Real Estate – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogWed, 03 Apr 2024 11:57:11 +0000en-UShourly1 Estate – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 Important Topics to Discuss with Your Langwarrin Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home, 03 Apr 2024 11:57:11 +0000 a home can be very stressful, and you may feel daunted by the idea of parting with your property. Everything from saying goodbye to a much-loved space to hoping you won’t make a loss when selling can create anxiety. Those who have gone through it, as well as caring real estate agents Langwarrin locals […]

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Selling a home can be very stressful, and you may feel daunted by the idea of parting with your property. Everything from saying goodbye to a much-loved space to hoping you won’t make a loss when selling can create anxiety.

Those who have gone through it, as well as caring real estate agents Langwarrin locals can trust, have valuable tips to share. Empower yourself by scrolling down for some much-needed guidance on how to approach the discussion with your home’s selling agent. 

What’s the Market Like?

You’ll feel much better throughout the selling process if you have a better understanding of what’s to come. Managing expectations, and having a realistic view of how it will play out can go a long way towards preventing surprises or feeling inconvenienced by the situation. 

For this reason, ask your real estate agent about what the current property market is like and whether they expect a quick sale. Agents can’t do much about a slump in the market and despite their best efforts, it may take a while before you get a buyer.

Knowing this will help you prepare for any eventuality, such as not being able to put your moving plans in place until you’ve secured a buyer. If the house’s sale relates to a new job, you’ll know there’s a possibility of needing to pay for accommodation at your new destination, without a guarantee of having sold your previous property. 

Empower yourself with knowledge about the industry’s current trends, so you can make informed decisions to your own benefit. 

Asking Price

You will need to discuss the price of the property and you may need to compromise between what you believe it’s worth and what the agents know it will realistically sell for. Make sure your agent does his or her homework, such as doing market analysis of what similar properties in the Langwarrin area are selling for.

Do trust their advice, but know that you’re also allowed to set the price yourself if you want more than what they advise. Remember, you’re the owner! If it really doesn’t sell, you can always drop the price later on, but only use this approach if you don’t need a quick sale. 

Maintenance and Staging

Doing some maintenance on the house can make it seem like a more attractive buy once potential new owners view it. However, if your home is generally in good condition, don’t go overboard and spend a lot of money. Ask your estate agent what they would advise you to do. Their experienced eyes will quickly identify the repairs or upgrades that are worth the expense.

It can also help to stage the home, showing off its best features. Reputable agents will have contacts to help you do this at a reasonable cost.  

Agent Fees

Agent fees form an important part of your discussion with these professionals. Firstly, understand what percentage the agent will receive, so you know how much you’ll get out of the sale. 

Also, find out how fees are divided between buying and listing agents. Make sure the agent is getting market-related compensation with his or her brokerage, so you’re assured they will do their best to get your property sold. Agents who aren’t looked after by their agencies, may not go the extra mile for you. 

Agent Experience and Specialties

The agent or brokerage that takes on your house’s sale must understand the market for that particular area and type of property. Without relevant experience, they won’t know how to market to the specific buyer’s needs. 

Also, if a company has success in a specific neighbourhood, people in the area will know. Such a company is more likely to already have a network to market to, or enquiries about your type of property.  

Marketing Plan

Do find out about their plans on how to market your home. If they get a percentage of your home’s value, it’s your right to know what they’ll do to get the word out. Digital marketing should form a big part of their strategy, such as posting content on social media, or sending emails to leads that have enquired about properties like yours. 

Furthermore, they may want to host an open house, and you’ll need to plan for such an event.

Property Inspections

Another part of the process may be to have inspections done. You can have a property inspection before a sale, so you understand what you may need to repair. Also, organising things like pest inspections and sharing the report with buyers will give them peace of mind that they’re purchasing a home that’s in good order. However, you can also wait for the buyer to request inspections like these. 

Discuss the topic with your agent, so you can make the best decision based on the type of property and its current condition. Agents will also know about professionals who can help with these checks. 


Your home’s sale can take place with much less anxiety on your part if you prepare appropriately. Topics like market trends and financial matters may not be areas you’re an expert on, but by opening up discussions you’ll acquire valuable knowledge that can help you navigate this unique process better. 

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Communication Skills That Are Essential in Real Estate, 30 Jan 2024 08:05:08 +0000 is the cornerstone of any successful real estate transaction. Good communication establishes a sense of reliability and confidence between the agent and the client. How do you build trust? It starts with being transparent, consistent, and genuinely interested in your client’s needs. Understanding Client Needs In real estate, understanding client needs is akin to […]

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Trust is the cornerstone of any successful real estate transaction. Good communication establishes a sense of reliability and confidence between the agent and the client. How do you build trust? It starts with being transparent, consistent, and genuinely interested in your client’s needs.

Understanding Client Needs

In real estate, understanding client needs is akin to mapping a journey before setting out. It involves actively listening to clients, asking the right questions, and empathizing with their situations to fully grasp what they’re seeking in a property. This process is not just about the specifications of the property but also about understanding their lifestyle, future plans, and emotional drivers. By doing so, a real estate professional can provide tailored options that resonate closely with the client’s dreams and practical requirements, leading to a more satisfying and efficient buying or selling experience.

Overcoming Language Barriers

Overcoming language barriers in real estate is vital for inclusivity and expanding client reach. For instance, a Connecticut Spanish-speaking realtor who is fluent in both English and Spanish can bridge the communication gap, ensuring that Spanish-speaking clients feel comfortable and understood throughout the transaction process. This bilingual ability not only enhances trust and rapport but also ensures that important details and nuances of the real estate process are clearly communicated and understood. Such proficiency in multiple languages enables realtors to cater to a diverse client base, fostering a more inclusive and accessible real estate market.

Effective Negotiation Skills

Effective negotiation skills in real estate are critical for navigating the complex terrain of buying and selling properties. These skills involve more than just striking a deal; they require an understanding of market dynamics, the ability to listen and comprehend both spoken and unspoken needs of all parties involved, and the finesse to propose solutions that satisfy these needs. A skilled negotiator knows when to push forward, when to compromise, and how to creatively solve problems to reach a mutually beneficial outcome. This balance of assertiveness and empathy, coupled with a deep knowledge of the real estate market, transforms negotiations from mere transactions into opportunities for building long-term relationships and trust.

Building Long-lasting Relationships

Building long-lasting relationships in real estate goes beyond the closing of a sale; it’s about creating a bond based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. This process starts from the first interaction, where a realtor’s genuine interest in the client’s needs, consistent follow-up, and personalized attention set the foundation for a lasting connection. A realtor who remembers key details about their clients’ preferences and life events and reaches out periodically demonstrates that their interest extends beyond the transaction. Such sustained and sincere engagement fosters loyalty, leading clients to not only return for future real estate needs but also to recommend the realtor to others, thereby expanding their network through trust and positive experiences.

Transparency and Honesty

In the real estate industry, transparency and honesty are vital for fostering trust and credibility with clients. Transparency involves openly sharing all relevant information about a property, including its advantages and potential drawbacks, thereby enabling clients to make well-informed decisions. Honesty is about being forthright in communications, whether it’s about pricing, property conditions, or market trends, ensuring that clients are not misled or given false expectations. By consistently practicing transparency and honesty, real estate professionals build a reputation for integrity, which is crucial for long-term success and client loyalty in the industry.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a critical skill in the real estate industry, where differing interests and expectations can lead to disputes. Effective conflict resolution involves first actively listening to all parties involved to fully understand the different perspectives and underlying concerns. It’s about maintaining a calm and neutral stance, ensuring that each party feels heard and respected, which is crucial in de-escalating tensions. The goal is to find a mutually acceptable solution through compromise and negotiation, thereby preserving professional relationships and ensuring that all parties leave the table feeling satisfied with the outcome. This approach not only resolves the immediate conflict but also sets a precedent for handling future disagreements constructively.

Adapting to Different Communication Styles

Adapting to different communication styles is essential in the diverse landscape of real estate. This skill requires an understanding that each client has a unique way of processing and sharing information, influenced by their cultural background, personality, and personal experiences. A real estate professional must be adept at identifying and adjusting to these varying styles, whether it involves being more direct or detailed or employing a more visual or verbal approach. Such adaptability ensures effective communication, making clients feel comfortable and understood, which is pivotal in building trust and facilitating successful transactions.

The Role of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in the real estate industry, often speaking louder than words. It encompasses a range of elements, from body language and facial expressions to tone of voice and eye contact, all of which convey subtle yet powerful messages. For instance, a real estate agent who maintains eye contact and has an open body posture exudes confidence and trustworthiness, fostering a sense of reliability in clients. Being attuned to these non-verbal cues, both in expressing oneself and in reading others can greatly enhance understanding and rapport, paving the way for more effective and meaningful interactions in real estate dealings.

Time Management and Responsiveness

In the fast-paced world of real estate, time management, and responsiveness are key factors that distinguish successful professionals. Effective time management involves prioritizing tasks, efficiently handling paperwork, and scheduling meetings and showings in a way that maximizes productivity without compromising client service. Responsiveness, on the other hand, is about promptly addressing client inquiries and concerns, which not only demonstrates professionalism but also shows respect for their time and needs. By balancing these aspects, real estate agents can provide a higher level of service, build trust with clients, and manage their workload more effectively, ultimately leading to increased client satisfaction and business success.

The Power of Listening

In real estate, the power of listening cannot be overstated. It involves more than just hearing words; it’s about actively engaging with clients to understand their needs, concerns, and aspirations. A good listener in real estate picks up on both the said and the unsaid, interpreting tone, emotion, and even hesitation, which can provide deep insights into what a client truly wants. This attentive approach not only helps in tailoring services and recommendations more effectively but also demonstrates empathy and respect, fostering a stronger, trust-based relationship with clients.


In conclusion, the importance of good communication skills in real estate, especially for real estate companies in Connecticut, cannot be overemphasized. These companies, operating in a market as dynamic and diverse as Connecticut, must embody these skills to excel. Good communication fosters trust, understanding, and lasting relationships with clients, which are crucial for navigating the complexities of real estate transactions. For real estate professionals in Connecticut and beyond, investing time and effort into honing these skills can lead to not just immediate transactional successes, but also long-term growth and reputation in the industry. Ultimately, it is the ability to effectively communicate that sets apart successful real estate companies and agents, making it a cornerstone for success in this field

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Comparative Insights into the Real Estate Markets of Cyprus and Norway, 30 Jan 2024 03:14:22 +0000 considering European real estate, the markets of Cyprus and Norway offer distinctly different yet equally compelling investment opportunities. The property in Norway presents an image of a stable, prosperous market, set against the backdrop of the country’s stunning natural beauty and strong economy. Meanwhile, Cyprus, with its idyllic Mediterranean climate and strategic location, appeals […]

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When considering European real estate, the markets of Cyprus and Norway offer distinctly different yet equally compelling investment opportunities. The property in Norway presents an image of a stable, prosperous market, set against the backdrop of the country’s stunning natural beauty and strong economy. Meanwhile, Cyprus, with its idyllic Mediterranean climate and strategic location, appeals to those seeking a blend of lifestyle and investment potential. This article aims to dissect and compare these two contrasting real estate markets. We will explore the vibrant, sun-kissed of Cyprus properties for sale and contrast them with the properties for sale in Norway, known for their tranquility and resilience. Our analysis will provide a comprehensive overview of both markets, highlighting key trends, benefits, and factors to consider for investors and homebuyers looking to make a well-informed decision in either of these unique European locations.

Overview of Cyprus Real Estate Market 

The real estate market in Cyprus is an intriguing blend of traditional Mediterranean charm and modern investment opportunities. This market has gained popularity among international investors due to its strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Cyprus offers a diverse range of property options, from beachfront villas to urban apartments, catering to various preferences and budgets. The market experienced a surge in the last decade, spurred by foreign investment and the introduction of residency and citizenship programs. However, it’s important to note that the market is bifurcated between the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish-controlled north, each with distinct legal and property ownership frameworks. Prices in Cyprus are generally more affordable compared to other European countries, but they have been steadily rising, particularly in sought-after areas like Limassol and Paphos. The Cypriot government’s supportive policies for foreign buyers, including tax incentives and streamlined purchase processes, have further bolstered the market’s appeal. Despite facing economic challenges in the early 2010s, the Cyprus real estate market has shown remarkable resilience and recovery, making it a promising destination for property investors. If you are looking for property for sale in Cyprus, look here

Benefits of Buying Property in Cyprus 

Investing in property in Cyprus comes with several enticing benefits. One of the primary advantages is the country’s attractive residency and citizenship programs for property investors, which provide a pathway to living in the European Union. These programs have been particularly appealing to non-EU investors looking for a European base. Additionally, the relatively low cost of living and competitive property prices compared to other Mediterranean destinations make Cyprus an affordable option for both holiday homes and permanent residences. The island’s climate, boasting more than 300 days of sunshine a year, along with its beautiful landscapes and beaches, enhance its desirability for lifestyle investors.

From a financial perspective, Cyprus offers advantageous tax regimes for property owners, including low property taxes and double taxation treaties with numerous countries. This aspect is particularly appealing to retirees and those looking for a tax-efficient way to own property in Europe. The real estate market in Cyprus also presents opportunities for rental income, especially in tourist-favored areas, where demand for short-term rentals remains high throughout the year. Lastly, the island’s growing economy, driven by sectors such as tourism, real estate, and energy, suggests a positive outlook for property value appreciation over the long term.

Overview of Norway Real Estate Market 

The Norwegian real estate market is renowned for its stability and resilience, largely attributed to the country’s robust economy and high standard of living. In recent years, the market has shown a steady increase in property values, influenced by factors such as a strong labor market, low interest rates, and a consistent demand for housing, especially in urban areas like Oslo, Bergen, and Stavanger. However, the market is not homogeneous; rural areas tend to have lower property prices compared to cities. The Norwegian government’s regulatory framework ensures a transparent and secure property market, making it attractive to both domestic and international investors. Additionally, the market is less prone to speculative bubbles, thanks to these regulations and a culture that values long-term investment over quick gains. The rental market in Norway is also well-developed, offering opportunities for investors to generate steady income. However, high property prices and strict lending criteria can pose challenges for new entrants. Overall, the Norwegian real estate market is characterized by its high-quality housing, a strong legal framework, and a consistent demand driven by a growing population and urbanization trends.

Benefits of Buying Property in Norway

Investing in Norwegian property offers a plethora of advantages, chief among them being the market’s stability and safety. Norway’s strong economy, underpinned by its oil wealth and a comprehensive welfare system, translates into a real estate market that is resilient to global economic fluctuations. This stability makes Norway an appealing destination for long-term investments. Another significant advantage is the high standard of living and quality of life in Norway, which is consistently ranked among the best in the world. This includes excellent healthcare, education, and a focus on environmental sustainability, making properties in Norway particularly attractive for those seeking a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Additionally, the country’s stunning natural beauty, with its fjords, mountains, and coastline, adds to the allure of owning property here, especially for those interested in vacation homes or tourism-related investments. Furthermore, Norway’s transparent and well-regulated property market ensures a straightforward and secure buying process for investors. The country’s strong rental market, particularly in urban areas and university towns, offers further benefits, with the potential for consistent rental yields. Lastly, for EU/EEA citizens, there are no restrictions on buying property, which simplifies the investment process.

Comparative Analysis 

Comparing the real estate markets of Cyprus and Norway reveals distinct differences shaped by each country’s unique economic, cultural, and geographical landscapes. Cyprus, with its Mediterranean climate and strategic location, attracts investors looking for holiday homes or rental properties, offering potential high yields from the tourism sector. The Cypriot market is known for its affordable property prices compared to other European destinations, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious investors. Additionally, Cyprus offers significant tax incentives and residency benefits through property investment, appealing to non-EU investors.

On the other hand, Norway’s real estate market is characterized by its stability and high standard of living. The market appeals to investors seeking long-term, secure investments in a robust economy. Norwegian properties, particularly in urban areas, command higher prices, reflecting the country’s overall wealth and quality of life. The investment here is less about quick returns and more about sustainable growth and stability. Norway’s market is less influenced by tourism and more by domestic demand, underpinned by a strong social welfare system and a focus on environmental sustainability.

In summary, while Cyprus offers more affordable investment opportunities with potential short-term gains, particularly in the tourism sector, Norway appeals to those seeking long-term stability and quality in a more regulated and mature market.

In conclusion, the real estate markets of Cyprus and Norway cater to different investor profiles and objectives. Cyprus is an attractive destination for those seeking affordable investment opportunities in a growing market with potential for high rental yields, especially driven by its tourism industry. The country’s tax incentives and residency programs further enhance its appeal to international investors. Norway, on the other hand, is ideal for investors prioritizing stability, quality, and long-term growth. Its strong economy, high standard of living, and breathtaking natural scenery make it a lucrative option for those seeking sustainable investment in a well-regulated market. Ultimately, the choice between investing in Cyprus or Norway should align with the investor’s financial goals, risk appetite, and personal preferences.

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These Are the Cities Embracing Real Estate Technology, 16 Jun 2023 01:26:06 +0000 technology is changing the world, so naturally, it’s changing cities. It’s incredible to think that a person in one country can instantly see and talk to someone on the other side of the world, but this routine marvel has effectively shrunk the world. The jaw-dropping technology we use on smartphones every day has countless […]

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Digital technology is changing the world, so naturally, it’s changing cities. It’s incredible to think that a person in one country can instantly see and talk to someone on the other side of the world, but this routine marvel has effectively shrunk the world.

The jaw-dropping technology we use on smartphones every day has countless applications, so it comes at little surprise that more people are turning to real estate technology platforms to leverage AI when making the most important purchase of their life — their homes. 

There are patterns, but some real estate markets and cities are quicker to embrace real estate technology than others. Let’s check out some of the cities making splashes in real estate tech.

Toronto, Ontario

Toronto is known for being Canada’s most populous city. In fact, Toronto is one of North America’s busiest cities. Many of those people work in the tech industry, including real estate technology.

Major companies like Amazon, Google, and Uber have offices in the city and are even looking to expand. City Hall often promotes the city as a tech hub leading the frontlines of innovation in the country and beyond.

The city’s housing market, like many, has been in flux over the past year or so. After years of steadily rising, it finally hit a ceiling last February. With inflation and interest rates on the rise, the housing market responded as costs lowered to even out the higher borrowing costs.

Toronto appeals to tech companies for many reasons. It’s an extremely livable city with public transit, healthy immigration, many high-quality schools and universities, and tons of entertainment. The New York Times calls Toronto North America’s third-largest tech hub, behind only Silicon Valley and New York, citing data from CBRE, a real estate company that tracks tech hiring.

The publication attributes the tech growth to years of investment from local universities, government agencies, and business leaders.

Austin, Texas

The Texas city, whose business slogan “keep Austin weird” reflects its eccentric liberal ethos, has become a magnet for tech companies in the past few years. Executives, investors, and entrepreneurs like Austin for much more than the warm climate, barbeque, and killer live music. 

Venture capitalists invested no less than $5.5 billion across 412 deals in 2021, numbers which doubled the previous year. The numbers keep rising, as does the city’s skyline. Austin has been dubbed “Silicon Hills” for how it resembles its California tech counterpart.

For years, Austin dealt largely in software but has since upped its game in new sectors, like real estate, crypto, web3, CPG, and insurance technology.

Tampa Bay, Florida

Tampa Bay is one of many Florida cities dominated by tech companies like Tech Data and Sykes Enterprises, which are both headquartered there. 

Indeed, Tampa was responsible for more than 25% of Florida’s new tech jobs in 2021. Bill Gates and hedge fund manager Jeffrey Vinik have invested more than $3.5 billion in real estate technology.

Downtown Tampa is currently transforming amid the new deal. As the tech booms, so does the real estate, and so does the real estate technology.

The digital innovator Regan McGee built his real estate technology platform Nobul, which will soon operate in Florida. In an interview, McGee described why Florida is a great fit: “Florida is a wonderful and diverse market with a mix of consumers, agents, and needs; the perfect fit for Nobul. We are thrilled to be able to announce it as the first of many states where our service will be available shortly.

All buyers need to do is list their budget and describe what they’re looking for in a property, then agents will compete to represent them. To gain their business, they’re incentivized to offer things like cash back or other free services.

Nobul already operates in Toronto and Austin, but it’s growing quickly in North American cities.

Vancouver, British Columbia

Nestled on Canada’s West Coast, Vancouver is a beautiful city to behold, especially for those in prop tech. In 2020 and 2021, Vancouver saw a 45% growth in the number of high-tech jobs, higher than in any city in the US or Canada.

With Amazon and Microsoft expanding downtown, commercial real estate is on the rise in Vancouver, which is unlike in many North American cities. Commercial real estate has a healthy 6% vacancy, much lower than in other global cities since the pandemic started. 

The real estate market in Vancouver is one of Canada’s highest, so it’s no wonder buyers and sellers use proptech to give themselves an edge. 

Digital technology and the real estate market both move at rapid paces, and it’s no surprise they often move together. The North American cities embracing prop tech companies to find property and invest and develop the actual technology will continue dominating on the frontlines of innovation.

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5 Popular Marketing Apps for Real Estate Agents, 31 Jul 2022 15:34:57 +0000 growth of mobile and the internet has led to a new marketing era. It’s a brave new world for most agents, with the more traditional methods going out the window. Apps for marketing are popping up everywhere, but not every app is made equally.  The dynamics of the modern era call for apps that […]

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The growth of mobile and the internet has led to a new marketing era. It’s a brave new world for most agents, with the more traditional methods going out the window. Apps for marketing are popping up everywhere, but not every app is made equally. 

The dynamics of the modern era call for apps that can adapt to the changing needs of the real estate market. Today, one can drive more traffic and reach an audience by using apps that are easily accessible to potential clients. This article will look at popular marketing apps real estate agents can use to gain leverage over their competitors.


Need I say more? It’s the most common outlet for connecting with potential clients and keeping in touch with existing ones. The social media giant is a great way to get in touch with your clients. 

Additionally, Facebook has the most extensive consumer base, which means that if you advertise there, you can reach more people than any other app. One can easily integrate a business page with the advertisement system on Facebook. The users can easily share a link to your business page, which will increase the visibility of your business.

The benefit of using Facebook is that it is a common platform where consumers connect with brands and businesses. This will drive more traffic your way, as well as reach people who are interested in your products or services. The disadvantage of using Facebook is that several fake profiles are out there, which can be very misleading and defame your good name.

Wise Pelican

Wise Pelican is a real estate postcard service that allows real estate agents to customize real estate postcards at relatively low prices. There are various templates from which one can choose a design that best represents their business. The main advantage of using Wise Pelican is the cost, which is relatively cheap compared to other postcard companies. 

In addition to this, the client can choose to customize their template, which means that they have complete control over the design. With skilled professionals at their disposal, Wise pelican ensures that all plans are accurate and perfect. Another advantage of Wise Pelican is a tracking system that allows for tracking the delivery status of every postcard.

Zillow Premier Agent

A top real estate search engine, Zillow Premier Agent, is the real estate agent’s saving grace. This fantastic app allows agents to view all properties in their area and search for and get information about them. It has a comprehensive database of real estate listings that can be explored in various ways.

As a widely used platform, it offers the advantage of exposure to millions of users looking to buy and sell their properties. Also, the app has an extensive feed that details newly listed properties and home values. 

One disadvantage of Zillow Premier Agent is that the valuation tool often gives inaccurate home values, which can be very frustrating to users. Because of this, a real estate agent may spend more time than needed getting an accurate number for a home. In addition to this, the subscription cost of Zillow is expensive, which makes it hard to use for people looking to market on a budget.


BombBomb stands out from its competitors in a unique way. The platform offers a service that many applications have often neglected. Video emailing is a process that allows you to send video messages to your clients, whether it be a video recording or just a simple animated photo. 

This can help to make people interested in your business and give them a good impression of what you do. The app is also very user-friendly and easy to navigate. 

The main advantage of BombBomb is that it allows real estate agents to communicate with their clients in a whole new way, which is more appealing and often more effective than text messages or emails. 

An intimate interaction between a customer and an agent is made possible by BombBomb, a premium experience. BombBomb essentials allows for one-on-one video messaging. Aside from this, the app has an excellent interface and Is very easy to use. 

On the other hand, real estate agents can send video messages to all of their clients and customers using BombBomb plus. This gives the agent a more significant opportunity to market their business and present themselves in the best possible light.

Real Geeks 

The real estate industry is somewhat of a puzzle that needs to be solved before a sale can be made. More and more agents are welcoming the digital age and are embracing new ways to communicate with their clients. 

Real Geeks allows agents to create interactive experiences that will, in the long run, educate their clients on how to operate the home they are looking to move into. Virtual tours can be created inside a home and uploaded to websites to attract more traffic. 

These virtual tours will help agents explain specific details about the property to potential buyers, which can make all the difference. The disadvantage of Real Geeks is that it can only be used by U.S based real estate agents.

Mailer Lite

Real estate agents can barely manage the time to send several emails in a single day. Mailer Lite affords them this luxury by scheduling emails to send to their clients at specific times.

Using Mailer Lite has the advantage of allowing you to schedule emails for when you can’t respond right away. This allows you to manage your clients and keep track of all the essential details about each one. It may disadvantage those inexperienced in email marketing as they will first struggle to get around the whole idea. 


Marketing is an integral aspect of every business. To be successful, you need to focus on branding and marketing your business. If you want your business to succeed, you need to build an excellent brand that people can trust and associate with. 

Real estate agents are no different from any other businesses out there. Mobile technology has made it easier for everyone to get the necessary information. An app can help real estate agents to market their business and reach a larger audience.

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Top 10 Popular Buildings to Buy a Flat in Dubai, 10 Feb 2022 21:56:12 +0000 was a surge in the real estate industry in 2021. Official reports show that a total of 25, 455 transactions were carried out in the first four months of 2021, totaling about AED92 billion and showing a 51% ascent in the number of transactions and 72% ascent in worth/ value of the real estate.  […]

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There was a surge in the real estate industry in 2021. Official reports show that a total of 25, 455 transactions were carried out in the first four months of 2021, totaling about AED92 billion and showing a 51% ascent in the number of transactions and 72% ascent in worth/ value of the real estate. 

With the cost of real estate in Dubai consistently on an increase, there is no better time to invest than now. As an investor, you may be watching out for the best places to purchase and own real estate. Here is a brief overview of the top 10 popular buildings in Dubai to buy a flat. In compiling this list, we have considered the value of the property, the facilities therein, the location/ area, and how they have fared in ROI so far. 

No. 1 The Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building and one of the most fascinating towers in Dubai. This 828m high edifice was officially launched to the public in 2010 and has since then remained the luxury hotspot and heart of Dubai. It is a definite great deal to own a property in the Burj Khalifa as it is in hot demand. You can earn up to a 100% increase in a few years. The building has about 900 apartments on its 163 floors. According to Ax Capital, a studio apartment in the Burj Khalifa is worth a minimum of AED 1,100,000 while a two-bedroom apartment is a worth as high as AED 11, 000,000, with the general average price at AED 2, 000, 000.

No. 2 Dec Towers

This two-tower complex is linked by a five-story podium, designed with an aesthetic layout and surreal waterfront views. This is one of the best places to own a flat in the UAE. Located in Dubai Marina, it has an aggregate of 47 floors divided between two towers. From the tower, you can access restaurants, malls, schools, etc. You can own a property in the Dec Towers, with an average of AED 600, 000 or higher. It offers an ROI of up to 10%.

No. 3 Marina Pinnacle

The Marina Pinnacle has 77 floors and is one of the tallest residential structures in Dubai. You can own apartments in this building at an average price of AED 1, 200, 000 with a promising 7% ROI in a year.

No. 4 Scenia Residences the Palm

This is a freehold beachfront complex having three wings. It has 250 units and is selling for an average of AED 2,000,000.

No. 5 Marina Diamonds

Marina Diamonds is a collection of 7 towers positioned at the waterfront, Dubai Marina. Apartments in the marina Diamonds is valued at an average of AED 1, 500, 000.

No. 6 Five Palm Jumeirah

This is another modern building with a great view of the Arabian Gulf. Apartments in the Palm Jumeirah are selling at an average price of AED 3, 000, 000. You can purchase a painted house, a studio apartment or bedroom flat, etc.

No. 7 Burj Views

The Burj Views is a 160-story skyscraper and one of the top locations to own an apartment in Dubai. Its apartments are world-class and it is positioned between Al Asayel Street and Burj Khalifa Boulevard. Apartments are currently selling at an average of AED 1, 500, 000

No. 8: The 8

This is a building with Miami styled apartment and epic internal decoration. It is located at the Crescent of the Palm Jumeirah and is renowned for its breathtaking view of the Arabian Gulf and Atlantis the Palm. Properties at the 8 are valued at an average of AED 2,500, 000

No. 9 The Lofts

One of the top buildings to own an apartment in Downtown Dubai. The lofts are comprised of tall towers, a grandeur arcade, ultra-fast elevators, serene housing, and state-of-the-art décor. Its apartments are sold at an average of AED 1, 300, 000.

No. 10 Shoreline Apartment

This 20 mid-rise tower is in high demand for its access to private beaches, cafes, parks, and malls and stunning view of the city. Apartments in this building are selling for an average of AED 3, 000, 000.

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Get Rid of Home Systems Breakdown, 18 Nov 2021 13:03:16 +0000 whether a homeowner’s warranty is worth buying may require a comparison of many factors. Here are a few to consider: What Does A Home Warranty Cover? The purpose of obtaining a home protection plan is to cover home repairs when necessary, and not all homeowners warranties cover the same. Residential warranty coverage is like […]

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Deciding whether a homeowner’s warranty is worth buying may require a comparison of many factors. Here are a few to consider:

What Does A Home Warranty Cover?

The purpose of obtaining a home protection plan is to cover home repairs when necessary, and not all homeowners warranties cover the same. Residential warranty coverage is like insurance that provides repair or replacement of old appliances or home systems, such as HVAC.

Owners of an older home are likely interested in home warranty plans that cover more things than a newer home would need, like older appliances, and are likely to pay more for it. You don’t need such coverage if you just bought new appliances and have a manufacturer’s warranty of one year or more.

Items that may be covered by home warranty insurance include ductwork, electrical, plumbing, dishwashers, refrigerators, ovens, stoves, washers and dryers, and water heaters.

Things that will barely be covered include high-value items like septic tanks, wells, heating systems, swimming pools, garage doors, windows and doors, sprinkler systems, pre-existing conditions, and walls. Covering these items may cost more.

Some home insurance companies do not cover problems that exist before you buy a policy. If your air conditioning unit is already broken, don’t expect the warranty to cover repairs when the contract takes effect.

Home Warranty Costs

Another critical factor in deciding whether home security is worth buying is cost. Basic coverage can start at around $ 300 and go up to $ 600 or more.

To determine if a home warranty is worth it, start by selecting how old your appliances and home systems are and whether original equipment manufacturer warranties still cover them.

Some home warranty companies require annual maintenance of appliances and home systems to maintain the warranty. Some may ask you how long you have had them. 

It’s a bad practice to expect your home warranty provider to cover your appliances or home systems’ annual maintenance. Read the contract carefully to ensure that your home’s warranty covers old appliances. Some do not cover older devices, such as those over ten years old.

Home Warranty Service

When considering home warranty companies, look for reviews online and assess how satisfied customers are with their service. 

  1. Does the company have a fast response time? 
  2. Do you offer online and telephone support? 
  3. How easy is it to fix something on the weekend?

It is also worth considering how to resolve a dispute over a home warranty claim. Examine the company’s policies in such situations, as well as its dispute resolution process.

Transfer of Home Warranty

It is common for home guarantees to pass to new homeowners after a home is sold, but be sure to ask if the remaining coverage will be shared at no cost. A home guarantee can be a significant selling point that helps a home sell faster and at higher prices.

After a home inspection, homebuyers can be calm for at least the first year of their new home life by purchasing a home warranty. Often the seller of the house will buy it from you.

Then the $ 600 to buy a one-year home warranty can be a worthwhile expense if you get a good night’s sleep.

Understanding the Evolving Residential Infrastructure

It’s no longer the case that a home’s infrastructure consisted just of a furnace, hot water heater, and a few other components. With today’s technological advancements, the mechanical and electrical systems and equipment found in many houses today are subject to a larger range of threats. Here are a few items that are commonly found in both large and small houses as part of its infrastructure:

  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
  • Electrical systems
  • Hot water heating/wells/water filtration
  • Green systems, including solar, geothermal, heat pumps, hybrid fuel boilers, and home batteries
  • Kitchen and laundry appliances
  • Generators
  • Pool pumps and associated systems
  • Networked/smart/connected home systems and their associated equipment

Existing Home Warranty

Aside from the fact that these coverages are typically very limited in the scope of the equipment that is covered, they have specific limits by covered components, can exclude common home systems, have loss settlement provisions that allow for the use of reconditioned or remanufactured parts, require the use of a vendor network, cannot be purchased for every size home, and are generally expensive.

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Smart Access Control for Tenants and Landlords, 06 Jun 2021 12:39:29 +0000 the major advances in technology over the last decade, tenants may feel like your rental property is outdated. With everything moving towards being automatic or at least being controlled by your smartphone, even a task as simple as getting up to turn on the A/C can seem like a burden. Technology that is designed […]

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With the major advances in technology over the last decade, tenants may feel like your rental property is outdated. With everything moving towards being automatic or at least being controlled by your smartphone, even a task as simple as getting up to turn on the A/C can seem like a burden.

Technology that is designed to make living in your house more comfortable and easier than ever before is known as smart technology. This technology can turn your outdated rental property into a smart home with cutting-edge automation and all the finer amenities high-quality tenants are looking for (and willing to pay for.) But smart technology doesn’t just benefit your tenants, it has some great upside for landlords and rental property investors including cost savings and peace of mind. Check out the ways you can equip your property with smart technology and fetch top dollar for your rental:

  1. Video Doorbell
  2. Security System
  3. Smart Locks
  4. Smart Thermostat
  5. Smart Lighting

Video Doorbell

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Description automatically generated An affordable piece of smart technology that you can easily install in your rental property is a video doorbell. You may have seen them already as they are quickly increasing in popularity, but they are doorbells with cameras attached that allow you to see the front door from a smartphone.

From a tenant’s perspective, these have proved extremely useful for several reasons. Screening unwanted visitors has never been easier with the tap of the button. When the doorbell rings, tenants can open the app on their phone and see who is at the door without ever having to get up. And if they don’t want to answer the door, they don’t have to. Another way a video doorbell can be useful to tenants is by being notified when packages are delivered. Most video doorbells have motion sensor features and send an alert when there is motion at the front door. It’s a great way to avoid packages sitting at the front door for long periods of time.

Security System

Feeling safe in a home is probably the most important priority for high quality tenants. Installing a smart security system in your rental property can help put your tenant’s worries at ease. There are many options when it comes to home security systems that have a wide range in price. It’s important to consider the ease of use coupled with security features and price when selecting a system for your property.

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Description automatically generated There are systems professionally monitored by security companies that will respond quickly whenever the alarm is triggered. There are also DIY options that are simple and easy to set up and can be monitored yourself. Some of these DIY systems also have monthly plans available for professional monitoring if you’d prefer that option.

With whatever system you ultimately choose, both you and your tenants can rest assured that your property is secure and safe from any environmental threats or intruders.

Smart Locks

Smart locks have become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason! They provide some amazing benefits for both tenants and landlords. So, what is a smart lock? These locks provide a keyless entry into a home, all while beefing up security. Look at some of the benefits these locks provide:

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  • No Physical Key Required – if you’ve ever forgotten your keys in the house (or have received a late-night phone call from your tenants who have) you know how valuable this feature is. These locks have a variety of ways to granting access into the property that doesn’t include a key like keypads, touchscreens, and even digital keys.
  • No More Hide-a-Key – Many tenants and landlords alike choose to hide a house key somewhere around the front of the home in case they forget their primary key or want to let someone in who doesn’t have a key. And what was once considered a smart backup plan turned out to be quite risky since home intruders know where to look for this hidden key. With a smart lock, this backup plan is no longer needed and helps secure your property from unwanted visitors.
  • No More Changing Locks – one thing landlords do when tenants move out is install new locks to ensure the security of the property. With a smart lock, you’ll never have to change the locks again. You can simply change the code required for entry or delete the digital key a former tenant was using. This not only saves you the hassle of changing the locks every time you change tenants but saves you money with all the locks you would have bought otherwise.

Smart Thermostat

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Description automatically generated With heating and cooling costs accounting for over half of monthly energy bills, it’s no wonder that high-quality tenants want to have better control over their usage. Smart thermostats allow them to do just that. A smart thermostat gives tenants the ability to fully control the home’s temperature and monitor it throughout the day, remotely.

With a touch of a button from their smartphone, they can power the A/C on or off, adjust the temperature, or even schedule it to turn on or off while they’re gone during the day to save on wasted cooling and heating costs! Another added benefit of these thermostats is that over time, they “learn” the tenant’s preference of temperature throughout the day and optimize the system to be at the ideal temperature but also reduce energy use and environmental impact.

Between the convenience, saving energy costs, and the reduced environmental impact smart thermostats provide, this feature will surely excite potential tenants.

Smart Lighting

Another piece of smart technology your tenants will appreciate in your rental property is smart lighting. These are light bulbs that can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet and can also be programmed with specific functions.

These bulbs are often motion censored and can automatically turn on or off based on movement in each room. Your tenants will no longer need to worry about accidentally leaving lights on all day because they will automatically turn off when they sense no movement.

One more great feature of these bulbs is that they have a dimmer function that can be controlled from a smartphone. Instead of having to install the dimmer light switches in your property, your tenants can automatically control the dimmer from the comfort of the couch. The dimmer feature can also be programmed to dim lights at a certain time of the day, perfect for when the night is winding down before bedtime.

These light bulbs will set you back about $40-$50 per 4 pack, but your tenants will really appreciate the details you’ve thought about in making your property an easy and comfortable place to live.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re looking to add a couple of extra features to your property or completely turn it into a “smart home,” these pieces of smart technology will go a long way in attracting your ideal tenants. With the constant advancements in these technologies, the highest quality tenants are on the lookout for these features. Don’t let you’re rental get overlooked!

If you’re looking for help in bringing your rental property up to date with smart technology, consider talking to a property management company with experience in equipping properties with all the features high-quality tenants are looking for in today’s market.

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Best Mapping Software for Business 2021, 09 May 2021 18:23:43 +0000 software uses a company’s location-based data and transforms it into a data visualization map. By using the features of this technology, businesses can create, modify, and customize their map. In this way, it’s possible to understand patterns, trends, and insights not readily apparent in a spreadsheet or table. In particular, people in sales, supply […]

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Mapping software uses a company’s location-based data and transforms it into a data visualization map. By using the features of this technology, businesses can create, modify, and customize their map. In this way, it’s possible to understand patterns, trends, and insights not readily apparent in a spreadsheet or table.

In particular, people in sales, supply chain management, real estate, marketing, city planning, and public health can benefit from mapping software. For instance, mapping software makes it possible for salespeople to learn more about their customers through demographic data. Additionally, it can help these same salespeople optimize their routes, using their time most efficiently. 

These are just a few examples of how mapping software can benefit your business. The full extent of what mapping software can do for your company really depends on the features that a particular program offers. With this in mind, let’s explore some mapping software options so you can find the one that’s best suited for your business. 

Best Mapping Software Options for Businesses in 2021 


A web-based software program, Infogram provides over 550 country and regional map templates, making it possible for users to build beautiful and interactive maps without needing to have any design or coding skills. Additionally, Infogram has GIS features so maps can be connected to live data through API or the cloud. 

Infogram lets users create a variety of maps, including icon or marker maps, cartograms, subway maps, topographic maps, and heat maps. Furthermore, users have the option of transforming their maps into infographics. Additionally, maps can be shared on social media or landing pages and are downloadable in various formats. 


Designed for real estate, tourism, education, and government industries, Mapme is easy to use but offers advanced customization options. Maple has various features, including drawing tools, custom markers, custom map styles, 3D buildings, and flexible layouts. Additionally, this software program offers users the option of adding photos, videos, PDFs, and 3D tours to the map. 

Mapme is web-based, but it comes with a mobile-optimized version for use on smaller screens. Locations can be added manually or imported in bulk. Once a map is created, users can embed it on a website, share it on social networks, or send it as a URL in an email. 


Users looking for all the features of Google Maps but with their own customizations will find everything they need using Maptive’s cloud-based mapping software. Powered by Google’s enterprise-level mapping technology, users can create customized map markers and choose from a number of different map styles. 

Maptive also offers several different tools for identifying and analyzing data. These tools include heat mapping, multiple variable grouping, filtering, drive time polygon tool, radius map tool, polygon territory tool, turn-by-turn navigation, and territory drawing. Furthermore, Maptive offers enterprise-level security and support, global coverage, and access to Google Places data. 

Once a map is ready to be shared, users can configure how the map is presented. The map can then be exported for use in PowerPoint presentations or used with Maptive’s built-in presentation mode. 

Scribble Maps

Scribble Maps lets users create custom map stylings, draw various shapes, place text and image overlays, and place markers. It also offers route optimization, area and distance measuring, and area searches. 

Users have the option of saving their map as an SHP, KML, PDF, GPX, CVS, Bulk GeoJSON, or as an image file. Maps can also be printed, embedded on a website, or emailed. 


When looking at the best mapping software options for business, the one you choose depends mainly on your company’s needs. Do you need something that provides different ways to analyze your data, or do you simply need to display locations? Are you seeking to optimize delivery or sales routes, or do you want to learn more about customers in specific areas? Whatever you need mapping software for, there’s a program out there with the features to meet your needs.

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8 Insanely Easy Ways Realtors Can Use Digital Marketing to Expand Business, 21 Sep 2020 13:34:49 +0000 in the ’80s would have never imagined they could close deals worth millions of dollars over a global network of computers called the internet. Things are a lot different now, and real estate agents who fail to maintain an online presence are at the risk of losing. The COVID-19 pandemic – the elephant in […]

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Realtors in the ’80s would have never imagined they could close deals worth millions of dollars over a global network of computers called the internet. Things are a lot different now, and real estate agents who fail to maintain an online presence are at the risk of losing.

The COVID-19 pandemic – the elephant in the room – almost makes offline marketing efforts futile as people have started to spend more time in front of a screen on their most comfortable sofas.

Hence developing a marketing strategy that puts more focus on online marketing is a necessity than a choice. To simplify things for you, here are 8 easy ways realtors can use digital marketing to expand their business and build lasting customer relationships in the process.

1. Set up a Beautiful Website

The first real estate marketing strategy you should consider is setting up your website. You want to go for a domain name that reflects both your services and brand. Focus on its aesthetics, but don’t forget about site loading speeds.

Since the majority of your prospects will be using a mobile device to access your website, make it mobile-friendly. Additionally, investing your time and efforts in search engine optimization (SEO) will help you rank higher in search engines – thereby increasing the chances of website visits. Optimise your landing page for conversions and, if you are targeting passive investors, don’t forget to add equity raising functionality on your website.

2. Publish Blog Posts

Starting a blog for your business will take only a few minutes and will add enormous SEO value. You can try to dedicate a section of your website for blog posts or write on publishing platforms like

The key is to publish high quality and valuable content that doesn’t directly pitch a sales proposition but instead address the customer’s pain points. You can also use the blog to publish infographics, videos, tips for homeowners’ and so on.

This way, you can gradually increase your reader base, and the next time they think of investing in real estate, your name will be the first to cross their minds.

3. Consider Email Marketing Campaigns

It is common knowledge that emails still rock the realm of marketing. You can use your website to gather emails from your customers and send weekly emails that deliver valuable pieces of content such as the latest property listings, updates in mortgage rates, homeowners’ policies, and so on.

However, you don’t always have to be pushy and solely focusing on conversion. Instead, try sending out content that reflects the pain points of your customers and offer solutions for them. By doing so, you can enhance your reputation and build lasting customer relationships in the process.

4. Leverage Social Media to the Core

The majority of your prospective buyers will be drifting their ways through social media content. In that sense, it makes more sense to display your offerings more in social media networks than on any other platform.

And fortunately, setting up your social media accounts or showcasing your reputation won’t take much time. Since Instagram is among the most used social media platforms, all you need in quality content (more precisely images) and some Instagram marketing tips to start with.

Just like emails, you don’t always have to use social media networks to sell or rent properties. Instead, focus on enhancing brand awareness, be consistent with content publishing, and use the medium to add more value to a customer’s purchase decisions.

5. Try PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising campaigns are paid ads, displayed to users who probably made a google search about real estate properties or so. The idea here is to show ads to people who are most likely at the top of the funnel – unable to decide how and where to buy a property from.

By showing valuable ads, you’re enticing those customers to do business with you, and since you’ve to pay only when an individual clicks on the ad, you can have a tight budget without any wastage.

However, not all clicks lead to conversions. And don’t forget to utilize analytics tools to track your spendings, clicks, and conversions as otherwise, you’ll find it hard to determine what stops a customer from doing business with you or the best time to display ads.

6. Befriend Video Marketing

With internet speeds scorching and becoming incredibly cheap, people prefer consuming video content than looking at huge blocks of monotonous texts. Videos have the highest engagement rates, and publishing high-quality content is an effective method to drive traffic to your website.

YouTube, Facebook, or Vimeo can be your go-to for this purpose. You can create videos about your company, client testimonials, and even virtual tours of properties. Such video walkthroughs will allow customers to view properties from any corners of the world.

7. Set up Your Google My Business

Setting your Google My Business (GMB) account is free and easy and increases your visibility in Google Search and Maps. If you succeed in including the right keywords, for example, “realtors in New Jersey” or so, people searching for such queries are more likely to end up on your business’s name.

GMB also allows you to establish easy methods to contact you, such as via emails, phone calls, or instant messaging. You can ask your previous customers to share their experiences doing business with you, which will undoubtedly enhance your credibility.

8. Give Importance For Voice and Image Search

With voice assistants becoming more friendly and functional, people prefer asking questions directly to such assistants instead of typing it out in the google search bar. Such searches are called voice searches and are becoming increasingly popular.

While performing SEO, consider long-tail keywords and natural language questions such as “how much does a house cost in Boston?”. Additionally, image search is another significant player in the industry. You can use an image sharing website like Pinterest to create boards and share property photos.

Final Thoughts

Pro tip – irrespective of the real estate marketing strategies you adopt, create buyer personas to better understand your customers’ needs and wants, and their customer journey. This will allow you to craft marketing campaigns that resonate with your prospects, reducing the chances of your efforts going unnoticed.

Also, measuring your campaigns’ success is critical. Only then you’ll be able to differentiate the ones with the highest return on investment and lowest cost of acquisition. Do take extra efforts to A/B test each element of your marketing campaigns as what works for a customer may not be viable for another.

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