Guide – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogMon, 01 Jan 2024 20:28:40 +0000en-UShourly1 – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 What is Different About the New International Version Bible?, 01 Jan 2024 20:28:40 +0000 NIV, or New International Version, has become the most widely-read Bible translation in the world. The New International Version of the Bible is the outcome of decades of hard work by the Bible Translation Committee. The committee looks after the efforts of scholars from different nations and ensures that the New International Version (NIV) […]

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The NIV, or New International Version, has become the most widely-read Bible translation in the world. The New International Version of the Bible is the outcome of decades of hard work by the Bible Translation Committee. The committee looks after the efforts of scholars from different nations and ensures that the New International Version (NIV) maintains its dominance in contemporary English. It is the best-selling Bible translation because NIV delivers the optimal combination of readability and accuracy. It is true to the words of God and accurate to the readers.

True to the Words

Remaining faithful to the words indicates that the NIV maintains the original Greek and Hebrew Bible translations. Furthermore, it also refers to staying true to the reader, capturing the original meaning of the Bible in everyday contemporary English. It is one of the aspects that makes the New International Version (NIV) distinct from other Bible versions. The highlight of the NIV is that it doesn’t lose accuracy or clarity and delivers the translation that readers enjoy and understand. NIV maintains a balance in the transparency of original phrases and words and translating them into a language that makes sense to readers.

A Transparent and Balanced Approach

Some translations highlight the written style, form, grammar, word order, and method of the Scripture. The problem is that no two translations follow the same rule. Hence, translating Bible Scriptures is more than replacing the original Hebrew or Greek words and phrases with equivalent English. Moreover, other Bible translations concentrate on the Scripture’s meaning and deliver the message in the translator’s words. The problem with the approach is that the translation is far from the original text. No literal translation can abide by the original form and capture every meaning. The New International Version of the Bible uses a unique approach by balancing the transparency of the original text with clarity of contemporary meaning. 

Accurate and Clear Translation

The NIV translators believe that the Bible consists of words and phrases inspired by God. Their experience and years of studying biblical texts and phrases help scholars to capture small details and meanings in the Bible. It is one of the reasons why NIV has a reputation for delivering an accurate Bible translation. There is a driving force behind the work and clarity of the New International Version (NIV). If the original recipients understood the words of God, everyone else should. NIV translators believe the Bible should be as clear and easy to understand as it was to the original readers. Accuracy and clarity in translation make NIV different from other Bible Translations.

Translation Meant for Common People

There shouldn’t be gaps between God’s words and understanding them to understand the depth of meaning in the Scripture. The New International Version recreates the same in contemporary English. Often, the Bible phrases and words sound like a foreign language. This was not the case with the original audience because they understood God’s words. The translation philosophy behind the NIV Bible delivers an accurate, clear, readable, and natural English translation. Out of all the available Bible translations, people can relate the most to the New International Version. Furthermore, it is a reliable translation as there are no missing Bible verses.

A Gender-Accurate Translation

One of the highlights of the New International Version is its reflection on gender accuracy while referring to genders. When the original text talks of both men and women, the NIV translation precisely indicates the genders individually. For instance, if the original Scripture mentions one gender, NIV accurately highlights it. Some argue that it makes the Bible gender neutral, but in the true sense, the NIV translation makes the Bible gender accurate. 


Reading the Bible is not a solo activity; the intention is to share with the community. Hence, the New International Version of Bible translators focuses on literary beauty. The outcome is that the NIV translation is apt for churches and public readings. Biblical scholars believe the NIV delivers the best translation of the original Greek or Hebrew texts. NIV uses language style and form, making it easier for modern readers to understand the depth of meaning. It is the translation of the contemporary generation which makes it extensively popular. 

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Ways to Maintain Your Steam Traps, 25 Nov 2023 16:09:12 +0000 traps are a crucial part of your facility’s HVAC system, and they need to work properly at all times. Steam traps remove condensate from the steam pipes so that it doesn’t have an opportunity to form into water droplets inside the ductwork or on equipment surfaces. But if they fail, you’ll end up with […]

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Steam traps are a crucial part of your facility’s HVAC system, and they need to work properly at all times. Steam traps remove condensate from the steam pipes so that it doesn’t have an opportunity to form into water droplets inside the ductwork or on equipment surfaces. But if they fail, you’ll end up with costly repairs and water damage—not to mention higher utility bills down the line. With this in mind, here are some ways you can maintain your steam traps:

Get a preventive maintenance program

The most effective way to maintain your steam traps is through a preventive maintenance program. These programs help you identify problems before they happen, which can save you time and money in the long run. A professional can perform these services for you, or if you’re feeling confident in your abilities as an experienced DIYer, it’s possible for you to do it yourself.

If this is something that interests you, then I recommend getting some training from someone who has experience with steam trap maintenance before attempting any repairs on your own (especially if there’s risk involved).

Steam trap maintenance is one of the most important aspects of industrial piping systems. These devices are used to prevent liquid from leaking out of pipes and into other equipment, which can cause serious damage.

Clean your steam traps regularly

Steam traps are a crucial part of your heating system, but they can get dirty over time. If you don’t clean them regularly, this can lead to problems with your furnace and cause it to break down. To prevent this from happening and keep everything running smoothly, here’s what you need to know about cleaning steam traps:

  • How often should I clean my steam traps? The best answer is “as soon as possible.” If your system is working properly, it will likely take years before you need to worry about cleaning them yourself; however, if there are any signs that something might be wrong (elevated levels of condensation or water in the basement), then now would be an excellent time for maintenance!
  • What kind of products should I use when cleaning my steam traps? Never use anything abrasive like sandpaper or steel wool–it could damage the metal parts inside the trap. Instead opt for mild soap solutions made specifically for plumbing systems (like Drano), which won’t scratch up surfaces while still getting rid of any buildup around openings like valves and ports..
  • You should also avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or drain cleaners. These can damage the rubber seals on your traps and cause them to break down prematurely. To prevent this from happening, make sure that any product you use has a neutral pH level (around 7-8).

Use the right tools for the job

You can do this by using the right tools for the job. For example, if you have a steam trap that needs to be cleaned, there are many different types of tools available that will make the job easier and more effective.

  • A hand-held vacuum cleaner with an extension wand can be used to suck out any dirt or debris from inside your system’s pipes.
  • A pipe snake is another useful tool because it allows you to clean out even tight spots where debris may have collected over time; this device works by forcing water through a hose which dislodges obstructions as it moves through pipes in your system.
  • If you have a large system with many pipes and valves, it can be hard to keep track of all the different parts. A pipe map is a great tool for this purpose because it allows you to label each part of your system as well as record its size and length; this will make it easier for you to identify problems when they arise.

Keep an eye on your steam trap’s performance

If you want to keep your steam traps in good working order, there are a few ways you can do so. One of the most important things you can do is check their performance regularly by measuring their pressure drop, temperature rise, and flow rate.

The first two measurements should be taken at both ends of each trap: one end will have higher pressure than the other; this difference shows how well or poorly it’s performing. The temperature rise should also be checked since it will indicate if there are any leaks in your system that need fixing before they cause problems like corrosion or erosion damage to other parts of your facility–or even start fires!

Utilize steam trap monitoring software

A steam trap monitoring device is a great way to keep track of the status of your steam traps. This can be done by utilizing an alarm system or by setting up automatic alerts that notify you when something goes wrong. The software will monitor the pressures in your system and alert you if it detects any changes, which may indicate that a problem has occurred with one of your steam traps.

A good example would be if a valve opens up suddenly due to wear on its seals, causing steam to escape into another part of the plant where it shouldn’t go (such as into an enclosed room). By using steam trap monitoring software, this kind of thing can be detected early on so that repairs can be made before serious damage occurs or even worse – someone gets hurt!

You can keep your steam traps in good shape with regular cleaning and monitoring

As a business owner, you know that keeping your equipment running smoothly and efficiently is vital to keeping your business running smoothly and efficiently. Steam traps are crucial components in any industrial or commercial facility, so it’s important that they’re kept in good shape. Regular cleaning can prevent problems from occurring in the first place, while monitoring can help you identify potential issues before they become big problems.

Steam trap monitoring software is one way of monitoring your steam traps remotely, allowing you to quickly identify any issues before they become serious problems or even catastrophic failures.


Steam traps are an important part of your heating and cooling system. If they’re not working properly, it can lead to serious problems with your building’s temperature control. By following these tips, you can keep your steam traps in good shape and avoid costly repairs down the road!

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How To Prevent SQL Injection, 19 Mar 2022 03:44:39 +0000 being a fairly “old” type of cyber attack, SQL injection remains a very popular type of cyber attack. For years, Injection attacks (including SQL injection) used to be the number one security risk according to OWASP’s top ten security risks list. As of 2021, it has moved down to the third position, but injection […]

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Despite being a fairly “old” type of cyber attack, SQL injection remains a very popular type of cyber attack. For years, Injection attacks (including SQL injection) used to be the number one security risk according to OWASP’s top ten security risks list. As of 2021, it has moved down to the third position, but injection remains very common and very dangerous, especially for PHP and ASP web applications. 

One of the key reasons why SQL injections remain popular is the fact that vulnerabilities that allow SQL injection are very common across many web applications, while on the other hand, SQL databases often contain confidential data that is very attractive for hackers. 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how an SQL injection attack is carried out, the challenges we’ll face when trying to prevent and contain SQL injection attacks, and especially, how to effectively prevent SQL injection and other bot-driven attacks. 

Without further ado, let us begin. 

SQL Injection Attacks: The Concept

SQL injection, as the name suggests, is a type of cyber attack that involves an insertion (or injection) of a SQL query. The cybercriminal acts as an actual user of the application, then injects the SQL query via a supposed client data input to the application. 

To summarize, an SQL injection attack occurs when :

  • An unauthorized data input enters an application from an untrusted source
  • The data input is used to construct an SQL query within the database

Once the SQL query has been successfully injected, the attacker can then access the SQL database and read the sensitive data contained within, modify the data (insert, delete, update ), recover files from the database, and even execute administrative commands on the database, essentially becoming the administrator of the database itself. 

The purpose and degree of severity of SQL injection attacks can greatly vary, depending on the attacker’s creativity and skill. This is why SQL injections are considered very dangerous, and defending against them can be very challenging. 

SQL injection is especially common with PHP and ASP applications that are more vulnerable due to the older interfaces.

How SQL Injections Can Affect Your Database

While as discussed, the potential impacts and severity of impacts of SQL injections can greatly vary depending on the attacker’s creativity and skill level, in general, there are four main impacts of SQL injection attacks: 

  • Compromised data security 

SQL databases typically hold confidential and/or sensitive data, and an attacker can gain access to this data after a successful SQL injection

  • Compromised access control (authentication)

Successful SQL injections can allow attackers to access a user account on the database without needing to know the user credential (username and password). This typically happens due to vulnerabilities caused by the usage of poor SQL commands to check user names and passwords. 

  • Compromised authorization

It’s common for an SQL database to also hold authorization information, and a successful SQL injection can also allow attackers to modify the authorization information. 

  • Compromised data integrity

Since attackers can now access, read, and retrieve confidential information, they can also modify or even delete this data via an SQL injection attack. 

How an SQL Injection Atack Works

While the actual execution of the SQL injection attack can vary depending on the attacker, typically the attack involves three main phases: 

  • Scanning vulnerabilities: Cybercriminals use specialized bots to scan for potential vulnerabilities in the web application. 
  • Injection: Once a vulnerability has been identified, the attacker injects the database with malicious SQL queries. The injection process can happen repeatedly with different variations in an attempt to figure out the database’s content
  • Automation: Once again, the attacker resorts to bots and automated programs to automate the attack (i.e. extracting files from the database, making automated modifications, etc. ) 

By understanding these three different phases, we can devise a strategy on how to prevent the attack and protect the web application from potential SQL injection attempts, as we will discuss below. 

How To Prevent SQL Injection

Manage and Mitigate Vulnerability Scanning Bots

As discussed above, the first and arguably the most dangerous phase of an AQL injection attack is for the attacker to launch vulnerability scanning bots to identify potential vulnerabilities on the website or web application. 

So, one of the most effective methods to protect your system from potential SQL injection attacks is to detect and mitigate the activities form these malicious bots. Datadome’s advanced bot management solution can detect and mitigate SQL vulnerability scanning bots in real-time, as well as protect your system from other malicious bots causing web scraping, credential stuffing/cracking, DDoS, and other types of cyberattacks

Blocking SQL vulnerability scanning bots before they can reach your application will prevent attackers from identifying vulnerabilities, which ultimately will prevent the SQL injection attack itself. 

Limiting Database Administrator Privileges

One of the worst consequences that can happen to your database when impacted by an SQL injection attack is when the attacker gains access to the database’s administrator account. 

To mitigate potential damages, we can limit database administrator privileges, especially for application accounts, so even when the attacker gains access to these accounts, we can contain the damage. 

Making Sure User Input Isn’t Treated as SQL QUeries

We can use parameterized queries and prepared statements to ensure that SQL elements in the user input will not be read as actual SQL queries. Another effective strategy is to use stored procedures that are carefully designed so they can produce the same effect as the use of parameterized queries. 

Whitelisting Input Validation

Whitelisting input validation is another effective method of preventing SQL injection by ensuring only validated data can enter the database. 

Storing Confidential Data Carefully

Take additional measures in storing confidential and sensitive data in the database like end-to-end encryption, password hashing, etc. to mitigate the impact of SQL injection attacks. 

Preventing SQL Injection With DataDome

DataDome offers a comprehensive SQL injection prevention service that utilizes AI and machine learning to detect the presence of SQL vulnerability scanning bots in less than 2 milliseconds. Being a cloud-based solution, when a new SQL injection attack is detected and prevented on one customer’s web application, all DataDome’s customers are instantly protected against this new attack. 

DataDome deploys in minutes on any web infrastructure without needing any modifications to your application’s architecture. Once set up, it runs on autopilot to protect your whole system. 

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Top 5 46-Inch Smart TVs of 2021 – Best Reviews Guide, 27 Oct 2021 09:50:23 +0000 you intending to buy a smart TV? Then you’re at the right place. For in this article a comprehensive guide to the best smart TVs has been scripted. However, you must admit that Tvs are not idiot boxes anymore, rather they have hosted vertices of advanced features within; particularly configurations of the screen, display, […]

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Are you intending to buy a smart TV? Then you’re at the right place. For in this article a comprehensive guide to the best smart TVs has been scripted. However, you must admit that Tvs are not idiot boxes anymore, rather they have hosted vertices of advanced features within; particularly configurations of the screen, display, sound, processor and so forth.

If you pay attention to the configuration of smart TVs, you’ll notice, majority of these showcase upgraded resolution; FHD, UHD to 4K-UHD. The same is applied to the display as well, which has transformed from LED to OLED, QLED. Besides, most of these TVs have their own android processor and apps which support advanced functioning and seamless streaming. However, as smart TVs are engineered with modern technologies they are quite expensive. But that’s accepted since you’ll get the best experience. So, let’s take a look at the top 5 TVs (46- 50”) currently leading the Indian market.


Price: Rs. 1,45,500

Samsung smart TV UA46F7500BR is a product of Samsung LED TV series 8. The device has juxtaposed array of advanced features including an auto voice interaction unit that can operate the device through voice search or waving hands. The TV can be connected to endless OTT apps namely Netflix, Voot etc. It has 2 speakers with 20W sound output, 4 HDMI, 3 USB ports to serve connectivity along with wi-fi. The TV is perfect for gamers as well.


Screen size 46 inch
Display LED smart TV
Resolution Full HD, 1920×1080 pixels
Sound quality 20W, Dolby pulse digital
Warranty 1 year product warranty & free transit insurance



  • HD quality graphics
  • Support latest apps
  • Game supportive technology

  • Dull resolution as compared to OLED, QLED
  • No android support

Sony Bravia 4K Ultra HD Smart LED Google TV KD-43X80

Price: Rs. 66,490

The Bravia KD-43X80J is a magnificent creation of Sony, which was launched in this year only. The TV is the epitome of what you search for inside a smart TV. It’s run by Google android and additionally supported by Apple airplay, apple home kit and Alexa. The resolution supportiveness is 4K UHD with a refresh rate of 60 Hz. The sound output is 20W which is powered by Dolby atoms and brilliantly generates bass reflection at the time of play. The TV has 4 HDMI ports, 1 AC adapter, power cord, remote control and tabletop stand

Screen size 43 inch
Display LED smart TV, supported by Google
Resolution 4K UHD, 3840×2160 pixels
Sound quality 20W, Dolby atmos, ambient optimization
Warranty 1-year product warranty, additional 2 years on the panel



  • Brilliant picture graphics
  • Amazing sound control

  • Not found anything


TCL P615 Ultra HD (4K) LED Smart TV 

Price: Rs. 33,999

When you have budget confinement to ladder up for an expensive smart TV, yet can’t compromise with the desire of witnessing picturesque resolution while watching the TV, TCL P615 can be the saviour. Because the TV infuses all genuine attributes ideal for smart TVs. It’s engineered with 4K UHD resolution, HD10 technology and dynamic colour enhancement attributes which altogether produce immersive visual effects. Additionally, the TV is also supported by micro dimming effects that auto-regulate the contrast ratio based on diurnal time. Besides, there is an in-built google assistant and wi-fi supportiveness inside the model. Last but not least, this All-in-one TV supports limitless content from regional and global OTT platforms.

Screen size 50 inch
Display| Memory  LED smart TV| 2 GB RAM+ 16GB ROM
Resolution 4K UHD, 3840×2160 pixels
Sound quality 24W, Dolby audio
Warranty 1 year product warranty



  • Budget effective
  • Immersive visual effect

  • Only damage warranty covered

OnePlus LED Smart TV U-50UIS

Price: 43,999

Oneplus U-50UIS is a creation of the Oneplus U series. The TV is operated by iOS 10, Oxygen 2.0. This smart Tv supports some of the latest apps including in-built ones such as oxygen play, prime video, youtube, Bluetooth stereo etc. The model is further supported by Google Assistant Chromecast in-built. Undoubtedly, it has a 4K picture resolution with a refresh rate of 60 Hz. Despite wi-fi, the TV has 3 HDMI and 2 USB ports for connectivity purposes.

Screen size 50 inch
Display| Memory  LED android smart TV| iOS 10, Oxygen 2.0
Resolution 4K UHD, 3840×2160 pixels
Sound quality 30W, Dolby audio, Dynaudio
Warranty 1 year product warranty



  • Brilliant sound, graphics and visuals

  • No cons till now


Price: Rs. 91,900

Sony Bravia 46W700A is a Full HD LED Smart TV which has been built to avail maximum resolution and graphics comfort. The display has adopted the X-reality pro picture engine, produces a 60Hz refresh rate. The sound output is monitored by Dolby audio. The best part of this model is supporting a wide view angle of 178 degrees. However, there are 4 HDMI, 2 USB ports and a wi-fi slot for connectivity.

Screen size 46 inch
Display| Memory  LED smart TV
Resolution Full HD, 1920×1080 pixels
Sound quality 10Wx2, Dolby audio
Warranty 1-year product warranty & free transit insurance



  • Wide-angle view
  • Decent picture quality

  • Lacklustre graphics
  • Very expensive

Smart TVs buying tips

Once you get familiar with these 5 TVs, you’re almost ready to go shopping. Yet, take a pause for a few more seconds and go through these smart tips before you finally bring home one.

Screen and Resolution

Smart TVs come in vibrant resolutions; LED, OLED, QLED. While LED produces decent picture quality, Quantum LED has the highest potency, since these hold colour scattering particles within. Thus, do ensure the type of graphics you’re looking for.

Audio Quality 

Like the resolutions, these too have various segments and types namely Dolby, DTS, acoustic surface audio technology etc. Hence, Before finalizing your product pay attention to audio details.


This is very important to consider. Don’t be causal right after verifying the wi-fi segment. Particularly cross-check and verify no. HDMI and USB ports are available.

Let’s hope with the description of the top 5 smart TVs and buying tips, you’ve found the article relevant. All these are usually available at decent discounts on any online store. Yet if you want these to be a bit more affordable, then you can knock at certain affiliated stores which announce jaw-dropping price drops as well. So, enjoy your shopping and have a great visual experience ahead!

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Your Guide For Efficient Home Office And Enhanced Productivity, 23 Apr 2021 12:40:29 +0000 the pandemic-related events in these past months are anything to go by, it’s evident that people are becoming increasingly adaptive. Case in point, a recent study shows that the rate of remote working has skyrocketed to 115% and is expected to take further upward trajectories in months to come. In other words, working remotely […]

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If the pandemic-related events in these past months are anything to go by, it’s evident that people are becoming increasingly adaptive. Case in point, a recent study shows that the rate of remote working has skyrocketed to 115% and is expected to take further upward trajectories in months to come. In other words, working remotely is likely to become the new gold standard. Evidently, working from home has a feel of comfort to it so it’s only natural that people gravitate towards it. To that end, you’ll want to join the working-from-home trend if this finding is anything to go by.

That said, except for veteran remote workers such as freelance data analysts or developers, not everyone considers working remotely as a walk in the park for one reason or the other. In that regard, no truer words have ever been spoken than those of Mahatma Gandhi, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get”. Owing to that, we’ve compiled some of the best tips from seasoned remote workers at EPAM Anywhere from diverse working fields. These include:

  1. Setup a permanent working station
  2. Create a schedule
  3. Do away with distractions
  4. Take intermittent breaks
  5. Keep in touch with your colleagues

Setting up a Workstation Makes All The Difference

As convenient as it is to work from home, it also comes with its set of challenges such as laziness, missing deadlines, distractions, and miscommunications, among others. The silver lining is, many of these challenges can be prevented having taken some proactive measures. The first step is to set up a workstation at home to not only make working easier but to promote mental readiness and commitment to work.

Given that not everyone can afford to designate a room as an office space, a simple table and chair that can accommodate your working tools are preferable. Suffice to say, your workstation needs to be equipped with a computer and other essentials as well as drawers and folders to compartmentalize your documents. That said, sufficient lighting will go a long way to make it possible to work without any long-term damage to your vision.

Create a Compatible Schedule

While working from home will save you a lot of commuting time, it also means, you are likely to sleep past working hours. In other words, it can get a bit challenging to manage time efficiently and consistently from the get-go. Luckily, that’s nothing a little scheduling can’t fix. Make a compatible schedule to separate working hours from personal hours, preferably the night before, and stick to it. This will ensure that you approach work with the same level of seriousness as though you were in the office.

Take Intermittent Breaks

Contrary to what one might think, working remotely takes a little getting used to and does little to none for you when it comes to fatigue. Ergo, taking well spread-out intermittent breaks will go a long way to help ease you into the change of working environment, as well as rejuvenate you as many times as needed. A great way to spend your break is to go for a stroll or do some exercises to stretch your tired muscles.

Suffice to say, although many companies still provide employee benefits for remote staff, it still pays to make your health a priority with intermittent breaks.

Keeping in touch With Colleagues

Often than not, most remote staff members keep in touch on social media platforms to work on projects. However, it’s still essential to keep friendships and acquaintances alive should you be in an independent position where communicating with work colleagues is not in the job requirements.

All indications point to the fact that many companies are likely to retain or create extra remote working positions for employees even in the post-pandemic era. To that end, the earlier you get your workstation and remote working tools and tips together, the better off you will be. So why wait?

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4 Simple Reasons Why Ceiling Fans With Lights Are a Must For Your Home, 22 Apr 2021 04:35:13 +0000 are the days when a fan used to be just another appliance for cooling spaces. These days a fan does much more than that. Being the focal point of any space, a fan is an essential aspect of home decor. And probably, this is one of the reasons we have witnessed a surge in […]

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Gone are the days when a fan used to be just another appliance for cooling spaces. These days a fan does much more than that. Being the focal point of any space, a fan is an essential aspect of home decor. And probably, this is one of the reasons we have witnessed a surge in the popularity and demand of designer fans. Having said that, in this post, we talk about some of the key ways a fan contributes to a home’s decor. Let’s read on.

1. Better Space Management

Have you noticed how light fittings and tubes take up that space on your living room and bedroom walls? These additional electric fixtures not only take up space but also ruin the beauty of the wall. Installing a designer ceiling fan with light (ambient LED) can help save that space on the wall and give your room a bigger look.

2. Even Light Distribution

Unlike a tube or a bulb that’s installed on a wall, the LED lights on a designer fan are placed right in the center of a room. That’s because the most obvious choice when installing a ceiling fan is the center of the room. As a result, the light from the LED installed on a ceiling fan gets uniformly distributed across the room.

3. Customized Lighting Options

One of the best things about fans with LED lights is that you can brighten or dim the light depending on your mood or the occasion. In fact, some LED installed ceiling fans also give you the choice to change the color of the light. And that’s not all, if you buy a ceiling fan with LED light from a reputable brand like Luminous, you can easily do all of this with the help of a remote. One of their fans you must check out is the Lumaire, a high air delivery fan that comes with a 5 step light dimmer option. It is available in three colors – wine red, silky gold, and mint white.

Accentuated Design Style

Whether you are bored of your traditional decor or are looking to jazz up your otherwise plain monotonous room, an LED ceiling fan can help you make that space look more interesting. In fact, fans are the focal points of any space and can make or break the aesthetics of that space. It is, therefore, all the more important to choose the right ceiling fan that compliments every aspect of the space it adorns. Do take a look at Luminous’ Aspiration range of fans that come with integrated LED lights and full function remote regulation.

Planning to Buy One?

If you are planning to buy a ceiling fans with light and are unsure of how to get started, we would recommend you to go with a reputable brand like Luminous that gives you the option to choose from a wide range of design options.

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6 Ways You Can Hide Behind Your Screen and Still Take Care of Your Health, 03 Jan 2021 22:41:40 +0000 care of yourself is a full-time job. When it comes to your health, you may have to spend time going to appointments and picking up prescriptions. Everything from answering awkward questions to picking up supplies can be stressful. It often feels like it would be easier if you could take care of yourself from […]

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Taking care of yourself is a full-time job. When it comes to your health, you may have to spend time going to appointments and picking up prescriptions. Everything from answering awkward questions to picking up supplies can be stressful. It often feels like it would be easier if you could take care of yourself from behind your smartphone screen. 

Thankfully, in a lot of ways, you can. While virtual health services have been around for a while, they are growing in popularity and types of services provided. Through this article, we’ll cover ways you can stay behind your screen and still take care of your health. 

1. Visit Your Doctor

The first way to virtually take care of your health is the most basic. You can have doctor’s visits without ever stepping foot in a doctor’s office.

Many individual doctors and several online health services offer visits via telephone or video conference. All you have to do is set an appointment and provide some essential information upfront. Different services will have different virtual setups, so you’ll need to check the specifics of your healthcare provider. 

These visits can be general checkups or may address a particular topic. They can also serve as a stop-gap while you’re in between doctors. If telehealth works well for you, it can be the primary way you take care of your physical health. It all comes down to what you’re most comfortable with. And you never have to leave your home. 

2. Get STI Treatment

One thing that is never comfortable to talk about is a sexually transmitted infection. Though you may feel ashamed when bringing up STIs, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

Such infections are incredibly common, and it’s likely you know at least one person who’s had one. However, if the thought of discussing it in person makes you uncomfortable, there is another option. You can set up and manage STI treatment online. 

A few places offer this service, though they may be specific to a type of illness. Nurx, for example, provides genital herpes treatment through an online ordering system and ships it to patients discreetly. Other providers take a more traditional pharmacy route but still allow for online ordering. Shame should never deter you from seeking the medical treatment you need. 

3. Order Prescriptions

If you’re looking for more general treatments and medications, you can go through an online pharmacy. Several kinds have popped up in the last few years. Many of these are attached to more traditional pharmacies and others that are entirely online. Either can be a great choice if you’re trying to avoid going out in public

No matter your choice of online pharmacy, getting your prescriptions will work in pretty much the same way. You’ll need to have a prescription written and sent to your pharmacy of choice. Then, you set up delivery, and you’re good to go. You may even be able to set up automatic refills for your prescriptions. This can save you time and effort in the long run. 

4. Purchase New Glasses

Alternatively, sometimes you want to take all the time you need and not worry about slowing anyone else down. If you wear glasses, you know the stress of trying to pick the right pair while a full waiting room watches. It can be uncomfortable, especially if you’re indecisive or particularly self-conscious. Instead of putting yourself through that, just order your glasses online. 

There are a ton of websites that offer this service. Warby Parker, for example, will even let you pick a few pairs to try on at home for free for a specific amount of time. That means you can make your decision at your own pace with no pressure from onlookers.

The only catch is that you will need to have a current glasses prescription. While online eye exams are available, you may want to see an optician in person for a full exam before you shop. 

5. Have a Consultation

When a full exam isn’t necessary, you may want to do your consultation online. These are generally quick, easy conversations you can have with a medical professional before you pursue further treatment.

Often, you’ll have one of these alongside other online medical services to ensure you’re getting the proper care. They can usually be completed either through a video chat or messaging service. 

You may also look into what consultation options exist through your insurance. Some health insurance providers offer online consultations for a much lower price than visiting a doctor in person. So, not only are online consultations convenient, but they may also save you money. 

6. Talk With a Mental Health Professional

The cost of health services can often be a barrier for those seeking treatment. This is especially true of mental health services, which can be prohibitively expensive. When combined with the stigma that’s still associated with mental illness, many will put off getting the help they need. However, pursuing these services online may provide a welcome reprieve to the cost and the shame. 

A few well-known apps and brands offer mental health services online for a much more affordable rate. Typically you start with these services by completing a quick self-assessment. From there, you’ll be paired with a professional and given guidance on how the services will proceed.

If you’re looking for help that’s a little more local, you may see what’s being provided in your area. In the last year, some therapists have added virtual meeting options or text features.

Many areas of the healthcare industry are embracing technology in interesting and beneficial ways. Take advantage of these advances to do the things you don’t want to take care of in person. There’s no shame in it, and often, the quality of care should not be any worse than what it is in person. You may find it’s better because you are more comfortable overall. Explore your virtual health options, and find the ones that work best for you. 

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Top 10 Best Gaming Monitor under $300 in 2021, 26 Dec 2020 04:44:41 +0000 you are a gaming freak, then definitely you would like to have the right monitor along with other gaming gadgets. Monitor is not something economical. Many gamers think it is difficult to acquire a monitor that is less than $300. This price range is especially good for those who are just beginners. The intermediate […]

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If you are a gaming freak, then definitely you would like to have the right monitor along with other gaming gadgets. Monitor is not something economical. Many gamers think it is difficult to acquire a monitor that is less than $300. This price range is especially good for those who are just beginners. The intermediate level players are still in the phase of improving their skills and find this a superb choice. If you are planning to invest several thousand bucks on just a gaming monitor to quench your desire, then it is time to at least think once about the options available below $300. You can even get a portable monitor in this price range too.

With every passing year, the world is witnessing better and more efficient ways of handling different tasks. One task that you would like to do with perfection is gaming. 2020 has come with great options in the world of gaming monitors. These monitors are worth buying and worth trying before investing in enormous amounts.

10 Best Gaming Monitor under 300 in 2021

To help you in buying the right monitor for under $300, we have sorted out the following options for the passionate gamers who want quality but at an affordable price.

1. AOC C24G1 Curved Frameless Gaming Monitor

AOC C24G1 is among the most popular names in the world of gaming monitors. It is the top option for just the right display. It has an impressive 24″ VA Panel with a Full HD 1920×1080 resolution curved display. VA Panels ensure the viewer enjoys accurate color reproduction and outstanding performance. The Moving Picture Response time (MPRT & GtG) of AOC CQ27G1 is just 1ms that requires a refresh rate of 144hz. The overall features make this monitor really something admirable that works with the outclass feature of AMD Free-Sync Technology. No matter how intensely the gaming experience comes your way, the picture quality is not impacted adversely.

AOC CQ27G1 includes AOC Flicker-Free Technology. The monitor would hardly flicker because of the back-lit lights as it requires a Direct Current for functioning. The 178/178-degree viewing makes this curved monitor a perfect look. Thus, together with the most updated and unique features, the AOC gaming monitor falls among the top gaming monitors under $30.


  • Perfect sized display with the inspiring resolution
  • Impressive viewing
  • Fitted with an adjustable stand
  • Frameless design to support Extended Monitor Setup
  • 3-year warranty


  • No speakers included
  • Color reproduction not very satisfying

2. ASUS VG278QR 27” Gaming Monitor

ASUS is a popular name in the world of computers and gadgets. The gaming monitors are equally impressive. The 27-inch Full HD 1920×1080 display along with TN Panel can make the gaming experience worth cherishing. We know these TN panels for giving an extraordinary gaming experience. Being a gamer, you would definitely like to enjoy even the slightest move on the screen. It is all because of the 165hz of Refresh Rate and 0.5 ms response time that the on-screen impression would multiply.

It is just the right choice for not just gaming, but also for all kinds of media editing. The GamePlus Technology is something that makes it worth praising for the gamers. The preset display modes help you enjoy just the right game colors.


  • Large display
  • Ergonomic design
  • Inbuilt stereo speakers for the right sound system
  • Comes with the most reliable DisplayPort 1.2, HDMI 1.4, Dual-link DVI-D, Audio-in, 3.5mm


  • Color reproduction option is missing
  • Not good for professional media editing

3. Sceptre C248B 24″ Curved Gaming Monitor

If you are tired of the regular flat screen appearance, then get hold of the curved gaming monitor by Sceptre. This 24 inch full HD VA panel is just the right choice with a crisp and sharp image and accurate colors. The 1800R curvature would give an immersive gaming experience that promotes the natural viewing angle. If each move on the screen matters, then the 144hz refresh rate and 3m response rate will let you enjoy even the slightest move on the screen with no problem. There is a Dual HDMI port, display port, and 3.5 mm jack for gaming headphones fitted to the system.


  • Stressless viewing
  • Excellent sound quality with the built-in speakers
  • Unique quality AMD FreeSync
  • Universally compatible input devices


  • USB input missing

4. Acer KG271U

Who would not like to enjoy their favorite games on a wide-screen monitor? We deal with the desire by the Acer company, which is a renowned name in the world of gadgets and technology. Acer KG271U is a splendid choice as it gives the best gaming experience on an enormous screen measuring 27 inches and offering a resolution of 2560 x 1440 resolution. You can enjoy the best WQHD display on one of the best TN Panels. No doubt this combination can enhance the gaming experience. You would not miss a single moment of action with a refresh rate of 75hzand a response rate of 1ms. There is no need to worry about the audio quality as the Dual 2w Stereo Speakers would definitely make you feel closer to the thrilling experience of gaming.


  • Perfect for PS4 gaming.
  • Amazing sound experience
  • Comes with reliable HDMI and display port


  • Too loud for limited spaces
  • Devoid of the 144hz refresh rate

5. ViewSonic Elite XG240R

There is hardly anyone who is not aware of the name ViewSonic. It has made a mark in the world of Display and Monitors. We know ViewSonic for creating outclass displays that can serve professional purposes like that of education, business, entertainment, and much more. They have introduced a lineup for the gamers too. Along with the high priced monitors, you can get economic monitors below $300. One such creation is the  ViewSonic Elite XG240R that measures 24-inch Full HD, which offers a  1920×1080 display. You could not enjoy gaming more on any other screen than the TN panel. Enjoy uninterrupted gaming ultrafast 1ms of Response time and rate of 144hz with AMD FreeSync.

The unique and innovative Elite RGB lighting technology gives just the right ambiance you need for a fun time. There is a clear view of darkness which makes it stand out from the other monitors where the black blends in the huge black scene.


  • Can connect with any platform
  • Unique 22 level black stabilization
  • High resolution with perfect display
  • Impressive gaming ambiance
  • Economical and budget-friendly


  • Speakers are missing
  • Thick bezels make it look weird.

6. LG 27GL650F-B

LG is not a new name. We associate this name with the finest products in the world of electronics. If you want an economic display for gaming, then you can get LG 27GL650F-B. There is hardly any monitor below $300 that can work and the LG creation. The 27-inch display, 1920×1080 display resolution, and the IPS panel makes it worth buying at this price. It comes with an amazing Nvidia G-sync that allows you to sync with the GPU and the refresh rate of 144hz is something that the gamers are always looking for.

There are 2x HDMI, a Displayport, and one headphone jack for inputs which are good enough for PC, Xbox, Playstation, Mac, and other gaming consoles. There is no USB port on this gaming monitor. The 3-side borderless design looks elegant and stunning to the eyes. If you want a gaming monitor under $300 with an IPS Panel, this is ready.


  • Connects successfully with different platforms and gaming consoles
  • The gaming monitor has no USB port.
  • Sleek and stylish 3 sided borderless look
  • Worth buying at this price
  • Adjustable stand
  • No blurry impressions


  • Inbuilt speakers missing

7. Samsung CFG73

From mobiles to televisions, Samsung is a name that you can trust. Samsung is giving you a great gaming monitor with a 27 inch wide QLED curved display monitor. This Samsung model available with the product name of CFG73 offers a 1920×1080 resolution. The viewing becomes even more fun with the 1800R of Curvature. The wide curve design is just the right display to enjoy the thrilling games. The advanced motion blur reduction technology is the signature feature of Samsung. This along with the Quantum Dot technology adds a new life to the VA panels. It is because of the Quantum Dot technology that the gamer enjoys the most accurate colors. The refresh rate of 144hz is just the right thing that you would need for the best gaming experience. The monitor comes with a Display port, HDMI, and the headphone jack.


  • Wide display
  • Easy connectivity with consoles
  • Shar image and correct colors
  • Least blurring


  • USB port missing
  • Needs speakers

8. ViewSonic VX2778-SMHD

In the list of the best 10, here we are with the review of another widescreen display option from the creators of ViewSonic. Known by the name ViewSonic VX2778-SMHD, this is one of the highly recommended creations for the gamers by ViewSonic. What else would you need if you have the 27-inch Widescreen IPS panel,  QHD 2560×1440 display, and input accessories coming along? You would definitely like to play the most thrilling game in the most vivid color reproduction. It is just the right choice for enjoying immersive gaming at perfect angles.


  • Large display
  • No flickering while playing your favorite game
  • Stylish frameless design
  • 3 years warranty


  • Low refresh rate.
  • Unsatisfactory response rate.

9. Acer ED323QUR Abidpx

If you don’t want to miss an immersive gaming experience, then by sending just under $300 get the Acer ED323QUR Abidpx. An extraordinary size of 31.5 inches allows you to enjoy the favorite games in QHD 2560 x 1440 resolution display. The curbed display and the screen less body allow a more eye-catching experience. The unique Radeon free Sync technology ensures you enjoy a flicker-free gaming experience. The monitor works great with all platforms including the favorite gaming consoles like Xbox, Playstation and your PC. the bright colors look stunning, especially when you are playing an adventure game.


  • Perfect refresh rate and response time of 144hz and 4ms, respectively
  • Stylish to match personal choices
  • Compatible with different colors
  • Amazing colors


  • Display not dazzling

10. BenQ ZOWIE XL2411P

BenQ is giving you the best displays in the form of BenQ ZOWIE XL2411P. The 24-inch screen, full HD 1080p resolution, and the high-performing TN panel give an excellent gaming experience. The highly recommended response time of 1ms and refresh rate of 144hzmake it just the right option for gamers. The Black eQualizer technology enhances the gaming experience. If you are playing a game that includes the scenes in darkness you would not find it hard to find and hit your enemy with no inconvenience.


  • Perfect size for obvious display
  • Unique Black eQualizer technology
  • Can connect with multiple consoles
  • 3 years warranty


  • LCD panel missing
  • Bezels look awkward with unnecessary thickness


These were just the few best choices that you can use with your consoles to play your favorite games. These monitors have all that a gamer needs, and still they cost little. These choices fall under $300, which makes them just the perfect choice for gamers of all levels.

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LCPS GO Login Home Page – Sign In To www.lcps.org, 11 Dec 2020 03:01:22 +0000 County Public Schools popularly known as LCPS runs under the control of the Loudoun County, Virginia, United States government. This setup manages all the public schools running in the county. LCPS has its headquarters at 21000 Education Court in Ashburn. We know Ashburn as the unincorporated section of the county. Over the last few […]

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Loudoun County Public Schools popularly known as LCPS runs under the control of the Loudoun County, Virginia, United States government. This setup manages all the public schools running in the county. LCPS has its headquarters at 21000 Education Court in Ashburn. We know Ashburn as the unincorporated section of the county.

Over the last few years, LCPS has become a popular name among the fastest-growing school divisions. It also ranks as the third-largest school division in the state. In just one year, the school has extended the education to 84,000 students.

What is meant by LCPS Go?

It is a platform that makes it easy to reach web applications by LCPS. The files can be found on the Cloud too, and you can reach out for these files through this platform called LCPS Go.

There is no need to worry about the device you use. It can be a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. If you have understood the portal well, you can explore it for learning. It has all the stored files that can help in providing the best possible information and credentials. 

We want to make things easier and understandable for you, therefore we have added all the essential information in this guide that can help you acquire the login and then use the portal with no problem. It has all the official links that you will need in the future. 

How Can I Login To LCPS Go?

If you want to use the LCPS Go portal, you can just enter the single credentials and enjoy the benefits of LCPS Go for better learning. Once you log in there will be no need to browse further to access the platform. The platform is a brilliant choice for both the learners and the faculty. 

If both of them have the essential registration credentials with them, then just by following the steps you can log in with no problem.

  • Go to the official link by adding it to the browser.
  • Use Chrome for making the search easier.
  • Go to the login page after opening the URL. 
  • You need to go to the class link for Sign in. 
  • Add your credentials before you click to sign in.
  • Recheck the details to make sure that everything is fine’

The password is usually the birthday in the format of 4 digits. 

How To Recover Or Reset The Password?

If you cannot log in just because you don’t remember the password, then follow the steps to recover the password.

  • Go to the aforementioned link to log in through the official link.
  • Go to the Help section just below the login option. Click Forget Password is written over there.
  • As you will click the password option, you will get to the password wizard. 
  • Type the username in the box that appears on the screen. 
  • Verify your identity by pressing the arrow button saying next. 
  • After completing the verification of the identities, reset the password. 
  • Reset the password and login to the page, either using the desktop or the mobile device. 

Applications That You Can Access Using LCPS

LCPS is a great platform. In just one go, you can enjoy the features you have never experienced before. One essential feature is the one-time login. The second most acclaimed feature is that after you have logged in to the website, you can easily access the following applications. These are available for both the teachers and the students. It is a great opportunity to get all these in one place. 

  1. Imagine Learning
  2. Safari Montage
  3. Digital Passport
  4. Alexandria
  5. Online encyclopedia
  6. Kids Infobits
  7. Nat Geo for Kids
  8. PebbleGo
  9. DreamBox
  10. Google Docs
  11. Office 365

Thus, LCPS Go makes it possible to enjoy the best learning experience with this single platform. 

Loudoun County Public Schools LCPS Login

Lcps Intranet service allows the internal employees to reach the details. Any employee can get to the services all round the clock. The link is accessible through the official website and the suitable links. This is where they can check the directory of the Students Dropbox and the employees both. 

  1. Sign in to ClassLink – ClassLink Launchpad
  2. LCPSGo / LCPSGo – Loudoun County Public Schools
  3. LCPS Go / Home page – Loudoun County Public Schools
  4. Click Here to Login to LCPSGo (Classlink)
  5. Employee Resources – Loudoun County Public Schools
  6. LCPS GO – Loudoun County Public Schools
  7. Sign In – Loudoun County Public Schools
  8. LCPSGO – Loudoun County Public Schools
  9. Lcpsgo Login – Online Login Guide
  10. Log in – Clever


Here we have tried to explain everything related to LCPS login. If you have details, then it is easy to make the most out of the platform. If you still feel that something is missing and you need additional help for that, then you can send in your query in our Dropbox or you can just contact the support center of Loudoun County Public Schools.

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9 Ways to Make Money Selling Online Courses, 20 Nov 2020 13:20:05 +0000 your skill, interest, or talent into online education. As more and more people search for remote outlets, selling online courses is becoming a great way to create a new stream of income. If you’re interested in a little more financial freedom and have the talent to share, here are nine practical and proven ways […]

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Turn your skill, interest, or talent into online education. As more and more people search for remote outlets, selling online courses is becoming a great way to create a new stream of income. If you’re interested in a little more financial freedom and have the talent to share, here are nine practical and proven ways to make cash selling online courses.

1. Upfront Charges

Students are more comfortable with paying for education before the course starts. It’s the basic model for formal education. This also makes it easier to sell more online courses later. Upfront fees put expectations in place and when students decide to take another course with you, they already have an understanding of how you do business.

2. Charge for Certification

Despite our previous claim above, having consumers take the course before paying can be advantageous too. It builds trust between teachers and students. You’ll also build a contact list for later marketing. Most important, the idea of certification is vindicating and has professional value. People will pay for that.

3. Funnel a Free Online Course Into a Product or Service

This situation is for the entrepreneur looking to use their skill to the max. Many use it. They use their courses — sometimes free, sometimes not — essentially as a promotion for their other business.

Carpenters make DIYs to promote their brand. Therapists write self-help books. The course is a free perk to devotees and potential converts which actually promotes the instructor’s product or service. This could lead to a variety of sidelines, including speeches and training.

4. Go Subscription

Despite our earlier claim about upfront charging, there are many willing to pay recurring fees for ongoing lessons. As long as they get value and fees aren’t exorbitant. Ongoing learning will encourage returns and commitment. Subscriptions are, of course, best for ongoing online courses. Upfronts are best for one-time courses.

5. Tiered Payments

From gym memberships to credit cards, tier services are something the consumer’s quite familiar with. You can have a free service, such as a one-off single class session. You can then create tiers such as “Standard” or “Premium” with unique offerings. Charge initial reduced rates for introductory courses. Freedom of choice will be a strong attraction, and quality service will encourage participation.

6. Presell Your Product

It’s always a good idea to see if your offering would be considered a commodity. Explore the market and see if your plan’s a good fit. Try a pilot test — a free lesson — and use it to see if you have something. This also lets you build a subscriber list. Having information like this will be motivating and help you find ways to improve marketing and planning.

Take an aggressive stance here. If you know where the audience is, go straight to them, poll them, and get data on how the course would be useful. Set up a fundraising campaign. The reactions to your initiatives will remind you you’re on the right course. Or, better yet, what you need to do to get on that course.

7. Sell Licenses

There are companies that want to train and retrain employees. They may outsource the content. They take responsibility for details like marketing and customer service. You’d create the content and sell the license to use your content. You would then be contracted to receive annual licensing fees for as long as third-parties used your material.

Depending on the contract, you may be free to market your course to other parties simultaneously. This will give you a longer, bigger sales cycle.

8. Help People

Spread ideas, words, talents, and skills. It’s an incredible way to earn trust and show others your true intent is to educate. Make sure when you sell online courses you’re creating an experience that helps people become better. Your audience will recognize authenticity.

9. Get Out on The Internet

By selling online courses, you monetize your knowledge. A solid path for getting started is to build your online rep. According to Kajabi, “Start your own blog, create marketing videos, or participate in Facebook Groups.” Use YouTube and other social media to market your niche. Make your presence felt in forums and other outlets where you can show off your expertise. Once your voice is known, you increase the chances people will pay to hear from you.

There are many avenues for testing the online course waters, including giving it away free. To sell online courses, boost social media presence, and more to ensure success.

The post 9 Ways to Make Money Selling Online Courses appeared first on Technoroll.
