Pravesh Maurya – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogFri, 23 Jul 2021 07:45:21 +0000en-UShourly1 Maurya – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 How Has Bitcoin Technology Helped in Empowering Women?, 24 Jun 2021 05:40:47 +0000 time you open any news website, you will be bombarded by blockchain and Bitcoin Technology. It is taking the world by a storm, and blockchain, the Technology behind Bitcoins, can do a lot more than most people think. The power of blockchain technology can push for women’s economic empowerment and help them have a […]

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Every time you open any news website, you will be bombarded by blockchain and Bitcoin Technology. It is taking the world by a storm, and blockchain, the Technology behind Bitcoins, can do a lot more than most people think. The power of blockchain technology can push for women’s economic empowerment and help them have a greater position in society.

Blockchain technology can help previously disadvantaged disenfranchised groups to be empowered. One of the most prominent groups suffering in many parts of the world is women due to societal barriers. Evan go blockchain Technology cannot break social norms; it can provide individuals with tools to transform them. It can be used to encourage women who are economically dormant in many places due to a lack of infrastructure to come out of their barriers and fight for their rights.

Some Ways Blockchain Technology Can Be Used To Empower Women:

Provide A Way To Keep Their Records Safe

In many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, women are far less likely to have any official id. It is often the man in the family who will have proper documentation. Many women in such countries do not have a birth certificate, and the name is not in any governmental records. All this can be changed with blockchain technology, as it can keep your records cost-effectively and safely. Blockchain Technology can provide women all over the world the power to have digital IDs, which will allow them to own land and create bank accounts. It will economically help them as one day they will enter the job market with these ideas

It Has The Power To Reduce The Percentage Of Insecure Land Rights Of Women

If you look at the two sexes, you will find that women are exceptionally disproportionately affected by insecure land rights. Even in any of the progressive countries, you will find these numbers favor men. One of the biggest reasons for this is that in many parts of the world, land laws are entrenched in patriarchal ideals that often tend men to hold hands and be the master of the family. Even in places where women can have property in their name, they are often cheated out of their inheritance by the men of the family. With blockchain technology, they can protect their property rights and eliminate the issue of unscrupulous individuals targeting their land.

Help Them Make A Secure Financial Transaction

This is probably given, considering blockchain technology is used to power the most prominent decentralized form of e-currency. Many women do not have their bank accounts; however, cryptocurrency wallets can be used by anyone residing in any part of the world, giving women the autonomy, they often do not have. Witness the power of blockchain Technology and Bitcoins through websites like Bitcoin Supreme Cryptocurrencies are genuinely transforming our planet, and they can give a lot of autonomy to marginalized communities. If used properly, it can help achieve a lot of sustainable goals made by the United Nations, one of which is to empower women.

Even though we have stepped into the 21st century, the condition of women still is pretty dismal due to societal barriers and archaic patriarchal structures. The costumes of society that continue to undermine the position of women in society can be challenged with the use of blockchain and Bitcoin Technology.


It’s time we use all the different advantages of technological advancement to give marginalized people the voice and resources to live a life without being bound in shackles made by society.

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Cryptocurrencies And Bitcoin 2021, 24 Jun 2021 04:40:45 +0000 invention of cryptocurrencies has benefited the business market in several ways. The development of cryptocurrency has introduced several advantages in the trading world. Several types of research have indicated that crypto can be the currency of the future and it will replace all other currencies. A cryptocurrency is a general form of currency existing […]

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The invention of cryptocurrencies has benefited the business market in several ways. The development of cryptocurrency has introduced several advantages in the trading world. Several types of research have indicated that crypto can be the currency of the future and it will replace all other currencies. A cryptocurrency is a general form of currency existing on a distributed and decentralized ledger.

  • There are several types of cryptocurrencies traded in the business market and Bitcoin is one of them.
  • The launch of Bitcoin has brought a drastic change into the crypto market and has taken digital currency trading to a new level.

What Are Cryptocurrencies Actually?

A cryptocurrency is a digitalized form of money that is powered by complex blockchain technology. It does not mandate any central authority for it to operate, hence it is a decentralized currency.

  • A cryptocurrency can take the structure of tokens or “coins” sometimes and it can also venture into the real world in the form of credit but the majority of it remains entirely unembodied.
  • The “crypto” in the cryptocurrency cites the compound cryptography that initiates the production of digital currencies and trading throughout decentralized systems.
  • The main motive behind the development of cryptocurrencies was to make them a free form of money from the government authorities.
  • More than 4,000 cryptocurrencies are existing in the world as of January 2021. Some popular cryptocurrencies are Ethereum or ETH which was launched in 2015 is the second most popular kind of cryptocurrency. Litecoin launched in the year 2011, followed in the footsteps of Bitcoin, and is built on an open-source global payment network that is not under the control of any central authority. Cardano or ADA was created with a research-based approach and it stands out among several other cryptocurrencies.

What Is Bitcoin?

Powered by Blockchain technology, Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that does not operate under any central authority just like several other cryptocurrencies.

  • Bitcoin is a good mode of exchange among businessmen in the crypto market and all the transactions done in Bitcoin are verified by an enormous amount of computing technology.
  • Bitcoin is a valuable asset and has triggered the launch of many other popular cryptocurrencies that can be collectively called Altcoins.
  • Ever since its launch in the year 2009, Bitcoin has become the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. As one of the primary digital currencies, Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology that enables instant payment.
  • Bitcoin is now widely favored as a payment mode for products and services provided. Several individuals are now investing in Bitcoin as they believe that it facilitates a faster and lower payment system for transactions around the world. However, trading in the Crypto market can be difficult and trading Bitcoin, in general, can be intimidating for beginners. Several apps can help you to trade cryptocurrencies easily and profitably and one such app is the

Relationship Between Cryptocurrency And Bitcoin:

Bitcoin which is powered by complex Blockchain technology is the most popular and well-known cryptocurrency among all famous personalities.

  • Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies are also used as a medium of exchange and have a good store of value. Bitcoin among all other cryptocurrencies is mostly used for transactions made in the crypto market.
  • Bitcoin is the primary and more superior cryptocurrency, due to its extremely secure network, investors choose Bitcoin over various other cryptocurrencies.
  • Several cryptocurrencies are invented each day and a few of them are varieties of the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Bitcoin is considered to be the most valuable asset among other cryptocurrencies due to its Blockchain technology and Bitcoin is an important part of the business market today.


Investing time in cryptocurrency is an important step if someone wants to excel in trading digital currency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin require a proper strategy and technique for trading but with experience, transactions can get easier.

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Top Ten Career Options That You Can Consider With Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin, 24 Jun 2021 02:40:42 +0000 are the days when only the type of currency you had was the one you could keep in your wallet. The latest form of money is intangible and is in the digital realm. This form of currency is virtual; however, its capability makes it very real.  If you haven’t heard about e-currency, especially bitcoins, […]

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Gone are the days when only the type of currency you had was the one you could keep in your wallet. The latest form of money is intangible and is in the digital realm. This form of currency is virtual; however, its capability makes it very real.  If you haven’t heard about e-currency, especially bitcoins, you must be living under a rock. Any time you go online, you will be bombarded by news of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Essentially cryptocurrency is a form of virtual currency which takes the help of cryptography to ensure security. As it is virtual, you won’t be able to exchange it like tangible coins or notes. Therefore, it can only be traded with the help of blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger that anybody can access. As a result, cryptocurrency is changing the map of monetary exchange and paving the way for new kinds of lucrative jobs. If you are interested in finding jobs available in the cryptocurrency market, then read on.

Top Paying Jobs In The Cryptocurrency Market:

Business Development Representatives

With the help of Bitcoins, many new businesses and startups are getting opportunities that were previously unheard of across diverse fields like real estate to health care facilities. In addition, it is helping people to find better product partnerships as well as clients. This has led to the creation of a niche job of a business development representative who will help implement a company’s cryptocurrency goals and push sales numbers.

Data Scientist

Any person with a master’s degree in computer science or data science can take advantage of blockchain technology. However, there is a high demand for data scientists in this field as this technology is relatively new, and people are still not aware of its capabilities. Therefore companies require people who will be able to bring to the table analytical skills, which will help them understand the market trends to develop the company’s goals and production better.


Blockchain Technology has even been helpful for journalists. Every time you open the news, you will find at least one new article every day about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins. In addition, the dynamic nature of this technology has given journalists a brand new field to write about since cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are so huge that the most significant news agencies are offering critical positions to people who are specializing in covering the latest happenings in the crypto world.

Machine Learning Engineer

Suppose you are interested in cryptocurrencies and you want to utilize their various advantages in real life to help combat hackers and other unscrupulous individuals online. In that case, a machine learning engineer job position is perfect for you. The digital world is not a secure place, and experts are always needed to maintain its safety. Without the help of these experts, using cryptocurrencies can be extremely tedious and not user-friendly. A machine learning engineer is a highly paid job that helps companies create a secure environment for customers while implementing the advantages of cryptocurrencies in their companies.

Technical Writer

Companies that deal with cryptocurrency often require a technical writer who will be able to properly shut down the company’s development and marketing plan to attract new investors. Furthermore, without the help of a technical content writer, even the best developer would not pitch their ideas clearly to potential investors. Therefore, writers with excellent penmanship and digital marketing experience are welcome in this field who will be able to comprehensively grasp the work of such companies and help them grow by attracting a large number of investors and clients.


Enter the world of cryptocurrency through websites like to enjoy all its benefits. E-currencies are genuinely revolutionizing the planet. If you want to take advantage of its dynamic nature, start developing the skills required to have a lucrative job in this highly profitable market.

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Blockchain and Sustainable Growth, 24 Jun 2021 01:40:40 +0000 researchers are claiming that the sustainable goals of the United Nations, which the world wants to achieve by 2030, can be quickly done if one changes the way one views currency. Blockchain technology is being hailed as an essential aspect of achieving sustainable goals for a better future. It is being propagated that this […]

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Many researchers are claiming that the sustainable goals of the United Nations, which the world wants to achieve by 2030, can be quickly done if one changes the way one views currency. Blockchain technology is being hailed as an essential aspect of achieving sustainable goals for a better future. It is being propagated that this revolutionary technology will take up a pivotal role to meet the targets of these goals for sustainable growth. If you want to know more about how Bitcoins will push people towards a better future, read on.

Sustainable Development Goals Of The United Nations:

Helps in bridging the poverty gap of the world:

Blockchain technology can provide a platform to access financial services to anybody with a phone. Blockchain has the ability to offer poor and vulnerable people better access to financial services.

It can help reduce hunger:

In most developing countries, often fore and vulnerable communities depend upon cash transfers from different organizations to access food. These cash transfers often fall prey to local corruption. Thereby the end recipient can be unscrupulous individuals. In many cases, these vulnerable communities may not even have a bank account. However, blockchain can help distribute money without any intermediate tories, and we can already see the implementation of this technology to provide aid to Syrian refugees.

Blockchain Technology can help improve individuals’ overall health and well-being:

The World health organization has found that at least 1 in 10 medical products available in developing countries is below standard. These problems can be tackled easily through blockchain technology. It can provide the means to authenticate and guarantee that pharmaceutical supply chains provide genuine medical products that are getting handled correctly.

This technology can help increase literacy:

Blockchain Technology can even improve the quality of education that many socially and economically disadvantaged groups receive. One of the biggest problems with online education is having an authentic certificate to prove that a person has completed the required course. Blockchain Technology can be used as a guarantor in such cases, therefore, increasing the reach of quality education through a more significant number of people.

Blockchain Technology can even help reduce the gender gap:

The number of women in the world who have a bank account is significantly lower than their male counterparts. Blockchain Technology will give these women access to the resources, including financial services they require.

Blockchain Technology can incentivize clean water and sanitation programs.

With the help of blockchain, credit-based systems can be implemented to incentivize programs for clean water and sanitation in different communities. The people who partake in these programs can be rewarded with the help of blockchain technology to give people the push so that they can adopt sustainable ways and reduce overall pollution of the environment.

Blockchain Technology can help communities move towards clean, affordable energy:

When people have no access to clean energy, they will automatically move from fossil fuels; however, these clean energy generating machines like solar panels and wind turbines must be closely monitored. The required secure identifiers to be able to communicate with power grids with blockchain-based secure identifiers can be easily tackled.


If you want to experience the sustainable nature of blockchain Technology, then enter the world of cryptocurrency through Bitcoins. You can use websites like Crypto Genius App window to the world of e-currency. The world is moving towards a digitalized space, and welcoming this dynamic mode of exchange might be perfect for you. Enjoying the sustainable nature of blockchain technology changes the way you look at money altogether.

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Bitcoin Conspiracy Theories: All You Need To Know, 23 Jun 2021 17:43:09 +0000 have been shrouded in mystery for the common people since their very inception. As a result, the bitcoin industry has fallen prey to numerous conspiracy theories. There have been widespread speculations about the creator of bitcoins, its nature, or its true purpose even. With the decline in people’s trust in the State and the […]

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Bitcoins have been shrouded in mystery for the common people since their very inception. As a result, the bitcoin industry has fallen prey to numerous conspiracy theories. There have been widespread speculations about the creator of bitcoins, its nature, or its true purpose even.

With the decline in people’s trust in the State and the global financial regulators, there is deep conjecture about what is true and what is just fake news. There is no way of telling what is really true these days. Another reason for people’s increasing distrust is the constant fear of surveillance by the government. Because of this, people are easily lured into creating stories of their own. Some cyberpunks see cryptocurrency as a way to escape surveillance from government and global financial institutions. Visit bitcoinx to know more about Bitcoins and cryptocurrency trading.

 What Is A Conspiracy Theory?

A conspiracy theory can be referred to as an alternate way of thinking or even a dystopian creation of the future’s reality. As it is different from the mainstream news, people enjoy listening to and subsequently propagating these theories. However, conspiracy theories may be fun but can prove to be harmful as well.

 Top Conspiracy Theories about Bitcoins

Here are some of the most popular conspiracy theories about Bitcoins:

Uncle Sam’s Project:

It was speculated that Bitcoin was created by the US National Security Agency in order to fund its secret missions. Bitcoins work on the proof-of-work technology which is also a part of the SHA-256 algorithm that was invented by the NSA. Having scrutinized the SHA-256 algorithm for over fifteen years, believers of this theory claim that the NSA could create a “backdoor” in the SHA-256 to track all online activity on the website.

A touch from China:

Proponents of this theory believe that the Chinese government was in charge of the creation of Bitcoin. Although China is the biggest center of crypto mining in the world, China intended to ban bitcoin mining and is in the process of testing digital yuan to compete with the US Dollar and the bitcoin. So, it’s hard to believe that China created bitcoin. However, believers are of the opinion that China developed bitcoin using its enormous financial resources and rapid advancements in technology and artificial intelligence. It is believed that China monitors global transactions via Bitcoins.

A tool of the Antichrist:

A Revelation in the Holy Bible apparently talks about a single global currency- “a mark”. This currency is somehow linked to the identity of every person, without considering social or cultural beginnings, according to the Revelation. Bitcoin’s features such as its global currency, identity tie-ups, and digital wallet nature make it look similar to the “mark”. Combined with the surveillance of the government and human microchipping instances, there are many people who actually believe this conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theory was fueled even when Mark Zuckerberg went on to name one of his goats- “Bitcoin”. People even went on to the extent of assuming that Zuckerberg was planning on killing this goat, immobilizing it, and eventually consuming it. Taking a cue from this chain of thoughts, some people went on to say that this meant that Zuckerberg could finish the whole Bitcoin industry.

Final Words

Spreading conspiracy theories has proved to be beneficial for some and they happened to go viral with such conspiracy theories. Although it looks all fun on the face of it, conspiracy theories are actually fake news and can prove to be harmful. Young and inexperienced minds often fall prey to these conspiracy theories and even go on to partake in bizarre activities.

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Elon Musk and His Manipulation of the Price of Bitcoins, 22 Jun 2021 13:04:48 +0000 people cannot stand him while others even worship this will nobody can ignore this controversial figure. Elon Musk has been raising eyebrows of his devotees and even perplexing with his tweets about Bitcoins and Dogecoin. Elon Musk and his manipulation of the crypto world started in February. He announced that his company Tesla is […]

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Some people cannot stand him while others even worship this will nobody can ignore this controversial figure. Elon Musk has been raising eyebrows of his devotees and even perplexing with his tweets about Bitcoins and Dogecoin. Elon Musk and his manipulation of the crypto world started in February. He announced that his company Tesla is going to buy 1.5 billion dollars worth of Bitcoins and would also accept this decentralized electronic currency as a form of payment for the revolutionary electric cars.  For more information, you can click on the image given below

Manipulation of the Price of Bitcoins
Manipulation of the Price of Bitcoins

The Tech World started to buzz and cryptocurrency enthusiasts were ecstatic. However, this exuberance was short-lived as this eccentric billionaire soon changed his tone and started to make people question their decision to invest in Bitcoins.

The Massive Shift in Attitude 

Suddenly the positive attitude of Musk towards Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies changed. The SpaceX CEO Tweeted a meme with a couple who is breaking up with the male partner quoting probably the most popular Linkin park song in the end along with #bitcoin and a broken heart emoji. He even showed his doubt regarding the sustainable nature of Bitcoins. This reasoning was that digital assets put a lot of pressure on non-renewable resources like coal which is one of the most polluting substances used for generating electricity in many parts of the world.

His apprehension with Bitcoins caused the upward Arrow of Bitcoin prices to fall quickly. Even though it recovered after a few days when Jack Dorsey the CEO of Square tweeted that his company will be accepting digital payments and is even considering developing a hardware wallet for Bitcoins. This was positive no use however most cryptocurrency investors could not break out from the disillusionment caused by Musk’s temperamental behavior.

The Aftermath

Following the price crash, even the most ardent Elon Musk fans started Elon musk’s motive behind his tweets. People were accusing him of profiting off the volatility of the prices of Bitcoins that he created. People are more disillusioned with masks because he continues to support Dogecoin.

This is another cryptocurrency that was created as a joke following the husky meme but has now grown in popularity. This duality of his words is enraging his followers and people who have trusted his tweets and had invested in Bitcoins. One Twitter user has even accused Musk of their mishaps as they have to live under the bridge after losing everything due to the cryptocurrency price fall. Even digital analysts are also so highly concerned about his tweets and the monumental influence they have over his followers. 

These controversial decisions of Elon Musk have been causing a lot of problems for all the investors who have faced losses due to the downfall in the cryptocurrency market. The moment he tweeted that Tesla will not be accepting Bitcoins as payment anymore the growing value of cryptocurrencies is in a steep decline. As a result of this, the infamous hacker group Anonymous has threatened the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla to stop his manipulation of the cryptocurrency market.

The hacker group has accused Musk of using the cryptocurrency market for his benefit and that his concern for the environment is fake. If you wish to see this volatility of cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoins in particular then many websites will tell you the exact market valuation at any point in time.


You can head over to websites to see how his tweets are rocking the cryptocurrency world. For this reason, investing in cryptocurrencies is quite perilous and one should be ready to face the consequences of its dynamic nature at any point in time.

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Reasons for Trading in Bitcoin, 21 Jun 2021 12:07:14 +0000 a new investment platform, Bitcoin has attracted the attention of many investors who are willing to spend their time and money on Bitcoin. The Blockchain technology of Bitcoin provides a secure network of transactions and due to this reason, it is the most popular cryptocurrency among the rest of the currencies. Despite being highly […]

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As a new investment platform, Bitcoin has attracted the attention of many investors who are willing to spend their time and money on Bitcoin. The Blockchain technology of Bitcoin provides a secure network of transactions and due to this reason, it is the most popular cryptocurrency among the rest of the currencies.

Despite being highly volatile, investors trade in Bitcoin because it is considered to be a very valuable asset. The value of Bitcoin has reached a new height in the last few months and it is seen that a huge number of people are investing in Bitcoin daily.


Investing is the primary step to get involved in the crypto world, people invest in Bitcoin with the hope that with passing time its value will increase.

  • Investors buy and then hold the cryptocurrency Bitcoin for a long time. The main motive behind keeping the digital currency on hold before finally selling it is to trade it at a much higher value once its price rises over time.
  • Investing increases wealth over time and it is easy to manage because short-term price changes are not of great importance.
  • Investment is a slower approach but trading is a fast-paced procedure. Trading Bitcoin needs a huge amount of experience and a well-planned strategy because the crypto market is very volatile.
  • In Bitcoin trading, investors purchase Bitcoin when the price of the cryptocurrency is less and sell them when its price rises, hence making a profit.
  • Bitcoin trading can earn the investors large profits in a shorter period and traders can purchase and sell Bitcoin with a minimum amount of funds.


As the popularity of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is increasing every day, many new investors want to trade their money in it. For beginners, Bitcoin trading is not an easy task, and the Bitcoin Code App (to visit click here ) can be beneficial for them. The advantage of trading in Bitcoin are listed down below:

  1. Transparency of information – when it comes to money transfer, transparency is the priority of every investor. The entire information related to transactions remains privately stored in the blockchain technology of Bitcoin. Transparency also helps the users to transfer money with full freedom.
  1. Security and control – security plays a massive role when talking about managing finances. Bitcoin allows full control to all its users while trading in it. Since Bitcoin is powered by Blockchain technology, high-level security regarding transactions is provided to the users.
  1. Almost free of cost – unlike other conventional currencies that charge fees based on the amount, Bitcoin does not need that and it charges almost zero amount for transactions. There is no tax imposed on the transactions performed with Bitcoin and the trading of the currency requires very low fees.
  1. Freedom to make payments – Bitcoin holders have a great advantage in the trading market as they get full freedom in making payments. There are no restrictions in sending or receiving Bitcoin anywhere at any time of the day. There are several payment options available that a user can choose easily while trading Bitcoin.
  1. Lesser risks – the fact that the entire transaction is based on Blockchain technology and that the currency is available online, reduces the total number of risks. The important data and information of the user are stored safely in the computerized system and this provides more security.


Trading in Bitcoin has several advantages starting from providing transparency to a lesser number of risks involved in transactions. These advantages are not only attracting the attention of several new investors but also show why someone should trade in Bitcoin.

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Vitalik Buterin – Co-founder of Ethereum, Become the Youngest Crypto Billionaire in the World!, 21 May 2021 10:33:53 +0000 is a great cryptocurrency which has changed the life of a lot of people. It is one of the best ways of making money and becoming a millionaire in a very short period of time. This cryptocurrency is highly secure, and if you invest in it, then you will surely get amazing returns. If […]

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Ethereum is a great cryptocurrency which has changed the life of a lot of people. It is one of the best ways of making money and becoming a millionaire in a very short period of time. This cryptocurrency is highly secure, and if you invest in it, then you will surely get amazing returns. If you don’t believe in me, then you should have a look at the breaking news that Vitali buterin, who is the co-founder of the cryptocurrency ethereum, has now become the youngest cryptocurrency billionaire all around the world. On 4th May, the price of Ethereum passed $3009, which has made its creator the world’s youngest cryptocurrency billionaire at 27 years of age only. He was born in the year 1994 and is a Russian Canadian programmer as well as an author. He founded the ethereum in the year 2014.

Ephrem has extended the profits to a greatly high record after breaking the 3000 dollars record, and it has been broken for the very first time in a day. This is all because the investors are betting on the growing utility of this digital cryptocurrency. Earlier in the Asia trade, ethereum traded as high a level as 3457.64 dollars on the top Ethereum exchange, which is bitstamp. The session rise was recorded for about 17 percent. Have access to big money rush to know more about it.

The traders of this currency have gained a lot of money in the form of profits due to the rise in the value of this currency. The gains amounted to 365% for the year to the date. The upgrades that are made on the blockchain network of Ethereum gas made it more useful, and this is also a reason for the increased price of Ethereum.

As per the address which was disclosed in the month of October 2018 by the vitalik buterin, now this 27-year-old founder of Ethereum cryptocurrency holds more than $ 1 billion of every in his main cryptocurrency wallet. The price surge of Ethereum has made him the youngest billionaire, and it is truly one of the best things. Along with becoming the youngest cryptocurrency billionaire, he has also become the second youngest self-made billionaire too. He is only behind one person who is Austin Russel. Austin Russell is the founder of luminaire technologies. In the year 2012, he has become a billionaire at the age of 25 only. At the present rustle, holds a net worth of 2.6 billion dollars, according to Forbes.

Before launching Ethereum in the year 2012, buterin has also co-founded the bitcoin magazine and also wrote for it along with the Mihai alisie, who also helped buterin in founding the cryptocurrency ethereum.

He has also got an award for the prestigious Thiel fellowship in the year 2014 for offering 100000 dollars to young people who were below 23 years old so that they can pursue their interests even outside academia. He has also been a very generous man, and he has also made a donation of about 600000 dollars in the ether tokens and the maker tokens as well for the relief fund of covid 19 in India.

Ethereum is the second biggest digital currency, which has a market capitalization of 376 billion dollars. This cryptocurrency is also more valuable than the other cooperations like the Walt Disney Company, Bank of America, and nestle.

According to the statement provided by the CoinMarketCap, the amazing growth of the decentralized finance that is Defi, non-fungible token, and the stable coin ecosystem, the prices of Ethereum has been increased by more than the 320 % of its own value and that too in the start of this year only.

As you can see that the Ethereum has the potential of making people rich, and it is truly a great cryptocurrency to invest your money in. if you haven’t invested in Ethereum yet, then you should surely do it without giving this a second thought. You will not get disappointed by investing in  Ethereum because the price of this currency is continuously rising now, and it has even made its founder the youngest billionaire of cryptocurrency. You can also be the next if you choose to buy or trade the Ethereum in order to make huge gains.

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Cryptocurrency Ethereum Is Prospering, But Risks Prevail!, 21 May 2021 10:22:58 +0000 you know about the various cryptocurrencies, then you must have knowledge about Ethereum. It is the best cryptocurrency to invest your money after bitcoin. Ethereum has performed really well in the cryptocurrency market, which has made the minds of so many people worldwide make use of this currency. With a price jump of more […]

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If you know about the various cryptocurrencies, then you must have knowledge about Ethereum. It is the best cryptocurrency to invest your money after bitcoin. Ethereum has performed really well in the cryptocurrency market, which has made the minds of so many people worldwide make use of this currency. With a price jump of more than 350% this year, this currency is growing in the best way. You will be amazed to know that Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency in market capitalization. There is no doubt in the fact that this cryptocurrency is flourishing, but the thing is that there are still some risks that linger. There are various hurdles in its way, which can prove to be a barrier in its rise.

Ethereum Market Cap

This Friday, the Ethereum market cap was 410 billion dollars, reported by the data tracker You will be stunned to know that Ethereum has hit its own record high of 3610.04 dollars on Thursday. It should be kept in view that the prove of Ethereum was last up by 1%, and it was at 3524 dollars.

Rise of Bitcoin

On the other hand, the rival of Ethereum, bitcoin, has risen to 97% this year. But the thing is that after hitting an all-time high, bitcoin valley has actually fallen to a great extent which is approximately 18%. There are a various thing which has to lead to the increase in the value of Ethereum. One of them was the enhancement of institutional interest. While the demand for Ethereum is high but the supply of this currency is still limited.

Supply of Ethereum

According to Best brokers Australia, in April, the token supply of Ethereum in the exchanges was the lowest in two and a half years. One of the most amazing things which were said by Bradley Kam, who is the chief executive officer of the blockchain domain provider that is unstoppable domains, is that Ethereum is more than just a crypto coin. He added that Ethereum is a whole ecosystem that helps by allowing the application to be built.

DeFi Projects based on Ethereum

You need to know that DeFi is the heart of Ethereum superiority. This basically refers to the cryptocurrency platforms that are connected in a peer-to-peer network, and it facilitates the lending of this currency outside the reach of traditional banking institutions. There are a lot of sites that run the network of Ethereum by making the use of open-source code along with the algorithms, which then set the prices on the real-time basis of the demand and supply. For getting more knowledge about it you should check out what determines value of bitcoin.

Network of Ethereum

The one thing that needs to be considered is that DeFi has its own issues. Approximately 2 % to 5% of the tractions that were made on Ethereum decentralized exchange got failed because of the problems like not having a sufficient amount of gas prices or slippage. These are the fees that are needed for making a successful transaction on the blockchain network of Ethereum.

Transactions of Ethereum

You need to know that 1.1 million of the transactions were made on Uniswap between the 15th of April and the 21st of April. The Uniswap is the DeFi protocol that is used for exchange transactions. The shocking thing is that out of these transactions, almost 241262 transactions got failed. This is a huge number, and it represents the biggest failure across the network of Ethereum cryptocurrency. All this data was shown on the analytics platform etherscan and the dune analytics.

Technical Advancement In Ethereum Network

Despite all these problems, still, there is a hope for the technical adjustment called EIP. This is expected that the Ethereum improvement proposal 1559 will go live in the month of July, and it has even seen that the reduction in the supply of the currency has given it is a lift. The EIP 1559’s main aim is to decrease the volatile nature of Ethereum’s fees, and they are planning to do by introducing the new mechanism for burning the transaction fees. This will also result in the issuance of a token as per the analysts. They added that the impact on the price of Ethereum price could prove to be similar to the event of bitcoin halving, in which the cut in the supply of bitcoin let to record high price of bitcoin.

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Some of the Myths Associated with Bitcoin, 23 Mar 2021 17:40:38 +0000 it or not, however, the world progresses in a positive direction there will always be myths that surround anything that is popular.  As bitcoin is quite a popular currency, there are obviously some myths about it. Let us take a look at some of the most popular myths surrounding between which need to be […]

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Believe it or not, however, the world progresses in a positive direction there will always be myths that surround anything that is popular.  As bitcoin is quite a popular currency, there are obviously some myths about it.

Let us take a look at some of the most popular myths surrounding between which need to be debunked immediately.

What Popular Myths About Bitcoin Need To Be Debunked?

Bitcoins Are Used For Illegal Activities:

This has to be the oldest and most pervasive myth about Bitcoin that it is always used for illegal and illicit activities around the world. As cryptocurrencies are not a centralized form of currency, they can be used to transfer money from anywhere in the world.

Cryptocurrencies are anonymous in nature and there are no records of how and when they are transacted from one place to the other. It is obviously true that there have been nefarious activities in the past using Bitcoins but now there are big companies that are also investing in Bitcoin. This myth has surely perpetrated deep into the minds of investors and many are still skeptical about investing but nonetheless, Bitcoin can be used for good activities too.

Bitcoin Is Not Real Money As It Does Not Have Value:

Sorry to break your bubble but Bitcoin does have value. When Bitcoin came out in the year 2008 it really started out at a price of being $1000 only. If people had started investing in it by then they would have become billionaires.

Today Bitcoin reached a value of around $50000 in the market as there have been many activities surrounding it. The technology called blockchain helps in the mining of Bitcoins which leads to believe that Bitcoin is a very valuable digital currency right now in the world.

Bitcoins Are Not A Secure Form Of Digital Currency:

Cryptocurrencies have recently become very popular in the market which has led to many scams and failures on the part of the investors. But it is not a time to back down from investing in cryptocurrencies as it is the future technology. Blockchain technology is a very secure technology that does not get easily hacked. Therefore, it is quite possible that any technology is at fault, but this does not mean that we have to lose hope in cryptocurrencies whatsoever.

Bitcoins Are Not Eco-friendly:

This concern might be a valid one for all environmentalists as Bitcoin mining takes up a huge amount of electricity. One should always remember that the value of a bitcoin will outweigh any other currency in the world one day as it is the future. Anyway, there are only 21 million Bitcoins that can be mined as it is a limited currency, therefore however much electricity is needed will always be less compared to what it gives back in return.

These myths have to be broken down as soon as possible because the new generation has to understand the importance of cryptocurrencies one day.

Cryptocurrencies Are A Fraud:

If this was true, we wouldn’t have found all around the world. Obviously, there are past stories such as, there have been fraudulent scams in the past that have robbed investors previously. Investors need to do their daily research before investing in something as new as cryptocurrency, as they have to be very careful with any fraud. In case an investor fails to do research, then he might fall prey to a scam and then he cannot blame it on anything else except himself.

For one should always take out the time and effort before investing in something as new as a digital currency.


Therefore, these are the few myths about Bitcoins that need to be debugged immediately.

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The post Some of the Myths Associated with Bitcoin appeared first on Technoroll.
