Home Games Beyond the Console: A Guide to Home Gaming Hardware

Beyond the Console: A Guide to Home Gaming Hardware


The global influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the modern gaming industry has been pronounced. While Microsoft and Sony have released their most powerful consoles to date in the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, global shortages have led to empty shelves, lengthy delays for online orders, and the rise of scalpers around the world.

It has also meant fewer games are being released, especially when it comes to AAA titles. Those looking to see relief by purchasing or building a gaming PC have also been left frustrated, with soaring component costs means these machines cost thousands to build.

While there is no doubt that video games have never looked as good or have been as immersive as current titles are, there has been significant interest in retro gaming. Adults that played the classic arcade machines in Australia used to have in every corner store, roller skating rink and dedicated arcade are turning back to their old school favorites – and introducing their children to this generation of gaming as well.

It is now affordable and accessible to have modern arcade machines delivered to your home, loaded with all of the classics from Pong to Pacman, from Street Fighter II to Shinobi. While they may lack the graphics, production, and polish of the modern games, they still have the same timeless and accessible appeal that made them classics, to begin with. 

Authentic Retro Gaming Has Become An Expensive Hobby

The wave of retro curiosity has led many adult gamers to seek out the consoles they played in their youth – only to get a rude shock. Because of the tidal wave of collectors seeking out retro consoles and games, coupled with a limited supply on the market, prices have gone through the roof – and they are unlikely to come down in price anytime soon.

The more popular the game, the more you are likely to pay. A sealed copy of Super Mario from the Nintendo 64 recently set the record price for a retro game sold at auction, collecting $1.5 million USD. Even loose cartridges can still set you back thousands of dollars, especially if they were a rare title like Hagane on Super Nintendo that has had a resurgence in popularity.

The mainstream titles from back in the day also fetch a pretty penny, even though thousands of copies were produced. That is because every collector wants the likes of Legend of Zelda and Mega Man in their collection, but few people are selling their copies.

The market has also become flooded with emulation machines and reproduction cartridges, but their quality and compatibility with modern televisions vary wildly. So what is a gamer to do when they want to tap into the new wave of retro gaming?

Home Arcade Machines Are The Perfect Retro Solution

How many gamers have always dreamed of having their own arcade machine as a centerpiece in their home? That dream is now achievable for the average gamer.

Modern arcade cabinets emulate the appearance of the classic arcade machines but feature some very important modern twists.

For a start, you are not limited to a single game per cabinet (or a collection of a few games in machines like the Neo Geo range). Your modern arcade can be shipped with all of the classics from consoles and the arcades pre-installed.

They also include high-definition displays and built-in sound systems that have been calibrated to work with all of the retro classics. 

You can choose from a range of styles including classic artwork from your favorite machines, lighting options, and controller layouts to suit your preferences. So forget about waiting for a modern console to become available, it’s time to get back to the arcade – in your own home.

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