon us, it’s […]

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Depending on your region, the snowfall has started, the days are much shorter, and there’s a constant nip in the air. Once again, we find ourselves in the middle of Winter and near the end of the year. With only a few short weeks of December left before the New Year is upon us, it’s a very chaotic time for many. 

Those who celebrate end of the year holidays like Christmas or Hanukkah have a plethora of family gatherings, gift exchanges, and other holiday events to either plan, host, or attend. Even those who don’t find themselves celebrating themselves may feel obligated to attend an office holiday party, or a social gathering put on by a friend this time of year. 

Not only that, but the end of the year itself brings about another whole slew of celebrations and New Year’s Eve parties that need attending. As mentioned earlier, it’s a chaotic time of year. However, with all that chaos comes a healthy helping of magic. 

Many people take this time of year as a chance to reflect not only on the past, but on the future as well. Here are a few ways that people are setting themselves up for success in the new year. 

Set Some Personal Goals for Yourself

New Year’s resolutions are a long standing and very popular tradition that many people enjoy year after year. The idea is pretty simple. As the 12 month calendar year comes to an end, individuals take the time to declare a New Year’s resolution, or a few resolutions, to give themselves something to work on or towards in the coming year. 

A lot of New Year’s resolutions turn out to be in the vein of self improvement in one form or another. This could entail physical self improvement and a focus on physical health and exercise, or it could be something else entirely, like a reduction of daily sugar, caffeine, or even to cuss less. 

No matter the specifics of the resolution itself, by setting some personal goals for yourself to achieve in the next year, you can effectively give yourself something to drive towards and work on. Not only that, but you can also measure your progress against your goal in real time and see how you did. 

Conduct a bit of Self Reflection

Self reflection is an extremely powerful tool that can lead to a lot of internal and personal revelations. With that in mind, the end of the year sort of offers the perfect opportunity for an individual to immerse themselves in a bit of self reflection. By looking back on the year that’s just finished we can concentrate on a variety of events which can help guide us moving forward, not only with our resolutions and personal goals, but also with our ability to grow as individuals in general. 

During self reflection, it can be helpful to consider the events of the past year and if there were any large disappointments, any large victories, and if you feel like you’re on the right path for your life in general. Then, you can use this information to put a plan into action and hopefully manifest the exact life that you envision for yourself. 

Research New Ways to Save

Personal finances are a major part of everyone’s life right now. Especially with the volatile nature of the current economy and the uncertainty that so many professionals face on a day to day basis. With that in mind, researching new ways to save can be a great way to set yourself up for financial success in the new year.

In looking for new ways to save a little bit of cash, you may even come across some rewards programs that will teach you some neat money management tricks like how to get free money on Cash App. This specific perk is all thanks to the Yotta debit card which offers users a 1 in 250 chance at 100% reimbursement every time they send money through Cash App with the Yotta debit card. 

In fact, the Yotta debit card offers this perk on every purchase that the consumer runs, giving individuals an incredible chance at free purchases with every swipe. 

Refreshing Your Mindset

The end of the year can be chaotic, hectic, and absolutely draining. This makes it crucial to take some time away from the hustle and bustle to tend to yourself and your own needs as a person and individual. 

Taking the time to refresh your mindset, and get your daily actions aligned with your lifelong goals can help you hit the ground running come the 1st of January. 

A few Last Words

Although it’s often easy to feel like we’re at the epicenter of our own film, every new year reminds us that the world continues onward no matter what. In some way, this should inspire us too, to keep our feet moving, and to enter the new year with renewed hope and refreshed motivation. 

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Factors to Consider When Looking for Scanner Toolshttps://technoroll.org/scanner-tools-guide/https://technoroll.org/scanner-tools-guide/#respondMon, 12 Dec 2022 22:13:14 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=6613Choosing the suitable scanner tools for your application is essential if you want accurate results and success in your job. Here are a few factors you should consider when choosing scanners. X-ray Scanners Buying an X-ray scanner is an important decision, and many factors must be considered. The machine’s performance is critical, as is its […]

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Choosing the suitable scanner tools for your application is essential if you want accurate results and success in your job. Here are a few factors you should consider when choosing scanners.

X-ray Scanners

Buying an X-ray scanner is an important decision, and many factors must be considered. The machine’s performance is critical, as is its affordability. The price should include all the scanner components, including installation, maintenance, and warranty, as well as any accessories that may be required.

There are several types of X-ray scanners, including handheld and conveyor-style. Handheld machines help screen awkward-shaped parcels and take up less space. They are also easy to move around.

Conveyor-style X-ray scanners are more accurate at screening large, bulky objects. However, they may need to improve the detection of explosives and biological or chemical threats.

Backscatter imaging is also a good technique for detecting organic material, but it does not penetrate as thoroughly as other X-ray methods.

When looking for the best X-ray scanner, you will need to consider the tunnel’s size, its technology, and the amount of ionizing radiation it can handle. Also, you will want to consider the total cost of ownership, which includes performance, warranty, and any anticipated repairs.

Network Vulnerability Scanners

Whether your company, like the scanner de bureau, is considering using a network vulnerability scanner or already has it, ensuring it is working correctly can help keep your network secure. Several solutions are available, and you’ll need to choose the right one.

There are two basic types of vulnerability scanners: authenticated and unauthenticated. Authenticated scanners use login credentials to gain access to secured systems and applications. They also provide an outside view of your network to identify vulnerabilities.

Unauthenticated scanners are designed to provide a more general view of your network but don’t provide trusted access to systems. Instead, they glean information from a computer or server, such as which operating system or software version is used, what files are open, or how much bandwidth is available.


A scanner tool on your computer can save you a lot of trouble. If your vehicle has problems, the scan tool can diagnose it. A scan tool can access every part of your vehicle, from the engine to the transmission.

Scan tool software needs to be updated frequently. You can find driver updates for your scanner tool on the scanner tool’s website. Often, manufacturers will provide software updates for drivers that have been developed for their vehicles.

If your vehicle has an OBD2 system, you can use a scanner tool to diagnose faults. These tools are available for many operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. Scanner tools can also scan documents, print them, and email them.

Many professional-level scan tools are available for purchase. They can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $7,500. They are mighty and allow you to perform various self-tests on your vehicle. They can also flag insufficient data, providing you with more information to diagnose faults.

Image Enhancement Features

Whether you are scanning a document or a photo, image enhancement features of scanner tools can make the image look better and more pleasing. There are several standard practices for image enhancement, including spatial filtering, contrast enhancement, noise reduction, and image combining.

Often, these methods are applied to remotely sense data. In addition, many research and development projects are using image enhancement techniques to improve the accuracy of medical imaging and diagnostics.

Linear contrast enhancement is one of the most commonly used methods for image enhancement. This technique is used to enhance images that have low contrast. It best applies to remotely sensed images that have near-Gaussian histograms.

Another image enhancement technique is density slicing, which improves image quality by converting a continuous gray tone range into a series of density intervals. This technique overlaps groups of identical pixels in horizontal and vertical directions.

Dropout Color Technology

Whether you’re looking for a scanner tool or a software product to process your scanned documents, dropout color technology can make removing extraneous features easier. The method uses a color lens to feed a CCD with color data. Then, the data is converted to HSV data for subsequent color analysis.

A scanner tool’s best color dropout function is a software program that removes multiple colors simultaneously. This can be done with a color dropout kit from a scanner manufacturer.

A color dropout algorithm will remove a form color from a grayscale image, retaining the neutral pixels. The simplest example is removing black text from a green background.

color histogram is a more dynamic method. For example, it can remove color pixels from a document’s background to improve optical character recognition.

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How To Increase User Retention in Your Apphttps://technoroll.org/increase-user-retention-in-your-app/https://technoroll.org/increase-user-retention-in-your-app/#respondTue, 29 Nov 2022 06:15:52 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=6600User retention is one of the main metrics B2C mobile apps use to gauge if people need the product. Initially, the better a product solves someone’s problem, the more frequently they will use it. Let’s give an example. Picture this: you have two very similar competing photo editors on iOS in the category “Photo and […]

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User retention is one of the main metrics B2C mobile apps use to gauge if people need the product. Initially, the better a product solves someone’s problem, the more frequently they will use it. Let’s give an example.

Picture this: you have two very similar competing photo editors on iOS in the category “Photo and Video” – A and B. Let’s say you were able to get a million installs for both applications and can use the data to see what the expected daily audience is over a six-month period.

Now, imagine that data shows that photo editor A has an audience of 100,000 users, while photo editor B only has 10,000 users. How can there be such a difference?

The answer is retention. Photo editor A has a retention of 12% at the end of the first month, and 10% at six months. Photo editor B  has 12% and 1%, respectively. Why do the numbers vary if the products are similar in features?

Well, for our example, it comes down to machine learning algorithms used during the photo editing process. Photo editor A uses a superior machine learning algorithm to photo editor B.

This is a typical example of how just one feature, out of many, can make a huge difference when it comes to retention.

At Yepp, we have an entire product marketing team of 30 people working to improve app retention. Every year we test a hundred qualitative hypotheses on product growth. Eventually, 10 or 20 of them perform well and drive the growth of the product. In total, it’s hundreds of A / B tests per year.

In this article, we will share four strategies that we use for measuring and understanding retention.

Personal Interviews With the Most Active Users

First of all, you need to define why people use your app and what value they see in it. The easiest way is paid interviews. Usually, we pay around $100 or provide an Amazon gift card. In return, a user must fill out a mandatory form with a list of questions: age, location, social media links, workplace, music preferences, etc. We also ask people to share their favorite apps. 

All meetings are conducted through Zoom and always with the camera on. We talk about a bit of everything, but direct questions about the product. The goal is to get the user’s perspective on something specific. 

Here Are Some Sample Questions We Ask:

  • How do you like the content in our app?
  • What kind of apps do you use?
  • What can you say about them?
  • When was the last time you shared a meme with someone? Where did you find this meme?
  • What kind of pictures/screenshots are there in your phone gallery?

These Are Examples of Incorrect Questions: 

We recommend organizing 20-30 interviews to understand what users with good retention have in common, and the differences between those who do not stay.

As an extra bonus, you will also gain valuable insights into the market. For example, this is how we learned that our other product iFunny is mainly used by people who are not socially active on the web. They mostly care about collecting memes rather than sharing news and communicating with others.

Increase the Value of Your Product

One of the values of Yepp for users is the ability to build their own collection of memes while sharing and revising it. To strengthen this feature, we study our competitors and create comparison sheets. 

We evaluate multiple aspects of our product using a ten-point scale. By doing this, we can clearly see where our strengths lie and where we can improve. You can see an example of a simple comparison sheet below.

YeppAnother meme editor
Profile usability105
The number of memes85
The quality of memes59
Offline mode010

Build And Track a Customer Journey App

Customer journey maps are a great way to learn more about retention. Examine all new users for a month and see how many of them even reach the valuable feature of the product. That valuable feature is what drives retention. 

For food delivery, this could mean the first successfully delivered order. When dealing with memes, we’re looking for the first time a meme is added to a collection.

Ultimately, you should aim to get 50% of new users to the valuable product features within their first week. If you aren’t hitting those numbers, it may be time to step back and rethink the strategy.

Pack This Feature

Once you know exactly what users want to see out of your product, it’s time to improve the funnel to this feature. The funnel is always divided into two parts: marketing and product strategy. In both cases, the workflow is built the same way:

  1. We calculate an average of how many new users engaged with the offer and received real value from the product. 
  2. We divide users into categories by countries, cities, gender, age, platforms, etc. Here you will see which categories perform well or poorly. 
  3. Then, we write a backlog of hypotheses for each category. In our case, we understand we don’t perform as well with people with interests in anime and manga. Because of this, we are focusing on improving their experience. For example, we figured out that a higher percentage of users that identify as anime fans do not like “aggressive politics.” 
  4. We then take that information and use it to improve our marketing and product funnel. It’s important here to monitor these changes and record the data.
  5. The final step is evaluating the results. If the previous tests worked, we fully implement it into the product and mark the facts on this hypothesis. 

Final Words

Ultimately, working with retention and understanding the benefits is an important factor for any business and product. It’s an ongoing process and one that you will continue to build on. That means updating experiments, tweaking user interviews, and refining other methods you use to gauge user retention.

But, in the long run, the payoff in growth is huge and can provide constant growth for the business or product. 

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