Web Development – Technorollhttps://technoroll.orgYour Technology & Digital Marketing BlogThu, 23 Dec 2021 05:00:32 +0000en-UShourly1https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.14https://technoroll.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-FAV-1-32x32.pngWeb Development – Technorollhttps://technoroll.org3232 5 Website Design Ideas to Help You Stand Outhttps://technoroll.org/5-website-design-ideas/https://technoroll.org/5-website-design-ideas/#respondThu, 23 Dec 2021 02:38:42 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=5383Humans are visual creatures, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for web designers. While you can instantly engage users through smart choices of font, color, and graphics, design elements that look outdated can immediately turn potential customers off your business.  As is the case with all types of design, web design is constantly […]

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Humans are visual creatures, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for web designers. While you can instantly engage users through smart choices of font, color, and graphics, design elements that look outdated can immediately turn potential customers off your business. 

As is the case with all types of design, web design is constantly evolving. Ultimately, you want to be standing out from your competitors for the right reasons — not the fact that your website doesn’t look like it’s been touched since 2000.

With that in mind, here are 10 ideas recommended by a top web design company in Melbourne that will ensure your website converts positive attention into actual sales. 


When you think of a well-known company — say Google, for example — the first thing that pops into your mind is probably the distinctive blue, red, yellow, and green colors that make up their logo. We all know a lot of other things about Google, including the types of services they offer and what tech products they develop. But the fact that they have such a distinctive logo and well-known color scheme — which they have adapted for use across all their assets — certainly plays a role in making them one of the most easily recognizable companies on the planet. 

Emphasize Your Company Story

Truth be told, many of the products and services you offer are likely to be pretty similar to your competitors. Standing out can therefore seem like a pretty big challenge.

However, consumers look for a lot more when deciding on what company to shop or work with. While online shopping has become the norm, we still want to be sure that we’re doing business with a team that is reputable, trustworthy, and made up of real people.

As such, including a personalized ‘about us’ section is one of the best ways that you can convey what makes you different from your competitors. The section doesn’t have to be lengthy but from a design perspective, it should be easily accessible. 

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential customer and ask what you would want to know about a company before handing your money over. And of course, as is the case with any type of content, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are extremely important and should not be sacrificed for stylistic purposes. 

Use Video (wisely)

It’s hard to imagine a time when the internet didn’t have video. Now, it’s estimated that in 2022, the video will make up 82 percent of all consumer internet traffic. With that statistic in mind, you might be tempted to include some form of video on every single page of your site. However, from a design and development perspective, this is not necessarily the best move.

One of the biggest challenges facing designers is balancing the visual appeal of a website against its functionality. The fact is, the more video you include on your website, the longer it will take to load. Arguably more important than your design is your website speed. According to some studies, 1 in 4 visitors will abandon a website if it takes longer than four seconds to load. 

The lesson is to certainly use video but use it wisely. Avoid video pop-ups, which can distract from the overall experience of a site. Instead, integrate video in a sparing manner that complements other forms of content, including photos and written word. 

Avoid Stock Photos and Assets

Creating a website is not a cheap endeavor. However, there are certain areas in which you shouldn’t be looking to cut corners. Photography is one of them.

Purchasing stock photos for a couple of dollars might seem like the cheaper and more convenient option. But what you save in the short run can have a significant impact on the conversion level of your website. Research suggests that customers are pretty smart and selective. When presented with the choice of shopping with a company that uses stock images for their website vs. one that does not, visitors were 35 percent more likely to choose the latter — even though they were not aware of the actual difference between the two. 

The lesson here? Good design might require an initial outlay, but you’ll quickly make that money back in customer sign-ups and sales. 

Straightforward Layouts

Standing out from the crowd doesn’t always involve re-inventing the wheel. Sometimes, the best way to stamp your authority over your competitors is doing exactly as they do, only better. 

Take website layout in mind. Visitors arrive at a website with a very strict idea in mind as to what page hierarchy and structure should look like. They expect that clicking on a certain link will take them to a certain page. They know that contact information can be found on the bottom header of the site. In the case of e-commerce sites, a shopping cart icon should be sitting in the top right-hand corner.

Playing around with these expectations too much can cause frustration amongst customers and may lead them to simply abandon your site before they have a chance to see how great your company is. 

When it comes to website design, above all, you should understand that the process will take time. Even the best web design company in Melbourne can’t produce a state-of-the-art website overnight. However, the time you put in at the early design stages can be the difference between your site towering over your competitors or being lost in the very crowded world of the internet. 

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Why Use Wix to Build Website for Your Businesshttps://technoroll.org/wix-website-for-business/https://technoroll.org/wix-website-for-business/#respondMon, 27 Sep 2021 14:57:18 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=4718Designing a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Thanks to website builders like Wix. You might think that people only use website builders because they are a cost-effective way of building professional websites. However, that’s not it. Business owners hire website designers and professional web design agencies to build websites using […]

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Designing a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Thanks to website builders like Wix. You might think that people only use website builders because they are a cost-effective way of building professional websites.

However, that’s not it. Business owners hire website designers and professional web design agencies to build websites using Wix, so they are easily able to maintain it without having to go back to them.

If you have questions like “is Wix Free” and “why should you consider using Wix to build a website,” this article will be of great help. Before discussing the reasons people prefer Wix over other website builders, let’s talk about what Wix is and how you can use it to build a professional-looking website.

What Is Wix, and How Does it Make Building Websites Easier?

Wix is a cloud-based website builder that gives users a drag-and-drop facility to build great-looking and responsive websites. This popular Israeli company was founded in 2006 and, since then, has given tough competition to its competitors like WordPress, Weebly, and Squarespace.

Website builders are a dream of business professionals, owners, bloggers, and entrepreneurs, who want to save money and have the flexibility to manage and organize the content easily. If you know nothing about website design, Wix is a great website builder to consider.

Today, the Wix design platform is one of the key players in the web design world as it powers a whopping 160 million websites and has over 200 million users worldwide. The platform offers 500 templates that freelancers can use to create portfolios and business owners can use to create responsively, high-functioning, and professional-looking websites.

One of the primary reasons people use website builders like Wix and WordPress is that they empower non-tech people to build their own websites and reduce the overall cost of website design and development.

You might be wondering why you should choose Wix over WordPress, Weebly, or other website builders. To answer your question, here we are sharing the reasons you should consider using Wix to build a website:

Reasons You Should Build Your Business Website Using Wix

It’s Easy to Use

When you think of using a website builder, you expect the process of creating and running a website to be easy. The good news is that Wix doesn’t fail its users in this regard. With the drag-and-drop designs, you will be able to create an excellent website in a matter of a few minutes.

Wix is free, but some of the templates are restricted with the free plan. In that case, you will have to switch to any of the business plans.

If you want to make creating a website easy for you, Wix should be on the top of your list. It’s beginner-friendly and scalable, which means you can easily create a website without having to contact a professional to get the job done.

It Offers a Diverse Range of Design Templates

A website builder’s job is to make things easier for you. Wix is popular for doing that as it offers its worldwide users over 500 sophisticated design templates. If you are using Wix templates, all you will have to do is edit the business logo, content, and business name. It’s that simple!

It Takes Care of Your Site Security

Unlike WordPress, where you are responsible for your own site security, Wix takes care of your site security without compromising site speed. This means that you get the time to focus more on the designing aspect.

It Provides SEO Tools to Help You Optimize the Website

One of the main reasons you should consider using Wix to build a website is that it offers tools to improve your rankings on search engines. 

Many people still believe that SEO is all about inserting keywords in content and link building. But, the truth is that your blog layout, on-page, and off-page are the key areas of SEO. If you want to improve your ranking on search engines, you have to make sure that your business website is optimized for all types of devices, has a good speed, and carries a well-distributed menu.

With Wix, you won’t have to worry about all of this because the website templates focus on each of these areas. Furthermore, the platform also offers various tools to help users optimize their website to improve their ranking on search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and Google.

It Offers Various Plans to Choose From

Wix offers three Website Plans and 4 Business and eCommerce plans. The website plans include VIP, Unlimited, Combo, and Connect Domain. VIP costs $24.50 per month, Unlimited costs $12.50, Combo costs $8.50, and Connect Domain costs $4.50 each month.

The three Business and eCommerce plans include Business VIP, Business Unlimited, and Business Basic, which cost $35, $25, and $17 per month, respectively. Users who want to create a blog or showcase their portfolio should consider using any of the Website Plans. In contrast, business owners who want to accept online payments through their website have to choose any of the Business and eCommerce plans.

Some of these plans offer free-of-cost hosting along with custom domains. These plans are put in place to help users understand their needs better and pay only for the services they require.

Other Benefits of Using Wix

  • The platform offers 24/7 support to answer every query you might have
  • Its premium plans offer free domain, hosting, Google Analytics, and storage
  • Offers secured payments
  • It carries a huge directory of stock photos for you to choose from

Final Words

Wix has helped many businesses build professional and outstanding websites in no time using the drag-and-drop feature. As we discussed earlier, there are various reasons you should consider using Wix to build a website, but the main reasons are that it is extremely flexible, user-friendly, and offers an array of sophisticated templates to choose from.

Its intuitive technology and powerful and useful built-in features have made it one of the best website builders out there. We know that managing the back-end of a website can be difficult. However, with Wix, you can set up a website and manage products, content, and payment gateways easily

Wix is more than just a website builder. It’s a platform that works to give your business an online presence that helps to build brand credibility.

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WordPress vs Joomla: Which CMS to Choose?https://technoroll.org/wordpress-vs-joomla/https://technoroll.org/wordpress-vs-joomla/#respondMon, 30 Aug 2021 13:13:23 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=4513Starting our short article on the comparison of two content management systems (CMS) — Joomla and WordPress, we consider it necessary to make a couple of important clarifications. Perhaps not everyone knows that there are two platforms with almost the same name — WordPress. These are WordPress.com and WordPress.org. At first glance, it might seem […]

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Starting our short article on the comparison of two content management systems (CMS) — Joomla and WordPress, we consider it necessary to make a couple of important clarifications. Perhaps not everyone knows that there are two platforms with almost the same name — WordPress. These are WordPress.com and WordPress.org. At first glance, it might seem that we are talking about just two different domains that can host the same environment for WordPress programming. But this is far from the case. These are two separate platforms with numerous highly significant differences. The list of them is so long, that a detailed analysis could become the topic of a separate detailed article.

In this case, we just want to emphasize that all comparisons and conclusions in this review relate specifically to WordPress.org, which let’s users download the open-source CMS and build a website using their own domain name registrar and hosting service.


Of course, if we decide to base our comparison only on the conclusions of WordPress specialists, the objectivity of assessments would be seriously compromised. Therefore, it makes sense to turn to statistics and see the proportion of websites and web applications based upon one or another CMS.

So, the bulk of the resources of the World Wide Web, namely 90%, fall on these two content management systems. However, within this array, the shares are distributed so unevenly that just this ratio alone looks more than convincing. 85% of all sites in the WWW today are built on WordPress, and 5% on Joomla. This way, the total share of other CMS altogether remains only 10%. Thus, both Joomla and WordPress can be called leaders, but which one takes the first place is absolutely obvious.

Why is the gap between the two leaders so dramatic, even if we take into consideration that Joomla occupies a fairly impressive part of the market for websites and web applications? Why do individual programmers, web designers, and the whole companies that provide custom development services, as much as their clients have such a clear preference for WordPress?

Let’s continue the comparison.


Affordability And The Hidden Pricing

Initially, both Joomla and WordPress are positioned as free content management systems. But the devil is in the details, therefore, starting to create a web resource on any of these platforms, you will be faced with the need to pay a variety of bills.

No matter whether you are planning to develop your project on your own or turn to an outsource WordPress development service https://qarea.com/hire-developers/wordpress — you need to plan one-time and recurring payments for several items. Namely:

  • The domain name (This is an almost insignificant waste. By the way, if you don’t already have a domain name or are not planning to acquire one shortly, then why did you need these platforms at all?).
  • Hosting (Remember that both of these platforms should be initially based on servers, and, after all, you need to host your site somewhere).
  • Plugins (In this case, the choice is the widest, and it may turn out that the set of completely free solutions will be enough for you. If you decide to entrust the work to a reliable development company, making the components free of charge as a condition, perhaps you will be able to significantly save money).
  • Security (You don’t want to be a victim of hackers, do you?).
  • Developer fees (There is the widest range of prices, it all depends on the complexity of your project).
  • Maintenance (Again, prices may fluctuate depending on the specific project).

We will not go into technicalities, since prices can vary greatly depending on your needs and the model of development and follow-up you choose. We will give only general figures.

Developing and launching a WordPress-based web resource can cost you from $30 to $3000.

All other things being equal, developing and maintaining a similar Joomla site will require a budget ranging between $700 and $6500.

Some of these payments are one-time, some involve monthly bills.

Since Joomla is much less widespread, the number of servers that will run resources built on this platform is an order of magnitude less than that of WordPress. Plus, Joomla is incomparably more difficult to work with. This applies to both the process of creating a website and its subsequent maintenance. All these circumstances influence the fact that the cost of hosting, developing, and maintaining a resource on Joomla painfully exceeds the similar expenditures for projects on WordPress.

projects on WordPress

Important Nuances

The size of this article does not provide for a detailed analysis of these two CMS, its purpose is to give a general idea of ​​the fundamental differences between Joomla and WordPress. However, some details deserve to be emphasized.

First of all, it should be said that the UI design process on WordPress is implemented at an intuitive level, which cannot be said about Joomla. This leads to more attractive results, which allow you to get tools (including free) WordPress.

And secondly, the gap between Joomla and WordPress is not just huge — it is constantly widening. And this is where size really matters.

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How To Become A Full-stack Web Developerhttps://technoroll.org/full-stack-web-developer/https://technoroll.org/full-stack-web-developer/#respondWed, 28 Apr 2021 01:14:40 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=3654Full-stack web developers build software, which includes mobile apps, desktop apps, and websites. Generally, the software can be broken down into two parts and these include the back end and front end. The back end typically consists of the code and databases that manipulate and retrieve data. On the other hand, the front end is […]

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Full-stack web developers build software, which includes mobile apps, desktop apps, and websites. Generally, the software can be broken down into two parts and these include the back end and front end. The back end typically consists of the code and databases that manipulate and retrieve data. On the other hand, the front end is the part of the app that audiences see and interact with, which may also be referred to as the user interface.

All mobile developers and software engineers can be considered full-stack web developers. However, web designers, systems administrators, and database administrators have specialized roles, which focus on a piece of the technology stack.

If you want to be a full-stack web developer, you should know the basics of full-stack web development. You can click here for more info.

More often than not, full-stack web developers specialize in more than one programming language. Even if it’s impossible to be perfect with all the programming languages on both the client and server-side with competency, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be a full-stack web developer.

To become a successful one, make sure to keep the following in mind:

Gain Knowledge About the Necessary Programming Languages

One of the things you should do to become a full-stack web developer, you must be knowledgeable of various programming languages, which may include the following:

  • JavaScript – It’s a must-learn programming language if you want to be a full-stack web developer. It can be used in both back-end and front-end processes. Browsers are also built on it and JavaScript may be used as a server-side language.
  • HTML and CSS – Keep in mind that the web is built on these programming languages. HTML helps developers input content into any website and CSS is the language used to design and alter the appearance of web apps. Both are crucial for full-stack web developers and are usually taught in all courses.

Get Tips and Tricks from Industry Experts

Full-stack web development isn’t the same as before. Even if there are full-stack web developer tutorials available online, they’re not enough. With the industry constantly changing, it’s best to be trained by professionals. By learning from the industry experts, you can be assured that you’ll learn new things that you might not be able to find online.

Learn Front-End Technologies

These technologies are becoming more essential in today’s product and project development. Other than product features, user experience is one of the criteria for testing the product’s success, which may depend on implementing front-end technology. With this in mind, you have to master HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You should also know more about third-party libraries or front-end frameworks like JQuery.

Learn Back-End Technologies

Another thing that you should learn and master if you want to be a full-stack web developer is back-end technologies. You have to learn the web app’s server sides, including integrations, logic, APIs, and so on. Some back-end technologies you must master are as follows:

  • PHP – It’s an open-source server programming language, which is powerful and easy to learn. Some programs like WordPress and Facebook use PHP.
  • NodeJS – It’s an open-source server environment, which is platform-independent and may operate on different platforms, such as Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, and Windows.
  • Python – It’s an accessible programming language, which has open-source software. Python also has a heavy community involvement across every level.

Be Knowledgeable About User Experience (UX)

UX has many definitions, but when it comes to full-stack development, developers should think of providing a great experience for their app users. Often, it includes everything from accessibility to ensuring that your user interface (UI) is easy to understand and intuitive.

Continuing to study UI and UX best practices will make you a competent full-stack web developer and it’ll help you build in a user-focused way, which means better apps that are built faster.

Take A Course

Full-stack web developers should stay abreast of any changes in the industry to broaden their range of knowledge. Taking virtual or online courses aside from getting mentored by experts is another way to level up your skills.

Just avoid expensive courses that promise to provide everything you need to learn within just a few hours. Since your objective is to get practical exposure and learning theory in a short time, choose the courses that offer tutoring to clarify your concerns and have a flexible schedule suited for you.

Get Experience

The challenging part of becoming a full-stack web developer is when you need a thorough understanding of the necessary technologies and programming languages. To gain experience, it’s time to use your knowledge in applications. Before you get practical exposure, you have to know the following:

  • Right data structure to use
  • Means to separate the files
  • Best way to structure code
  • Environment to host big media files
  • Computational task’s location, which can be either server-side or client-side

Even if theoretical knowledge can be easily obtained by reading some materials online, understanding application architecture properly should be done by implementing actual web apps. To accomplish this, it’s best to work with a team. Typically, this exercise adds all crucial practical exposure to technology toolkits of full-stack web developers.

Depending on your chosen company, other companies may require applicants to have a degree in computer science to apply for a job position, but some would overlook education if the candidate will exhibit outstanding coding abilities.

Start Building Your Portfolio

Portfolios are essential for full-stack web developers. If you want to be one of those who are successful in the industry, you should give your recruiters a good first impression about your projects. If there’s something you’re proud of, showcase the project to them. Just ensure that your work must show an eye for excellent technical know-how and design.


The journey to be a full-stack web developer is challenging, but the experience will make the process much easier. If you don’t know where to get started, make sure to keep the above helpful information and never stop learning about full-stack development even if it can be daunting.

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Why You Should Invest In B2b Web Portal Development?https://technoroll.org/invest-in-b2b-web-portal-development/https://technoroll.org/invest-in-b2b-web-portal-development/#respondMon, 26 Apr 2021 01:32:24 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=3635Are you already working in the B2B segment and planning to enter the international market? Do you want to develop and need to find new clients and partners? The creation of such a site is able to help to solve a lot of different business tasks. Based on experience in the field of website development […]

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Are you already working in the B2B segment and planning to enter the international market? Do you want to develop and need to find new clients and partners? The creation of such a site is able to help to solve a lot of different business tasks.

Based on experience in the field of website development in the B2B segment, we will say that the creation of such projects is a complex and lengthy process. It requires a clear understanding of the client’s business, close communication with him, and meeting the needs of the target audience. This article is shown how to create your own website and what the right b2b web portal development needs to be in order for it to be useful.

What Is A B2b Website?

B2B is a type of site that is created to help the interaction of two companies. One company in this case is a manufacturer, creator, and seller of goods or services in which the second company is interested. The second company is the buyer, the client. It buys and then sells them to the end consumer. Both companies have a common goal – profit.

A B2B website is an intermediary between the cooperation of two companies. Thanks to this the first company is able to make an offer. As for the second one, it creates demand, looking at it in detail. 

How Is A B2b Website Useful For Business?

What are b2b portal development services and why build one? The answer is rather simple:

  1. The ability to expand your business around the world. Such sites can be presented worldwide and used without any limits. They are a great opportunity to help to widen the business and optimize the business processes. They attract potential customers who may be interested in your offer;
  2. Enormous savings on advertising your business for clients located in other countries;
  3. To use the help of partners to develop your business. For example, expand logistics, expand production lines, technology, information business, increase investment, etc .;
  4. Reducing the burden on managers and consultants by providing full specialized information. As well as partially automated processing of online orders;
  5. Providing customers with the most in-depth and complete information about their business, including technical, financial, and specialized information of interest to customers. Moreover, all information is confidential. A third party interested in business will never be able to steal information and use it for their own purposes.

These advantages help both companies in the B2B segment to improve their business activities. They stabilize partnerships, minimize and optimize their own costs, gaining highly competitive advantages.

What Types Of Business Is A B2B Website Suitable For?

With the development of the market, technology, and innovation, there are many types of businesses. For them, website creation will be the best option. Here are examples of the main ones:

  1. Web Development, manufacture, and sale of equipment, parts, production of consumables that can be used to create the final product. Machine tools, production mechanisms, parts for electronic equipment, gadgets, transport. This also includes the production of raw materials by the company, which must be further processed. There are thousands of examples, which can be analyzed for future use;
  2. Provision of services of intermediary type, which are numerous nowadays;
  3. Any companies whose business is not aimed at interacting with end customers.

Final Words

Therefore, resources of this kind are complex multifunctional resources, the main purpose of which is to interest your visitor. It gives what the user needs and is interested in, keeping him in the ranks of regular customers.

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7 Things Full-Stack Developers Must Know To Be Successfulhttps://technoroll.org/7-tips-for-full-stack-developers/https://technoroll.org/7-tips-for-full-stack-developers/#respondThu, 24 Dec 2020 14:23:52 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=2896As the web has grown more complicated thanks to technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, the need for specialized developers is also on the rise. Sure, it is great to have developers who are experts in basic frontend technologies. Then, there are some who know the best backend frameworks from the back of their hand. […]

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As the web has grown more complicated thanks to technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, the need for specialized developers is also on the rise. Sure, it is great to have developers who are experts in basic frontend technologies. Then, there are some who know the best backend frameworks from the back of their hand.

However, the wave of expert full-stack developers who carry both frontend and backend tasks cannot go unnoticed. Multiple studies have shown that the demand for full-stack developers has gone up by 20% in the last few years.

This article discusses who full-stack developers are, what they do, and what they should focus on to succeed in this competitive environment. Let us begin:

Who is a full-stack developer?

Put merely: full-stack developers are engineers who work with both the frontend and backend of a website or an application and primarily tackle projects involving databases, servers and systems engineering, building user-facing websites for clients, or working with multiple businesses during the planning phase of projects.

Typically, efficient full-stack developers would be proficient in several programming languages and databases such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS—although, over time, they build their specialty in one or two languages only.

What does a full-stack developer do?

You will agree that full-stack developers are informally known as the Swiss Army knife of the software development world. Imagine having the ability to deliver end-to-end full-stack web development services to a client. That has got to be a highly marketable and agile skillset, right? Exactly! It is.

Full-stack developers are typically involved in the following activities:

  • Translate user needs to system requirements by facilitating the use of architectures and implementing new systems
  • Create servers and databases for enhanced functionality
  • Work with several programming languages and write backend codes in Ruby, Python, and PHP,APIs and frontend codes in HTML and JavaScript
  • Validate and monitor the performance of applications and infrastructure against the client brief
  • Ensure responsiveness of software applications
  • Troubleshoot the software app by deploying a fast and accurate solution in real-time
  • Understand, create and debug database-related queries
  • See-through a project from conception to finished product and communicate with the client continuously

How much do full-stack developers earn?

According to Payscale.com, a full-stack developer with 1-4 years of experience earns around $74,819 per annum. A mid-career full-stack developer with 5-9 years of work-ex makes an annual compensation of $92,012.

What skills are full-stack developers required to acquire?

In the last two years, full-stack development has moved beyond the usual realm of coding. Today, professionals in this field have also started upskilling themselves in project management, web design, and visual language (UI/UX) to deliver a more wholesome offering.

Apart from that, it is not uncommon to see a full-stack developer acquiring the following skills:

  • Expertise in one or more third-party libraries such as Angular and ReactJS
  • Knowledge in “version control” to manipulate and create database queries
  • Experience with databases and caching
  • Understanding of security concerns and best user experience practices
  • Soft skills such as time management, attention to detail, team management

Seven things all full-stack developers must know to be successful

A full-stack developer has a broad technical profile, understands both backend tasks and basic frontend technologies, and is increasingly in high demand in the marketplace. Therefore, here are seven things that all full-stack developers must know to beat the competition, raise the bar for themselves, and add more value to businesses:

Seven things all full-stack developers must know to be successful

1. Frontend technology: the face of the website

Whatever the time and trend might be, any website must rank high on the following three elements:

  • Complexity – the user interface of the website that impacts user engagement
  • Usability – the attribute denotes the easy-to-use website aspect
  • Compatibility – the ability to adapt to different web browsers

It is pretty evident from first glance that those full-stack developers that primarily deal with website development cannot ignore these three elements. Hence, they must have an idea about JavaScript—the most popular programming language for all developers.

JavaScript is the first language that defines the function of a web page. It is used for enhancing many audio and video features, protocols for scrolling or navigating the page, closures for page animation implementation, and others.

Full-stack developers should master basic frontend technologies such as CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. They should also have a good command over third-party libraries or frameworks like SASS, LESS, AngularJS, jQuery, ReactJS, and so on.

2. Programming languages: pillars of the website

Programming languages are a set of code that tells an application of how it is supposed to perform. They provide logic to the application to perform a task and get a predetermined output from the action. Let us study an example: when burning a CD, the user must paste something in the pen drive to transfer that data onto the CD.

The communication between hardware and software happens because of the programming languages. The same logic is applied in websites—without the software. A skilled full-stack developer should be proficient in programming languages such as Java, PHP, Ruby, C#, and Swift. (Do follow) This particular skill set is non-negotiable—if they want to make a mark in the industry.

For the full-stack developers to be successful, it is necessary to be a master in the language syntax and familiarize oneself with the concept of designing, structuring, testing, and implementing the website code efficiently. That is because of the higher demand for improved computation capabilities of modern software applications.

3. Understanding of databases and caches

Life without data is impossible. Business without information is impossible. Do not be surprised when we tell you we produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. Given the obscene number, it is essential to handle large amounts and multiple data types efficiently. No wonder the demand for database management systems (DBMS) and database caching is at an all-time high.

If the full-stack developers have experience working with various DBMS technologies such as SQLServer, Redis, Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, then that is a plus. After all, every software application needs a database to store and organize data.

Full-stack development deals with databases and ensures they interact seamlessly. Developers use that knowledge to build the backend for dynamic applications. Moreover, the speed of the database impacts the overall application performance.

Slow processing queries, high costs to scale, and the need for simplifying data access—all of these issues can be handled or rectified if the developer knows how to do data caching and thus be more successful. On the other hand, designing and manipulating database queries and learning how to work with XML and JSON make the application more efficient.

4. Basics of designing user interfaces

The success of a business stems from how well they know their users—including understanding their goals, preferences, skills, and tendencies. Once those insights have been garnered, it is necessary to build an application where:

  • The user interface is simple, without any unnecessary elements
  • UI elements used are consistent yet add to the patterns in the layout and design
  • The spatial relationships between the page’s structure and its items make sense
  • Colors, typographies, and textures are appropriately used

A responsive app design helps the business establish its brand in the market. Therefore, to be successful as a full-stack developer, knowledge of design is paramount. It is necessary to be aware of the basic design techniques that add to creating user-friendly websites that appeal to the users.

Furthermore, knowledge about the fundamental design principles (UI/UX) and essential design utility (code, copy, SEO) are also welcomed.

5. In-depth experience in web APIs

The term “web API” refers to both sides of the computer system interacting with each other over a network, i.e., the API services offered by the client (e.g., a web browser) and the API services provided by a server.

The latter is a programmatic interface to a defined request-response message system. There are several design models for web APIs used by today’s developers, the most popular being SOAP and REST.

In-depth experience in web APIs

SOAP is the perfect choice for distributed enterprise environments and is language, platform, and transport dependent. A full-stack developer can provide significant pre-build extensibility and built-in error handling capabilities, along with automation—if used with certain programming language elements.

REST is easier to use for developers of all experiences and is more flexible thanks to its easy-to-understand standards such as OpenAPI Specification 3.0. With REST, a full-stack developer can assume direct point-to-point communication.

REST stands a it closer to other web technologies concerning the design philosophy. Another good thing is its learning curve is too low.

6. Knowledge of the software stack: MEAN, MERN, and LAMP

Technically speaking, the software stack consists of operating systems, languages, databases, tools, scripting languages, and frameworks used by a full-stack developer to ease the workflow and develop a complete software solution. Developers must know three main stacks, including:



MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. A popular tech stack, it enables the use of a single programming language throughout the stack. Full-stack developers can reuse the code across the application, thus decreasing their efforts to reinvent the wheel.



On the other hand, MERN is actually an updated version of MEAN and helps developers in the rapid and efficient full-stack development. It offers them a better understanding of server-side and client-side because of the core use of JavaScript for software development.



LAMP is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Full-stack developers love it for its flexibility and reliability. It offers simplicity and stability coupled with power, making it a suitable source for full-stack development.

7. Expertise in development frameworks

Programming languages are accompanied by a robust development framework such as Python Django, Ruby, MyBatis, Node.JS, PHP ThinkPHP,torrent files, and so on. Therefore, full-stack developers need to understand the development frameworks and know how to apply them efficiently in the business logic.

Knowing the fundamentals of web architecture, data structure, code structure, and the location of computational tasks helps them develop software applications from scratch. Proper planning of the architecture eliminates unnecessary confusion and allows the full-stack developers to do their job correctly.

Wrapping it up

Full-stack developers are essential “jack of all trades” and oscillate between basic frontend technologies and backend frameworks. Their job is to look at every aspect of software development critically and with attention to detail. They work on all three layers of the development process, including the logic layer, presentation layer, and data layer.

Those who are willing to continually update their industry knowledge, learn new programming techniques, and stay on track with the latest development tools are bound to carve a niche for themselves in the world of full-stack development.

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Steps For Planning A New Business Websitehttps://technoroll.org/steps-for-planning-a-new-business-website/https://technoroll.org/steps-for-planning-a-new-business-website/#respondFri, 18 Dec 2020 11:47:08 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=2847In its short (almost) 30-year history, the internet has had a transformational effect on all aspects of modern life – but perhaps nowhere more so than in the world of business. These days, companies big and small rely on the web and connected technologies more than ever for everything from their communications to data transfer […]

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In its short (almost) 30-year history, the internet has had a transformational effect on all
aspects of modern life – but perhaps nowhere more so than in the world of business. These days, companies big and small rely on the web and connected technologies more than ever for everything from their communications to data transfer and storage.

The importance of a company website

It’s estimated that around 83% of all business-to-business (B2B) commerce starts online typically with a Google search for a specific product or service. If your company doesn’t have a website, you’re potentially missing out on gaining new business and expanding your customer base.
However, while being online is important, there’s little point in having a lackluster site that
doesn’t perform for you. Here are a few tips for planning a successful website roll-out and
maximizing your online potential:

Have clear goals and define your purpose:

These days, there are at least eight different types of websites commonly operating online – everything from full e-commerce stores to showcase portfolio sites. Before starting your project, it’s crucially important you have a clear definition of what you want to achieve from your website and how you’re going to reach those goals.

Decide on a budget:

Whether you choose to go it alone with the production of your site or decide to work with a web design agency, you will need to have a clear idea of your available budget. Indeed, cost will likely be the primary influencing factor in the DIY/agency debate. Make sure you have a defined budget in mind – and always allow for a 10-20% contingency fund for unexpected costs.

Define your content strategy:

No matter what type of site you intend to run, content is king when it comes to being online and will be the primary reason people come to your site.
Define what your primary content is going to be – whether that be blog posts, pictures, video, etc and also work out how often you’ll produce new material. Search engines – and, in particular, Google – love fresh, relevant content and will prioritize your site higher as a result. If you struggle with writing, perhaps consider hiring a professional, specialist web writer to help. Text is massively important online and is one of the main ways search engines come to understand what your site is about.

Think of structure and create a sitemap:

All websites feature a branching menu structure similar to a family tree with tiered levels of content. Planning your navigation and page configuration from the start can help focus your mind on the most important areas and save you from going off on a tangent.

Don’t forget online security:

Website security is the greatest threat faced by online ventures – so ignore it at your peril. A hacked website could cause irreparable damage to
your company – both reputation-wise and financially – so be sure to, at minimum, install a security package on your site. Better yet, consider partnering with an internet security expert to provide bulletproof protection on your site, and remember also to take regular back-ups of your content.

Before going live, perform thorough testing:

There’s nothing worse than visiting a site only to find broken 404 links, missing images, or poorly-written text filled with typos. Before putting your site live, comprehensively check all pages for errors and thoroughly test that
everything is working as you expected.

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Top Tips to Use Technology Effectively in Your Businesshttps://technoroll.org/tips-to-use-technology-in-your-business/https://technoroll.org/tips-to-use-technology-in-your-business/#respondFri, 18 Dec 2020 11:04:28 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=2840Many businesses are now starting to rely on technology for their business to be a roaring success. However, using technology effectively can not always be as simple as it seems. This guide will go through some of the top ways that business owners can ensure that they are harnessing technology correctly and that they only […]

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Many businesses are now starting to rely on technology for their business to be a roaring success. However, using technology effectively can not always be as simple as it seems. This guide will go through some of the top ways that business owners can ensure that they are harnessing technology correctly and that they only encounter minimal problems with their tech usage.

Hire a Professional Website Developer

If you are struggling to make an impression on the general public and your target audience online, or if your technology keeps crashing or failing, you should consider hiring a professional website developer. They will be able to troubleshoot any issues that you may be having and ensure that your business can continue to grow on its new digital forum. Not only this, but they will be able to give you a professional-level website from which to base your operations. If you need extra technical help, you should consider website and WordPress development from ALT Agency in the UK.

Analyze Your Data

However, you will not be able to fix any issues that you encounter if you do not notice them in the first place. Then, you should try to analyze your data and tech usage regularly. For instance, you should consider using metrics and KPIs to see whether your It and technology has had a positive impact on your firm, as well as checking your website stats and conversion rates to see whether your sales and target audience has expanded.

Back-Up Your Files and Documents

Your tech usage may not always run smoothly, though, and crashing or failing computers can lead to the loss of important files and documents that you have stored on your gadgets. Then, you should consider taking precautions before this occurs by backing up your files and documents. For instance, cloud storage services can store your files on a remote server that is encrypted against cybercriminals.

Install Security Software

The first step that you should take when you are looking to use your tech more effectively, though, is to install security software. Security software can ensure that your business does not fall foul of crime or lose business due to your website or your technology going down for a prolonged time. This includes firewalls, encryption devices, and anti-virus software solutions.

Make Tech Part of Your Business Plan

You should not see technology as separate from your company, though. Instead, you should see technology as a way to grow and advance your business, and as such, it should be part of your business plan. This will allow you to find the best ways to use technology in your brand while also ensuring that you can constantly meet your technical and digital transformation goals and increase and improve your tech use over time.
Using technology effectively can help you prevent many of the challenges of technology and allow you to solve many of the more general problems that your business might be facing. From constantly analyzing your tech use to employing professionals to help this run smoothly, this guide covers some of the best ways to allow your business to handle tech well.

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Features Vue Templates And Admin Dashboardshttps://technoroll.org/features-of-vue-templates/https://technoroll.org/features-of-vue-templates/#respondMon, 23 Nov 2020 20:21:55 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=2669As admin dashboards typically depend intensely on JavaScript, it was simply a certain time until excellent Templates and Dashboards worked with Vue.js start to arise! In this article, you will locate a web developing assortment of premium and free Vue.js Admin Templates. They are all adaptable, simple to utilize, responsive, and of the best quality. […]

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As admin dashboards typically depend intensely on JavaScript, it was simply a certain time until excellent Templates and Dashboards worked with Vue.js start to arise! In this article, you will locate a web developing assortment of premium and free Vue.js Admin Templates.

They are all adaptable, simple to utilize, responsive, and of the best quality.

Vue Templates And Admin Dashboards


Sing App Vue Template is a completely responsive administrator format created with Bootstrap 4 and Vue JS 2.5.2. JQuery-free! The creator put several hours into the improvement of Sing App Vue to generate its configuration and code great. There is a whole web programming system inside that supports the quality, speed, and upkeep of your web app. 


Sing App Vue Node.js Dashboard is an administrator layout incorporated with Postgres information base and Node.js backend. Different login strategies, items the board pages, and validation are now actualized and prepared to utilize. This Vue layout is fit to be sent to any facilitating like Heroku, Amazon AWS, and so on. For example, it is a finished frontend + backend format.


Vue Material Template is an administrator dashboard topic that worked with the Vuetify structure and Material plan framework. Vue Material Template is an extraordinary begin to fabricate your next web app utilizing cutting-edge advancements, for example, Vue, Vue Router, and Vuetify. Besides, you will continually get refreshes from our group and keep awake-to-date with the Vue biological system. Highlight demands are welcome.


Light Blue Vue Admin is a lovely Vue.js layout with a novel straightforward plan and two premium User Interface-topics. It causes you to quickstart the improvement of your dashboard web app by giving several pre-constructed segments and many model pages. All pieces of the template are worked with the most recent renditions of Vue.js, Vue-bootstrap, Vuex, and Vue-switch.


Fueled by Vuestic User Interface, adjustable User Interface library with 44 plus parts included. It has unique and corporate shading plans.


It is a Vuetify administrator dashboard that worked with the Vuetify structure. With Vue, it is simple to assemble responsive, quick stacking, and consistently exploring applications. Besides, Vuetify is the most forefront Vue system with bunches of underlying highlights to accelerate web improvement. 


Light Blue Vue Admin is an administrator layout that worked with Bootstrap 4 and Vue JS. Exceptional unpretentious plan with somewhat straightforward gadgets and slope foundation make this Vue JS format an uncommon proposal among other Vue templates. With Light Blue Vue Template it turns out to be a lot simpler to construct the board interface for the SAAS startup, IoT dashboard, booking the executives framework, or some other web application. 


Sing App Vue Dashboard is an administrator template that worked with Vue JS 2.5.2 and Bootstrap 4. Start with the administrator template, which is construct following the freshest advancement heap of Vue, thus you won’t have to pick up everything without anyone else! All fundamental segments are prepared to utilize. 


Vue Material Template is an administrator dashboard subject that worked with Vuetify structure and incorporated with PostgreSQL and Node.js backend. Login techniques, items the executive’s pages and verification are underlying in these applications to make your occupation simple. This Vue format can be sent on any facilitating like Heroku, Amazon AWS, and so on. Vue Material Template Node.js is an extraordinary starter unit to assemble your next web application on top of its Vue Router, Vue, Vuetify, PostgreSQL, and Node.js. Besides, we continually discharge refreshes, so you could keep awake-to-date with the Vue environment. 


Light Blue Vue Node.js is a backend-furnished wonderful Vue format with a special straightforward plan and prepared to-utilize item the executives pages! Postgres information base, different login strategies, CRUD model, and validation framework are as of now executed. You should simply to just convey the application. All pieces of the template are worked with the most recent adaptations of Vue.js, Node.js, Vue-switch, Vuex, and Vue-bootstrap. 

To check out the demonstrations and full information about these Vue Templates you can click on the link, https://flatlogic.com/templates/vue.


By the end of this article, I hope you have been given an idea about the best Vue templates that you can review on the internet. Visit one of the most reliable websites like Flatlogic to choose templates that are exactly what you need and are really looking for.

Check Technoroll for informative articles.

The post Features Vue Templates And Admin Dashboards appeared first on Technoroll.

What is the Future of Full-Stack Web Development?https://technoroll.org/future-of-full-stack-web-development/https://technoroll.org/future-of-full-stack-web-development/#respondThu, 01 Oct 2020 22:08:48 +0000https://technoroll.org/?p=2219Lately, you could have heard many discussions about the role of full-stack (FS) web developers. While others are pretty sure that full-stack development will last since plenty of companies in different countries are ready to provide these services. Moreover, the teams with proven holistic expertise are in demand and are appreciated by their customers. A case […]

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Lately, you could have heard many discussions about the role of full-stack (FS) web developers. While others are pretty sure that full-stack development will last since plenty of companies in different countries are ready to provide these services. Moreover, the teams with proven holistic expertise are in demand and are appreciated by their customers. A case in point would be purrweb.com, which is ranked high by both Clutch and GoodFirms.

But the question remains: do such companies have a future?

How does full-stack web development work?

If you are not tech-savvy or just new to IT with its specific terms, an FS developer is a specialist who can control both sides of a project: back and front. FS specialists can do lots of stuff — work with data, create web or desktop apps, connect server and front-end sides, etc. Therefore, they generally know several programming languages. Considering all these traits, being a programmer, especially a full-stack one, is a real challenge as it requires a lot of skills.

Such specialists are much sought after when it comes to mastering an MVP or launching a web product. They are well aware of the amount of work and what technologies are needed in order to carry out the full development process. Nevertheless, an essential feature of an FS engineer is the ability to handle two components: server and client-side of the product, as well as understand all the tricky points.

What are the main trump cards of full-stack developers?

Since you already know what full-stack engineering is, let’s be more precise. To get a clear vision of what these specialists can offer, here is a shortlist of their competitive advantages:

  • They can work on every step of the project as they know everything about the application or a site, every layer of it;
  • They have an array of skills and learn rapidly;
  • Working with them can reduce the development cost of your app or site, as you do not need to hire dozens of professionals;
  • They can create your product quickly;
  • You save time and effort as you do not need to communicate with many teams to launch your product.

Of course, every concept has its drawbacks, and so does FS development. Among the disadvantages is the high dependence on the qualification level and the skill set of the particular developer. If they choose the wrong technology for your site or app, you will end up wasting time while waiting for everything to be done appropriately. That’s why it is important to choose an experienced team to carry out your project. This will guarantee a high quality of service. Some believe that their skills are obsolete, and it is almost the end of the full-stack web development era.

Do these specialists have a future?

While we have discussed the key points of being a full-stack specialist, you might be wondering what the trends are.

If you think full-stack development is something new, you are wrong. Actually, the term did not exist, but the professionals did. They were simply called “developers” with no prefixes. The applications and sites were created from scratch by a single person — someone who could have been called a full-stack developer today.

At some point, many started to think that the demand for these professionals would freeze or even decrease. However, the new generation of specialists has changed the development paradigm, bringing about a fundamental change in the software development process. Developers that can solve any problem are in demand. And being more effective than a big team of programmers is what makes full-stack developers so valuable in the job market.

Speaking of salaries, full-stack developers earn a lot. There were a couple of surveys on this topic, and the average salary of a full-stack developer in 2020 is around $91 thousand per year. Also, these developers often say that they are satisfied with their job, which is another important aspect to consider. In fact, a full-stack developer is among 37% of careers with the highest happiness rate. Sounds pretty exciting, isn’t it?

Obviously, the pay rate depends on the region. The exact salary may depend on many factors, but no matter where you live, as a full-stack specialist, you will earn a lot. If you check your local sites that offer jobs in IT, we are almost sure that you will find some offers with quite high salaries.

Can I learn to become a full-stack engineer?

Sure! Every profession begins with training. Plenty of courses are available, including online ones, and they can help you acquire the necessary skills. A good option is to start getting to grips with the basics via Coursera or Udemy. Both have a dedicated selection of courses for specialists of various expertise levels.

However, do not try to learn everything, know what you are after, and focus on what is most important for you. IT is known for being welcoming to everyone, so your background does not matter as much as your actual skills, and it is a huge advantage of the sphere when compared to more conservative careers.

To succeed in the field, you will need to have various skills, including HTML, some back-end languages (for example, Python or PHP), web architecture, and many others.

FS development is trending, even according to Google, but the IT market is still not overwhelmed. Even though you can find plenty of courses to take, not all alumni actually find a job. And, of course, to earn a lot, you will need experience. The competition among newcomers can be tough, but with the right skillset and attitude, you can have an amazing career in IT.

Final word

Despite the beliefs of many skeptics, the prospects of full-stack developers look pretty bright. It takes a lot to become a professional. However, the more time you dedicate to the development of your skills, the more you can achieve in the future. There are many advantages for you to pick this job, and you will depend only on yourself.

If you think of hiring someone to fulfill your projects: site or application — consider full-stack developers. With all the advantages discussed above, they will remain a win-win solution, saving your money.

Unless the Internet is going to vanish (and it is very unlikely!), full-stack web developers will remain in demand for years to come.

The post What is the Future of Full-Stack Web Development? appeared first on Technoroll.
